66 Tips and Insights from the BrightonSEO 2012 Conference Wordtracker
-You can rank with just social shares but not for long.
-Coca Cola is moving 20% of their budget to inbound marketing.
Writing Great Content Will NOT Get You Links
-Read everything influencers write and post a valuable comment.
Using AuthorRank To Future-Proof Guest Posting
-Find freelance writers who are experts in the topic they are writing guest posts on.
-Google will eventually devalue low quality guest posting.
Term Anchor Text – The Future of Penguin? Ross Hudgens
-Ahrefs is a great link research tool.
-Google may look at frequency of anchor text terms in the future (not just overuse of specific phrases).
SEO Meets Psychology: 10 Principles of Influence Northcutt SEO
-You are more likely to trust someone when you make a small commitment.
Distilled Guide to Online Video Marketing Distilled
-Blog posts with video tend to increase visitor’s time on site.
How to Make Money Blogging The Sugarrae Blog
-Don’t rely on banner ads to earn revenue.
Penguin Analysis: SEO Isn’t Dead, But You Need to Act Smarter (And 5 Easy Ways to Do So!) Microsite Masters
-Penalized sites had few links from relevant sites.
-Sites that viewed themselves as a business fared better.
How I Manage My Introversion Connection Agent
-Introversion is not a curse or problem.
Here’s to the Quiet Ones (audio) The Leonard Lopate Show
-Introverts is not synonymous with anti-social.
-There is no difference in IQ levels, but introverts tend to be more knowledgeable.
Understanding the Dangers of “Ego-Depletion” Four Hour Work Week
-Greater cognitive strain makes it difficult to overcome instinctive desires.
-Minimizing decision making can reduce cognitive depletion.
Rethinking Sleep NY Times
-A third of working adults get 6 hours of sleep or less.
How to Be Unhappy The Art of Non-Conformity
Happiness First, Then Everything Else Steve Pavlina
-Make decisions aligned with happiness first.
What I’m Reading
Your Brain at Work is an excellent book on how to leverage the research on how the brain functions to be more effective at work.
Creative Commons photo by Mark Sebastian
This is a moving video made by Seattle Childrens Hospital and featured during Rand Fishkin’s keynote at Mozcon 2012.