Charles Sipe’s Tweets

  • 2.5 billion people have no access to a basic sanitary toilet. – Rose George #TED Apr 27, 2013 
  • My first baby was just born this morning! Apr 23, 2013 
  • Good night world. Tomorrow I become a Dad. Apr 23, 2013 
  • If you wait for all the lights to turn green before you go to work, you’re always going to be late. -Eventual Millionaire podcast Apr 22, 2013 
  • Why You Should Work From a Coffee Shop, Even When You Have an Office Apr 20, 2013 
  • The healthiest of all human emotions is gratitude. -Zig Ziglar Apr 19, 2013 
  • RT @nick_eubanks: Brilliant post by the always impressive @stephbeadell >> RCS for RPS: Relationship Building with Results http:// … Apr 18, 2013 
  • Goosebumps-> Crowd singing National Anthem at Bruins-Sabres game in Boston – YouTube Apr 18, 2013 
  • Whew! Migration of a WordPress site to a different hosting account has gone smoothly except for images. Apr 18, 2013 
  • Do you learn the most from books, blogs, or podcasts? Apr 17, 2013 
  • We should make it more honorable to be an entrepreneur. -Nassim Taleb Apr 17, 2013 
  • Banks are in the business of hiding risk. Banks lost in 2008, more than in the history of banking. -Nassim Taleb Apr 17, 2013 
  • What are you using as a mobile RSS reader? I’m not a fan of Feedly. Apr 16, 2013 
  • Meditation-> The most frequent piece of advice I’m giving lately – Christopher S. Penn : Awaken Your Superhero Apr 16, 2013 
  • RT @chrisguillebeau: Designer turns negative client comments into posters — Apr 15, 2013 
  • The Microsoft Store staff will remove viruses for free, even for a Mac. -Major Nelson Radio Apr 14, 2013 
  • “Amazon is building a 3.3 million sq foot campus in Seattle…As many as 17,000 young college-educated workers are expected to be hired” Apr 14, 2013 
  • Make a habit of choosing adventure over comfort. -Wisdom Meets Passion Apr 13, 2013 
  • RT @dohertyjf: Apparently you can now select up to 5000 rows in GA from the dropdown. No more hacking! Apr 11, 2013 
  • Just received a review copy of Can’t Buy Me Like by Bob Garfield and Doug Levy Apr 11, 2013 
  • RT @dohertyjf: Sergey Brin hasn’t posted anything publicly on G+ since February 20th. What does that say? Apr 10, 2013 
  • Despite being California player of the year Jeremy Lin received no Division I scholarship offers. -60 Minutes Apr 09, 2013 
  • This looks like an awesome deal on AppSumo -> Freebie Alert: Lifetime of Crazy Egg Apr 09, 2013 
  • What You Need To Be Happy by Professor Ed Diener – YouTube Apr 09, 2013 
  • Great talk by @jcolman -> Surviving as an Introvert in an Extroverted World – Jonathon Colman – YouTube Apr 08, 2013 
  • “Staring at cute images for 90 seconds a day can sharpen your focus and reduce your error rate, studies show” – Inc. Apr 06, 2013 
  • Josh Kaufman, author of The Personal MBA, is teaching a live workshop for the next couple days on @creativeLIVE Apr 04, 2013 
  • allows you to talk to experts in various subjects for a set rate per minute. Amazing idea that I hope takes off. Apr 03, 2013 
  • A guest post I wrote for @sparkplugonline 7 Actionable Ideas for Earning Links to Your Small Business Apr 01, 2013 
  • RT @RossHudgens: .@dharmesh was interviewed by @jason on TWiST: Awesome, revealing interview from the HubSpot Fou … Apr 01, 2013 
  • @sonicsgate Kevin Durant sporting a Seattle Mariners hat at the Women’s NCAA tourney! Apr 01, 2013 
  • RT @mattmcgee: Google spends all this time, energy and money on its April Fool’s pranks … and it can’t keep Google Reader open. #JokeIsOnUs Apr 01, 2013 
  • Excited to start reading Decisive, the new book by Chip and Dan Heath. Mar 30, 2013 
  • How to persuade people who you don’t know to help you via Social Triggers Mar 27, 2013 
  • Sometimes introverts need alone time to recharge-> Nnamdi Asomugha Spent Time Alone In Car To Get Away From Teammates Mar 25, 2013 
  • RT @DanJMckee: The Audacity of a Ninth Grader (awesome, awesome, awesome read) – @natekontny Mar 25, 2013 
  • Yay, my copy of Ultimate Guide to Linkbuilding has arrived. Mar 25, 2013 
  • Interesting read -> Wealth Over the Edge: Singapore – Mar 24, 2013 
  • RT @creativeLIVE: LIVE NOW! Join @derekhalpern for the final day of his “Mastering Onlines Sales” course! Mar 22, 2013 
  • Pocket for Android has a great text-to-speech feature for reading articles on the go. Mar 21, 2013 
  • RT @creativeLIVE: LIVE NOW! It’s #day1 of Mastering Online Sales with @derekhalpern! #derekLIVE Mar 21, 2013 
  • Chronic high Cortisol levels (from stress) can erode parts of your body and affect memory. -@tamaralackey Mar 20, 2013 
  • A study found excercise was as effective as medication for treating depression. -@tamaralackey #creativelive Mar 20, 2013 
  • My interview with Alex Avery on starting an online marketing consultancy Mar 19, 2013 
  • The #1 predictor of happiness is quality time with people we care about -> Big Think Interview with Tal Ben-Shahar Mar 16, 2013 
  • Just signed the Google Reader petition, over 105k so far -> Petition | Google: Keep Google Reader Running Mar 15, 2013 
  • 1 in 10 schools teach students how to code ->What most schools don’t teach – YouTube Mar 15, 2013 
  • Whoa this is awesome. shows anyone’s last 3,200 tweets on one page. Mar 14, 2013 
  • RT @cspenn: Google Reader shutting down. Got a Mac? Use Vienna instead: Mar 14, 2013 
  • Twinkies will be back on shelves by summer after sale to two private equity firms. -APM Marketplace #saveourtwinkies Mar 13, 2013 
  • You can steal ideas but you can’t steal execution. ~Do More Faster Mar 12, 2013 
  • Fascinating interview on disrupting college education -> Anant Agarwal President of EdX – TWiST #332 Mar 12, 2013 
  • RT @MarcSesslerNFL: Harvin trade a bold, smart move for Seahawks, per @GreggRosenthal Mar 11, 2013 
  • RT @KaneJamison: And… we’re live: our new Chrome Extension called ShareMetric is now live in the Chrome Library: Mar 11, 2013 
  • Congrats @KaneJamison, SlideShare homepage -> Data Makes Your Content Harder, Better, Faster, and Stronger Mar 10, 2013 
  • Noooo. Just heard on Marketing Over Coffee that Tweetdeck is shutting down soon. Mar 09, 2013 
  • New interview on my blog: Starting an Online Marketing Consultancy: Interview with Alex Avery Mar 08, 2013 
  • RT @JimmyDaugherty: Money well spent! Another reason @distilled rocks, we get a #HappinessBudget! Mar 08, 2013 
  • Good TED talk -> How To Find And Do Work You Love: Scott Dinsmore at TEDxGoldenGatePark Mar 07, 2013 
  • Pick industry contoversy, do a test, reach out to people who have written about it in the past. @kanejamison #distilledlive Mar 06, 2013 
  • Content should be relevant and aligned with brand. @adriasaracina #distilledlive Mar 06, 2013 
  • It is hard for your competitors to copy your relationships. ~Paul May #marketmotive Mar 06, 2013 
  • Interesting comparison of happy versus angry athletes Mar 05, 2013 
  • Neat live stream -> Alessondra’s OKC Great Horned Owl-Cam Mar 04, 2013 
  • RT @iPullRank: Interesting article on how a can of Coca-Cola is made by @kevin_ashton Mar 03, 2013 
  • One of the greatest life hacks is you are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with. ~Scott Dinsmore #risetothetop Mar 02, 2013 
  • Just discovered a useful tool that reads articles to you. h/t @Mike_Stelzner Mar 01, 2013 
  • Recently discovered a new podcast I like: The Lifestyle Business Podcast Feb 28, 2013 
  • RT @susancain: “A child’s @Playstation today is more powerful than a military supercomputer from 1996.” — Quote by @erikbryn @ #TED Feb 26, 2013 
  • Success in life is looking back with satisfaction on how you invested your finite time. ~Brad Feld Feb 25, 2013 
  • Spend as much time as possible on things you care about -> Brad Feld – Naked Entrepreneur – YouTube Feb 25, 2013 
  • Interesting-> Time Travel (from Comic-Con) Stuff You Should Know Podcast Feb 25, 2013 
  • Art is doing personal work that might fail that connects with other human beings. ~Seth Godin #thesocialhour Feb 22, 2013 
  • Jonathan Fields interviews Dan Pink – To Sell Is Human (for real?!) – YouTube Feb 22, 2013 
  • Just signed up for Mozcon 2013! #mozcon Feb 21, 2013 
  • RT @lstigerts: Helping and being generous is the best way to network. #is19 Feb 21, 2013 
  • Sly Stallone was considered for the role of Jason Bourne – 5 Things You Might Not Know About ‘The Bourne Identity,’ Feb 20, 2013 
  • Kevin Rose recommends the book Spontaneous Happiness in Random Show #20 Feb 20, 2013 
  • Discomfort Zone: How to Master the Universe : zenhabits Feb 17, 2013 
  • “When we think about spending money, we tend to do so in relative, as opposed to absolute terms” -Dan Ariely Feb 17, 2013 
  • Ramit Sethi studied long-form sales pages and created a 47-page long sales page that works really well. @creativelive Feb 17, 2013 
  • In a world of infinite choice, if something is not made for me, I’m gone. -Ramit Sethi @creativelive Feb 16, 2013 
  • RT @randfish: This Wednesday at 6pm, @bfeld is speaking in Seattle on balancing startup life & relationships Feb 16, 2013 
  • RT @DannyDover: Wish I would have seen this earlier :-p Feb 16, 2013 
  • RT @lstigerts: Stop listening to what everyone says you SHOULD be doing and start doing what you WANT to be doing. Feb 15, 2013 
  • Happiness First, Then Everything Else Feb 15, 2013 
  • RT @lstigerts: Tablets converted 4x more than smartphones during the 2012 holiday season. -@KaneJamison #stf Feb 14, 2013 
  • RT @susancain: RT @TheAtlantic: Why grading on class participation doesn’t work | By @SusanCain –  Feb 13, 2013 
  • 10 Helpful Online Resources for Improving Public Speaking Skills – via the Grad School Professional Development blog Feb 12, 2013 
  • RT @lstigerts: Valentine’s Day is Thursday! Scrambling for last-minute gifts? I’ve got geeky ideas for you on the @bigfishgames blog: ht … Feb 12, 2013 
  • There is something wrong with using stock photos to represent your employees or customers. ~David Meerman Scott Feb 09, 2013 
  • Picked up Neil Gaiman’s The Graveyard Book on Audible per Tim Ferriss’ recommendation. Feb 07, 2013 
  • @justinrbriggs Warm Bodies was better than I expected after hearing the premise. I enjoyed it. Feb 03, 2013 
  • Small Asteroid to Whiz Past Earth Safely via NASA Feb 02, 2013 
  • RT @sparkplugonline: Stop Listening to Your Customers – @HarvardBiz Feb 01, 2013 
  • RT @portentint: RT @ipullrank: There are no dull products, only dull writers. -D. Ogilvy Jan 31, 2013 
  • Willpower doesn’t last, but rituals can last a lifetime. ~Tony Robbins Jan 31, 2013 
  • Head fake your perceived limitations by testing assumptions. ~Tim Ferriss Jan 31, 2013 
  • @alexanderavery Thanks Alex! I enjoyed our chat. Jan 31, 2013 
  • Jeff Bezos includes an empty chair at important meetings to represent the customer. -To Sell is Human Jan 30, 2013 
  • RT @james3sun: Pursuit of happiness may be overrated. Jan 30, 2013 
  • Just finished The Personal MBA by Josh Kaufman. Great summary of hundreds of business ideas. Jan 29, 2013 
  • Studies show that people often prefer potential over prior accomplishments. -To Sell is Human Jan 29, 2013 
  • RT @dohertyjf: I’m struggling to understand why this TEDx talk from @bfeld only has 12.5k views – (found via @randfish) Jan 26, 2013 
  • RT @lstigerts: The brain is drained of dopamine when we fail, which makes it hard to concentrate & to learn from mistakes http://t.c … Jan 25, 2013 
  • RT @DangeRussWilson: “Perfection is not attainable. But if we chase perfection, we can catch excellence.” -Vince Lombardi Jan 24, 2013 
  • RT @simplymeasured: We raised $8M in new funding. Read more from @schoeny about why we did it, and what it means: Jan 22, 2013 
  • Upgraded the memory card on my Galaxy S and accidentally erased all my @Audible notes. 🙁 Wish they stored these in the cloud Jan 22, 2013 
  • RT @sonicsarena: #SonicsArena group has finalized agreement to purchase controlling interest in the Sacramento Kings NBA franchise. http … Jan 21, 2013 
  • RT @Sonicsgate: Multiple reports tonight that Kings sale to Hansen finalized & will be announced Monday/Tuesday. #NBA #SEA #SAC #rum … Jan 21, 2013 
  • RT @creativeLIVE: “Learn Anything”! Enroll in @dalejstephens’s course to educate yourself outside the traditional a … Jan 20, 2013 
  • The average person spends 20 minutes in Walmart and are lost for 12 of those minutes. ~The Beancast Jan 20, 2013 
  • RT @johnhcook: VC investments near $1B: Here’s the list of Washington startups that scored cash in 2012: Jan 18, 2013 
  • Research shows that extroverts aren’t the best salespeople, ambiverts are. ~To Sell is Human Jan 18, 2013 
  • @DanJMckee Haha, yes it could have been! Jan 18, 2013 
  • A guy with an eastern european accent followed me home because he thought I threw an empty soda cup that “damaged” his car. Jan 18, 2013 
  • People said they wanted healthier McDonald’s but no one orders the apple slices. -Beancast Jan 17, 2013 
  • Ramit Sethi shares tips to improve your social skills via @youtube Jan 16, 2013 
  • Just started reading Daniel Pink’s new book, To Sell is Human. Has anyone read it? Jan 15, 2013 
  • Nexus 7 just arrived! 🙂 Jan 14, 2013 
  • Social support has very high correlation with increased happiness at .7 -The Happiness Advantage Jan 14, 2013 
  • RT @mattmcgee: #GOHAWKS Amazing season. Beat New England, GB, Dallas, Chi, SFran, Minn. 5-1 against playoff teams. Can’t wait 2B season … Jan 13, 2013 
  • Me too RT @BillWixey I am shaking. I cannot believe what I am seeing. #Seahawks #GoHawks #Believe Jan 13, 2013 
  • RT @JerryBrewer: Wow, what composure by Wilson, avoiding a sack & getting a pass to Lynch, who takes it to the 4-yard line. #SEAvsATL Jan 13, 2013 
  • Don’t tell the Seahawks that teams are 1-56 while trailing by 20 in the playoffs. #seahawks Jan 13, 2013 
  • RT @WMoon1: Hawks making a charge this second half! #GoHawks !!! Jan 13, 2013 
  • Swipe Files – How to Start One, Why You Need One, & Tools to Get Started via @goodwillstacy Jan 13, 2013 
  • RT @jaycrimes: “If you’re good at something, never do it for free.” -The Joker, The Dark Knight Jan 13, 2013 
  • Early on, you should always hire for culture fit over competence. ~Brad Feld #startups Jan 12, 2013 
  • @Veronica_Jarski Thanks for following. MarketingProfs is one of my favorite sites. Jan 11, 2013 
  • Report from NBA Analyst Steinmetz is that the Kings deal is done for $525 million #sonics Jan 11, 2013 
  • @jamies I’ll take it but remember this before the Saints game? “The 2010 Seattle Seahawks: Worst. Playoff. Team. Ever?” Jan 11, 2013 
  • RT @GaryPayton_20: Been a crazy and incredible day…very very excited for my Seattle Sonics to be back Jan 10, 2013 
  • Is this really happening!!! RT @ChrisDaniels5 “Sacramento Kings being sold to Seattle-based group” Jan 10, 2013 
  • RT @portentint: When your house is burning down, you should brush your teeth @oatmeal Amazing, sad, funny story. Jan 09, 2013 
  • Watching the Techcrunch live video coverage at CES. Jan 08, 2013 
  • Inspiring article by @jcolman -> A Guide to Public Speaking for Introverted and Shy People Jan 08, 2013 
  • Your not to do list is as important as your to do list. ~Tim Ferriss, Gape Into the Void podcast Jan 05, 2013 
  • @dan_shure I like the redesign! Did you hire a web designer or do it yourself? Jan 04, 2013 
  • Interesting points by Dave Winer -> RT @DanJMckee Silicon Valley is wrong about college Jan 02, 2013 
  • Watching the replay of the Ramit Sethi workshop on Money + Business on CreativeLive Jan 02, 2013 
  • Happy new year! Jan 01, 2013 
  • RT @tom_peters: If listening does not exhaust you, you aren’t really listening. Jan 01, 2013 
  • @mattmcgee @TimothyCarter Are the Seahawks the surprise team of the year? I don’t think anyone predicted 11 wins before the season started. Dec 31, 2012 
  • “I was going to throw it to Zach to break the record,” Wilson said, “but that is not me. The only thing that matters to me was to win ..” Dec 31, 2012 
  • Interesting insights from answer #1 -> Is getting rich worth it? – Quora Dec 29, 2012 
  • RT @DannyDover: Made it!!! This tweet is from Antarctica. 🙂 – Dec 27, 2012 
  • 2/3 of Americans think their kids are spoiled -> Why Are American Kids So Spoiled? : The New Yorker Dec 26, 2012 
  • RT @studentofsucces: “Far and away the best prize that life offers is the chance to work hard at something worth doing.” Thomas Jefferson Dec 26, 2012 
  • Good oldie -> Switch: Don’t Solve Problems – Copy Success via Fast Company Dec 19, 2012 
  • RT @JoannaLord: BAM! @SEOmoz is named the #1 Place to Work in Seattle! #hellyeah #goteam Dec 17, 2012 
  • Colin Powell said leadership is the ability to get others to follow you, if only out of curiosity. – Ben Horowitz talk Dec 16, 2012 
  • Terrific talk by Ben Horowitz on building a tech company at UC Berkeley Dec 15, 2012 
  • Found out today that we’re having a girl. #happiness Dec 15, 2012 
  • Material wants provide justification for spending time on things that don’t matter. -4 Hour Workweek Dec 13, 2012 
  • High profile bloggers have to trust the messenger before they will trust the message. -Tim Ferriss Dec 11, 2012 
  • Very cool talk -> RT @DannyDover In case you missed it, check out my recent TED Talk – Dec 10, 2012 
  • Fun fact: Joseph Gordon-Levitt listened to This American Life to pass the time during the 3 hours of makeup for Looper. Dec 10, 2012 
  • Gmail tip I just learned about. Turn on keyboard shortcuts in settings. Shift + / will show all shortcuts. Dec 08, 2012 
  • @PointBlankSEO Very sweet! This is a great example of earning a link by being helpful. Dec 05, 2012 
  • 1.2 million uniques per month with 1 new post every 2-4 weeks. Good interview with Tim Ferriss on Smart Passive Income Dec 05, 2012 
  • RT @PointBlankSEO: 1) Find competitive non-spammy verticals. 2) Find link profiles of link builders kicking ass. 3) Learn. I do this way … Dec 05, 2012 
  • RT @DangeRussWilson: Amazing win! What a Team Effort! Onto the next one! #BELIEVE #GoHawks Dec 02, 2012 
  • Another tremendous comeback win for @DangeRussWilson and the @seahawks. Dec 02, 2012 
  • Nice IFTTT Recipe-> Log all your tweets to one Evernote note and append new entries to it. Works around Twitter API Dec 01, 2012 
  • Watching Lewis Howes free workshop on building an online business on #creativeLive Nov 30, 2012 
  • How To Increase Website Traffic and Grow Your List with Derek Halpern via @trentdyrsmid Nov 30, 2012 
  • Does management consulting work? Interesting discussion on Freakonomics Radio Nov 28, 2012 
  • Excellent resource -> How SEO Pros Manage Their Work & Time via seandillonsmith Nov 28, 2012 
  • Neat interview on starting a programming school -> Starter League: Bootstrapped To $1 Mil With No Programming Skills Nov 27, 2012 
  • RT @portentint: Thursday I’m doing Time Management for Marketers Free webinar – checkitout Nov 27, 2012 
  • Your GPA only matters to people who have no other reason to find you interesting. -Chris Sacca Nov 27, 2012 
  • Free online workshop on 11/30 -> Launching an Online Business with Lewis Howes via creativeLIVE Nov 26, 2012 
  • RT @SteveAkinsSEO: Money won’t buy happiness but happiness may bring you money: @latimes via @kabbenbock @aaker Nov 25, 2012 
  • “Without conscious and deliberate effort, inertia always wins” -Tony Hsieh Nov 22, 2012 
  • Interesting talk -> The Pleasures and Sorrows of Work – YouTube Nov 22, 2012 
  • Ichiro thanks ‘Ichimeter Lady’ with gifts, note – Nov 20, 2012 
  • Using The Club on your car creates a negative externality (makes other cars more attractive to thieves) – Superfreakonomics Nov 18, 2012 
  • Good interview-> Tim’s Rapid Learning Method And The Four-Hour Chef – with Tim Ferriss via Mixergy Nov 17, 2012 
  • When you try to do something really big, it’s hard to fail completely ~Tim Ferriss via creativeLIVE Nov 14, 2012 
  • Tim Ferriss free 2 day online live workshop starting now at creativeLIVE Nov 14, 2012 
  • RT @KaneJamison: From Quora: “To be happier, what’s the smallest, simplest thing an average person could do?” Nov 14, 2012 
  • Only 50% of employees in the US say they are satisfied with their work. -Happier Nov 14, 2012 
  • Bill Gates: My 13 favorite talks via TED Nov 13, 2012 
  • Looking forward to this free live workshop by Tim Ferriss on Nov 14th on Nov 13, 2012 
  • RT @lstigerts: Rare are the days that end with more energy than they began. Take inventory of what you did that day; you did something r … Nov 13, 2012 
  • @RossHudgens Garyvee is the closest I know with over 71k tweets. Nov 12, 2012 
  • RT @lstigerts: Time management, marketing yourself, and always learning – thanks to @Charlessipe for interviewing me: Nov 12, 2012 
  • Extroverts lie more than introverts. Interesting TED talk about lying. Nov 12, 2012 
  • Wow. The founder of Recycled Bride rented out her spare rooms on Airbnb for a year to fund her company. -This Week in Venture Capital Nov 10, 2012 
  • @DanJMckee Agreed, I signed up for a free programming class on EdX but I haven’t done a single problem set. I definely would have if I paid. Nov 08, 2012 
  • @lstigerts Hi Lauren, I just arrived at Zeitgeist Coffee Nov 07, 2012 
  • Started reading How Will You Measure Your Life? by Clayton Christensen Nov 07, 2012 
  • RT @awolk: Tune in to Fox to see Karl Rove take on Fox’s own “decision desk” over their Ohio call – Rove says it is erroneous Nov 07, 2012 
  • RT @hodgman: Remember: it is more important that there is a federal holiday for deceased presidents than a day off to allow you to elect … Nov 06, 2012 
  • Apple has enough cash to pay everyone on earth $17.50. -This Week in Tech Nov 05, 2012 
  • RT @PointBlankSEO: It should be mandatory in schools to watch 1 TED talk a day, regardless of its topic. Nov 05, 2012 
  • RT @dannysullivan: Hurricane Sandy leaves a sea of heartache in Staten Island – tragic stories to read here, very sad Nov 02, 2012 
  • @bcrosby Sorry, I intended to say teachers make a positive impact not it just takes great teachers. #GatesOprah Nov 02, 2012 
  • RT @kjrmitch: And an adorable little 11 year girl just showed up in a Gary Payton jersey and said, “I’m a Sonics fan and I want them back!” Nov 01, 2012 
  • Me as Don Draper’s stunt double Nov 01, 2012 
  • RT @JeffDye: I keep it real at my house. First kid wins. Nov 01, 2012 
  • Waiting for our first trick or treaters. Hope 250 candy bars will suffice. Nov 01, 2012 
  • “Technology is an excellent slave but a terrible master.” -Tim Ferriss interview Oct 31, 2012 
  • The 10 Secrets That Make Networking Easy, Fun and Ridiculously Effective via QuickSprout Oct 30, 2012 
  • “If I fail more than you do, I win” -Seth Godin via Behind the Brand Oct 28, 2012 
  • RT @tferriss: I’m teaching a FREE LIVE workshop on @creativelive Nov 14+15. You can join me in person in the studio! Details here http:/ … Oct 27, 2012 
  • Subjects of a study were much more likely to comply to a request if a reason was given (even a bad one). -The Personal MBA Oct 24, 2012 
  • RT @jobsdotca: Making one person smile can change the world – maybe not the whole world, but their world. Oct 24, 2012 
  • RT @DanJMckee: 27 ways to learn programming online via @tnwdesign (nice list) Oct 21, 2012 
  • Interesting interview with Guy Kawasaki on Chase Jarvis LIVE: Oct 20, 2012 
  • Ramit Sethi day 2 of the Money + Business workshop now live at creativeLIVE Oct 18, 2012 
  • RT @ruthburr: If you have employees who write content for you, make building up their reach/circles part of their jobs @GregBoser #pubcon Oct 18, 2012 
  • RT @wilreynolds: It doesn’t matter how many links you disavow, if after you disavow them, and you have no high quality links you ain’t r … Oct 18, 2012 
  • RT @ruthburr: Google starts seeing your company name + keyword phrase everywhere, they become semantically related even w/o a link @mart … Oct 18, 2012 
  • Workers who exercise regularly earn 9% higher pay on average than those who don’t -Journal of Labor Research Oct 18, 2012 
  • RT @portentint: Official Google Webmaster Central Blog: A new tool to disavow links There it is, folks. Use w/ caution. Oct 17, 2012 
  • RT @SteveCase: Obama’s best two minutes, Passionate about his team and their commitment to serve. Strong, vigorous defense. #Debate2012 Oct 17, 2012 
  • Free 3 day online workshop with Ramit Sethi on Money + Business this Wed-Fri via creativeLIVE Oct 15, 2012 
  • RT @PaulGAllen: Another Amazing home win for the @Seahawks vs. one of the best teams in the NFL (NE). Thanks 12th man for huge noise! Ev … Oct 15, 2012 
  • Great comeback win. Go #seahawks Oct 14, 2012 
  • Picked up the Link Building Course by @PointBlankSEO Lots of great ideas and tips. Oct 13, 2012 
  • SEO tip: If you have a cool infographic post it on You get a followed link and good exposure. Oct 12, 2012 
  • @InboundNow No problem. I am a big fan of the show and can’t recommend it enough. Oct 09, 2012 
  • Great tips -> RT @lstigerts 12 content marketing tips from 4 experts: via @MichaelWebtekst @inboundorg #content Oct 09, 2012 
  • Stanford announces 16 free online courses for fall quarter Oct 07, 2012 
  • When we are stressed our brain persistently mispredicts what will make us happy. -The Willpower Instinct Oct 06, 2012 
  • RT @InboundNow: Leveraging Real World Events to Gain Inbound Links & Boost SEO with Kane Jamison Oct 06, 2012 
  • Very cool! RT @portentint If you wanted to see me on @komonews and missed it, here you go: Oct 05, 2012 
  • RT @JimKukral: Tonight’s moderator reminded me of Milton from Office Space trying to get his red stapler back from Lumberg. #debate Oct 04, 2012 
  • RT @armano: Tomorrow’s headline “I love big bird” says Romney #debates Oct 04, 2012 
  • When healthy options are added to a menu, people are more likely to choose the least healthy option. -The Willpower Instinct Oct 03, 2012 
  • Studies show that the effect on the brain of sleep deprivation is the equivalent to being mildly intoxicated -The Willpower Instinct Oct 02, 2012 
  • RT @heidimiller: Looking for a way to differentiate? In 2011, 71% of brands ignored #custserv requests on Twitter – Oct 02, 2012 
  • RT @ashletate: You can describe mobile as the “always on” Internet. #SMX #13B Oct 02, 2012 
  • Good insights on local SEO -> 50 Local SEO Lessons from 50 Clients Oct 02, 2012 
  • @dr_pete Congrats! Get his domain name so it can start earning some domain trust. Oct 02, 2012 
  • Exercise is the closest thing to a wonder pill for willpower. -The Willpower Instinct Oct 02, 2012 
  • Great interview of Steve Blank on This Week in Venture Capital Oct 01, 2012 
  • RT @sparkplugonline: Why I got Fired from Facebook (a $100 Million dollar lesson) Sep 30, 2012 
  • DDB found that 84% of fans of Facebook pages are current or past customers -The Bean Cast Sep 28, 2012 
  • In our Google fueled world, who picks average? Nobody. ~Seth Godin Sep 28, 2012 
  • If all goes well I will have something big launching in April (a new baby). Sep 27, 2012 
  • Brand Marketing: The Six Principles Of Persuasion by Dr. Robert Cialdini Sep 26, 2012 
  • RT @spencerhawes00: People outside seattle forget the real official that stole the super bowl in 06 from the seahawks. … Sep 25, 2012 
  • Or the ’98 Loss to the Jets RT @JessEstrada This is kinda like the ’06 Super Bowl except we’re on the other side #Seahawks #Stealers Sep 25, 2012 
  • @redslice True, but apparently you can’t review who has possession on instant replay. Sep 25, 2012 
  • The refs had to make the call in real time. It’s an easy call in slow motion. Sep 25, 2012 
  • What a crazy ending to the Seahawks game. Stunned. Sep 25, 2012 
  • Interesting Conversation with Sir Richard Branson & Marc Benioff from Dreamforce 2012 Sep 24, 2012 
  • @KaneJamison I know what you mean. I feel much more productive when I get enough sleep. Sep 24, 2012 
  • I get about 7.5 “Nearly a third of all working adults get six hours or fewer of sleep a night” Sep 24, 2012 
  • 150 – American Heart Association’s recommended minutes of moderate exercise per week Sep 22, 2012 
  • 7 Sneaky Ways to Write Irresistible Headlines via Jonathan Fields Sep 22, 2012 
  • RT @ruthburr: 80% of internet users don’t live in the US & 90% don’t speak English as a first language #WebFestMe Sep 22, 2012 
  • Pro tip: When searching for guest blog opportunities use Google Blog Search instead of regular search. Sep 22, 2012 
  • ”People don’t want to be millionaires – they want to experience what they believe only millions can buy.” -Four Hour Work Week Sep 20, 2012 
  • I have read 4 books recently that recommended practicing daily meditation. Has anyone tried this? Sep 19, 2012 
  • 66 tips and insights from the BrightonSEO 2012 conference via Wordtracker Sep 17, 2012 
  • Don’t like receiving feedback at work? According to Your Brain at Work, feedback generates a threat response in the brain. Sep 15, 2012 
  • @NickLeRoy I do that all the time to avoid telemarketers. I wonder if there is an app for that. Sep 15, 2012 
  • The right question is not why is there so much crime, but rather why is there so little crime. ~Freakonomics Radio podcast Sep 14, 2012 
  • Am I successful? You’ll never know by @Wilreynolds Sep 13, 2012 
  • Another good use for Google: searching unknown phone numbers to avoid telemarketing calls. Sep 13, 2012 
  • Awesome! Sonics may be back soon 🙂 Chris Hansen offers to buy all his Sonics arena supporters a beer Sep 12, 2012 
  • Watching live coverage of the Apple event on Sep 12, 2012 
  • SEO Meets Psychology: 10 Principles of Influence via @northcuttSEO Sep 11, 2012 
  • ”Optimistic salespeople outsell their pessimistic counterparts by 56%” -The Happiness Advantage Sep 07, 2012 
  • Employees work an average of 11 minutes on a project before being distracted. -Your Brain at Work Sep 07, 2012 
  • This is a good idea -> How to Get 180 Guest Blog Leads for $9 Sep 06, 2012 
  • Looks like a great course on Udemy -> Social Media Marketing for Startups Sep 05, 2012 
  • Distractions deplete the limited resources of the prefrontal cortex -Your Brain at Work Sep 04, 2012 
  • 5 Jaw Dropping Tips for Guest Posting Success via Point Blank SEO Sep 04, 2012 
  • Great interview with Susan Cain on introverts on The Leonard Lopate Show Sep 02, 2012 
  • Business owners should make a habit of setting aside 30 minutes a day for writing content. -Web Marketing for Dummies Sep 02, 2012 
  • Are you using Chrome to the best of its ability? via @SEERInteractive Sep 01, 2012 
  • Anyone have a good recommendation for business or non-fiction books on Audible? Aug 29, 2012 
  • “Developing and executing an effective marketing strategy is the most important job of any marketer” Aug 28, 2012 
  • Trying out Focus Booster an app that uses the pomodoro technique to help you stay focused. Aug 27, 2012 
  • In a study of call center workers in China, those working from home were 13% more productive. -Freakonomics podcast Aug 26, 2012 
  • Research has shown that group brainstorming results in fewer and lower quality ideas than individual brainstorming. -Quiet Aug 26, 2012 
  • Google Website Optimizer was recently integrated into Google Analytics. -KissMetrics A/B Testing Webinar Aug 24, 2012 
  • Rand Fishkin’s top 11 startup tips to earn free customers via @geekwire Aug 24, 2012 
  • Great interview on Rise to the Top on outsourcing to the Philippines Aug 24, 2012 
  • Just made my first loan on Use this invite for a $25 credit: Aug 24, 2012 
  • 7 Free Education Websites You Don’t Want to Miss via @goodnet_org Aug 21, 2012 
  • The ability to hold your breath is one of the best predictors of people’s ability to succeed at difficult goals. ~Kelly McGonigal Aug 20, 2012 
  • Set goals for physical activities (like improving your mile time) so you can have a win if other things aren’t going well. ~ @joelgascoigne Aug 20, 2012 
  • RT @RossHudgens: “Things I do to consistently be happy.” Like #6. In SEO ( + entrepreneurial l … Aug 20, 2012 
  • Fascinating interview with Nolan Bushnell, founder of Atari on This Week in Startups Aug 19, 2012 
  • Add checkboxes to your Evernote RT @cspenn The simplest productivity feature in Evernote I didn’t know Aug 17, 2012 
  • “You never really understand the subtleties of something until you’ve done it” -Will Critchlow Aug 16, 2012 
  • “You cannot have a page that’s too long—only one that’s too boring” -Conversion Rate Experts Aug 16, 2012 
  • “A confused mind hesitates, and that hesitation is the death of a sale” -Conversion Rate Experts Aug 16, 2012 
  • Congrats King Felix for the first perfect game in Mariners’ history! Aug 15, 2012 
  • The founder of Recycled Bride used guest blogging as the primary method to grow visitors. -This Week in Venture Capital Aug 15, 2012 
  • Just received my copy of Web Marketing All in One for Dummies 2nd Edition by @portentint. It’s 800+ pages of marketing goodness! Aug 15, 2012 
  • Your brain consumes more energy day dreaming than when you are focused ~Jonah Lehrer Aug 15, 2012 
  • Blog for your customers rather than for your colleagues. ~This Week in Venture Capital Aug 15, 2012 
  • Networking PSAMA-style isn’t as hard as you may think via Sound Marketing Aug 14, 2012 
  • 5 Ways to Get Exercise at Your Desk via Balanced WorkLife Aug 14, 2012 
  • Why Killing Time Isn’t a Sin via Zen Habits Aug 13, 2012 
  • 7 Strategies for Getting .edu Links via @portent Aug 13, 2012 
  • Competing on price is a poor strategy. Someone will always be willing to go out of business faster than you. ~ Duct Tape Marketing Aug 11, 2012 
  • A Beginner’s Crash Course in Content Marketing Aug 09, 2012 
  • I just bought: ‘Web Marketing All-in-One For Dummies’ by @portentint via @amazon Aug 09, 2012 
  • Without goals, any obstacle will send you in a different direction. ~48 Days Podcast Aug 08, 2012 
  • 50 Skills Every Marketer Should Have @sujanpatel Aug 08, 2012 
  • There are some interesting rules in Olympic basketball. You can even knock the ball off the rim. Aug 08, 2012 
  • RT @thinkspace: More than 60% of interns in America are eventually offered full-time jobs: via @TheEconomist Aug 06, 2012 
  • I signed up for this free Intro to Computer Science course at Harvard via edX Aug 05, 2012 
  • 10 Linkedin Tips to Boost Your Job Search via @cpacareercoach Aug 03, 2012 
  • @jennita Thanks Jenn! I really appreciate the mention. Aug 03, 2012 
  • @paulmay You’re welcome! Glad I could help. Aug 03, 2012 
  • Customers will gladly give you their money if they feel like they are getting amazing value. Aug 03, 2012 
  • @jennita Hi Jenn! Can you check out our Mozcon coverage here: also Buzzstream had a good article Aug 02, 2012 
  • RT @Cameron_Masters: Free admission at the Seattle Museum of Flight tonight 5-9pm Aug 02, 2012 
  • RT @PointBlankSEO: mozCon 2012: My Takeaways by @PaulMay at @Buzzstream Aug 01, 2012 
  • @lstigerts “We don’t beat the reaper by living longer, but by living well, and living fully” -Randy Pausch 🙂 Aug 01, 2012 
  • RT @portentint: Web Marketing All-in-One For Dummies 2nd ed. is here! Buy buy!!! Aug 01, 2012 
  • @jonhainstock Good to meet you too. Awesome job on building the job board! Aug 01, 2012 
  • Some great new free fonts from Smashing Magazine Aug 01, 2012 
  • Just updated our Mozcon 2012 Liveblog Over 6000+ words of my notes. Jul 28, 2012 
  • Thanks Mozcon for the great learning and experience. Lots of great ideas to try. Jul 28, 2012 
  • RT @dohertyjf: Strategy is not a list of content that you think will go viral. It’s not a list of tactics that you think will earn you l … Jul 28, 2012 
  • RT @Rhea: .@OutspokenMedia needs an amazing SEO to work virtually w/us for a few wks. Hit me up if you’re interested in contract work. # … Jul 27, 2012 
  • @felicelam Yep, i’m in the front right taking notes. Jul 26, 2012 
  • @BritneyMuller Thanks for mentioning us! Jul 26, 2012 
  • @KaneJamison Hi Kane, please check out our pseudo-liveblog of Mozcon Jul 26, 2012 
  • Day One liveblog from Mozcon 2012 Jul 26, 2012 
  • A Perfect Strangers Guide for SEOs on Mozcon Eve via @daveminchala #mozcon Jul 24, 2012 
  • 6 Ways Starting a Personal Blog Can Help You Get Hired via the University of North Carolina career blog Jul 24, 2012 
  • RT @SEOmoz @Charlessipe and the answer is..YES, we’ll have power outlets at all the tables. 😀 #mozcon Jul 24, 2012 
  • Can’t bring myself to watch Ichiro play tonight for the Yankees. Jul 24, 2012 
  • Was sad at first that Ichiro was traded but I’m glad he will have a chance to win a championship even if it is with the Yankees. Jul 24, 2012 
  • I will be liveblogging from Mozcon starting Wednesday! Stay tuned to Jul 23, 2012 
  • @JimmyDaugherty Haha. Yeah, I don’t know how long I will last. I’ve been drinking about 2 cups a day for at least 2 years. Jul 23, 2012 
  • @seomoz Will there be power outlets in the conference room for Mozcon? I’m hoping to liveblog. Jul 23, 2012 
  • 23 Awesome Link Building Resources and Articles Jul 22, 2012 
  • Day four of no coffee. Headaches each day so far but otherwise feeling good. Jul 19, 2012 
  • The second largest advertising company makes majority of revenue outside of mass marketing -We are All Weird Jul 16, 2012 
  • RT @dan_shure: When creating SEO content ask; would another SEO email it to their best client as THE top resource on the topic? Jul 12, 2012 
  • Great YouTube talk by Jonah Lehrer on the science of creativity Jul 11, 2012 
  • @SeattleCouncil @KCCouncil I support the Sonics Arena! #SonicsArena Jul 10, 2012 
  • Sad to see @tomcritchlow leave Distilled. Hopefully he can still do more of his awesome talks while at Google Jul 07, 2012 
  • 3 Ways to Re-Package An Infographic For More Exposure – by @jessytroy via @SEnginePeople Jul 06, 2012 
  • Overwhelming evidence shows parents’ behavior doesn’t shape childrens’ personality. Jul 06, 2012 
  • RT @jamies: Bill Gates’ summer reading list: — great choices from an avid reader (and traveller with lot’s of time … Jul 06, 2012 
  • Most Choose Cash Over Happiness, Study Shows via @LiveScience Jul 04, 2012 
  • 30 Internet Marketing Tips Webinar – the video and audio via @portent Jul 04, 2012 
  • “Creativity is the residue of time wasted” -Albert Einstein Jul 03, 2012 
  • How to Use LinkedIn to Connect with Top-Drawer Freelance Clients via @kikolani Jul 03, 2012 
  • RT @outspokenmedia Back to Basics: Defining Your SEO Strategy via Outspoken Media Jul 03, 2012 
  • What about Zombies? 65% of Americans believe Obama would do a better job at fighting an alien invasion than Romney. Jul 02, 2012 
  • Only $360 to write a 250 word blurb for Seth Godin’s next book. Very tempting. Jul 01, 2012 
  • Free college course on building a search engine at Udacity Jun 30, 2012 
  • RT @portentint: Spotify Is Now The Second Biggest Source Of Revenue For Labels YEAH baby Jun 29, 2012 
  • Podcasts I Like by Chris Coyier from CSS Tricks Jun 29, 2012 
  • Startup SEO – Lonely, Frustrating, and Sometimes Embarrassing…But It Doesn’t Have to Be by @GlennGabe Jun 29, 2012 
  • Congrats to Husky Terrence Ross for going #8 in the NBA draft! #uw Jun 29, 2012 
  • Own the Seattle Skyline — Made Out of RAM [PICS] via @mashable Jun 28, 2012 
  • Good advice: You need to learn how to use Excel if you are in marketing -Portent webinar Jun 28, 2012 
  • Portent’s webinar on Internet marketing essentials is about to start Jun 28, 2012 
  • China has over 500 million Internet users -This American Life Jun 28, 2012 
  • RT @aleyda: Sometimes the best is to say no! Recommended read RT @joannalord: My latest post: “Finding the Power in Stepping Down” http: … Jun 27, 2012 
  • RT @RossHudgens: “All the money and the fame, it’s amazing to see the unbridled joy shown that comes from being the best at what you do … Jun 25, 2012 
  • Employees are more likely to have new ideas on days they feel happier Jun 24, 2012 
  • Can happiness be a good business strategy? via @guardian Jun 24, 2012 
  • ESPN SportsCenter Kenny Mayne Segment about the Seattle Sonics, and the June 2012 Rally #sonicsgate Jun 23, 2012 
  • Looks like there are some good free movies on YouTube at Jun 23, 2012 
  • The Complete Guide to Link Building with Local Events via @SEOmoz @KaneJamison Jun 22, 2012 
  • Better Than Link Building: Authority Building with HARO via @mattmcgee Jun 22, 2012 
  • OKC losing in the Finals is sweet justice for Sonics fans. Long live the curse of the Squatch! #sonicsgate Jun 22, 2012 
  • RT @Softykjr: According to Producer Josh Sabrowski, OKC is 0-4 since last Thursday’s #Sonics rally. It’s already begun. Jun 22, 2012 
  • RT @206sportsguy: Neil Everett just said that LeBron James played like a “man possessed!!” @Sonicsgate @BringBackSonics #Heat #Sonics #T … Jun 22, 2012 
  • RT @Sherman_Alexie: LeBron James, Zombie Sonics Slayer! I am weeping with joy! Jun 22, 2012 
  • RT @RossHudgens: Another person you should be following – @berkun. Smart dude riffs on everything business, public speaking, productivit … Jun 22, 2012 
  • RT @BillWixeyQ13FOX: @Sonicsgate When OKC loses the finals, I propose a Heat victory parade in #Seattle, with the Zombie #Sonics leading … Jun 21, 2012 
  • The retired and ultra rich are often unfulfilled and neurotic for the same reason, too much idle time -4 Hour Work Week Jun 21, 2012 
  • Some Seattle council members seem more concerned about finding reasons a NBA/NHL arena can’t work than how to make it work. @SeattleCouncil Jun 21, 2012 
  • Through the Wormhole with Morgan Freeman on the Science Channel is a great show. Jun 21, 2012 
  • (Councilman) Phillips called the proposal one of the best ever for construction of a new professional sports arena. Jun 21, 2012 
  • Infographic: Google Adwords Guide Jun 20, 2012 
  • Zombie Sonics fans throw support to Heat Jun 20, 2012 
  • @seanvwork Hi Sean. Am I allowed to embed your infographics on my blog if I link to it? I didn’t see an embed code so I wasn’t sure. Jun 19, 2012 
  • Bing Offers Up a Free Link Graph via @seobook Jun 19, 2012 
  • Live: Microsoft unveils new Surface tablet computer: via @geekwire Jun 18, 2012 
  • Drone Nation: Interesting Facts About Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (infographic I helped create). Jun 18, 2012 
  • Why I force myself to blog daily by @cspenn Jun 18, 2012 
  • My guest article was rejected by Geekwire but they were very nice about it. Jun 17, 2012 
  • Glad to see some local leaders stepping up for @sonicsarena. Thanks @robmckenna @DowC @mayormcginn Haven’t heard from @jayinslee Jun 16, 2012 
  • 11 Ways to Drive Gobs of Traffic to Your Website via @dohertyjf Jun 15, 2012 
  • @seattlecouncil Please bring the Sonics back home. #sonicsrally Jun 15, 2012 
  • Presidents of the United States just played “SuperSonics” #sonicsrally Jun 15, 2012 
  • Never Get a Real Job Just Like Chris Guillebeau (audio interview) via @ducttape Jun 14, 2012 
  • @bradnelson I would like to go to that alternate universe! Also in that universe Schultz is not a slimeball. #sonics Jun 13, 2012 
  • OKC Thunder playoffs boosting local economy #sonicsgate Jun 13, 2012 
  • RT @dannysullivan: Bing is for doing! Ad tells you to jump off a cliff. but then warns “Do not attempt” Jun 13, 2012 
  • RT @SEOmoz: 21 SEO Leaders Share Their Best SEO Career Advice – by @sparkplugonline – Promoted from YouMoz! Jun 12, 2012 
  • Charlie Rose asks Howard Schultz if he’s sorry he let the Sonics slip away (and go to Oklahoma) Jun 12, 2012 
  • RT @710ESPNSeattle: Shawn Kemp talking about Thursday’s #Sonics rally: “After the rally we’re going down to Howard Schultz’ house and pr … Jun 12, 2012 
  • @number1george Thanks a lot George for sharing this! Please feel free to add any advice you have in the comments. Jun 12, 2012 
  • RT @sonicsarena: This just in: The Presidents Of The United States of America will be performing at our June 14 #SonicsRally! Jun 11, 2012 
  • Can’t believe I missed this awesome TED talk by John Hodgman: A brief digression on matters of lost time Jun 11, 2012 
  • Please share this! 21 SEO Leaders Share Their Best SEO Career Advice via @SEOmoz by @sparkplugonline Jun 11, 2012 
  • 23 Quick SEO Tips from SMX Advanced Seattle 2012 via @sparkplugonline Jun 10, 2012 
  • Haha RT @pazpaz Judges of the Pacquiao Bradley fight are now declaring MySpace the world’s #1 social network. #RIPBoxing Jun 10, 2012 
  • Most customers don’t want to learn how to fish. They want the fish handed to them. -The $100 Startup Jun 09, 2012 
  • The Hockey Stick Approach: Are Your Leads Shooting and Scoring? by @jennyvanceindy Jun 09, 2012 
  • An SEOMoz article I worked on should be published this week on the blog. Can’t wait! Jun 09, 2012 
  • 3 Lessons for SEO After SMX Advanced 2012 via @VirginiaNussey Jun 09, 2012 
  • How Content Curation Can Improve Your Search Rankings via @neilpatel Jun 09, 2012 
  • Recently finished Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson. That is a great book. Jun 08, 2012 
  • SMX Advanced Seattle 2012 SEO Presentations, Decks, Speaker Info and More via @sparkplugonline Jun 07, 2012 
  • RT @outspokenmedia iSEO: Doing Mobile SEO Right – SMX Advanced 2012 via Outspoken Media Jun 07, 2012 
  • RT @teamziller: I hope Howard Schultz lays awake with the burden of extraordinary guilt tonight. Jun 07, 2012 
  • RT @NBAinSeattle: Something we would like to hear from Howard Schultz and numerous WA politicians. RT @danieltosh: Sorry Seattle. Jun 07, 2012 
  • Seattle Sonics move to Oklahoma and go to NBA finals 3 years later. Good grief. #sonicsgate Jun 07, 2012 
  • RT @Sherman_Alexie: If the OK City Thunder (my former Sonics) win the NBA title then I will vomit grief. Jun 07, 2012 
  • RT @JeffDye: If the spurs win tonight it’ll make me happier then when my dad got out of prison. #HateTheThunder Jun 07, 2012 
  • Surviving Personalization With Bing & Google | Search Marketing Sage via @Chad_Rhodes Jun 07, 2012 
  • A low-price strategy doesn’t work unless there is a high-price provider in the market. – Jun 06, 2012 
  • RT @whitewyatt: VIDEO: live stream of Seattle Council presentation on #SonicsArena @sonicsgate @sonicsarena Jun 06, 2012 
  • RT @jenstar Google considering giving webmasters an option to tell google to ignore certain links pointing to their sites #smx @mattcutts Jun 06, 2012 
  • RT @iPullRank Here’s my deck #SMX #14c Jun 05, 2012 
  • Questions are infinitely more valuable than answers. -Clayton Christensen Jun 05, 2012 
  • RT @click_eric There are over 100 factors that can effect quality score. #smx Jun 05, 2012 
  • Holy cow! “This was the third time in four years that Seattle had a pick among the top three selections.” #mariners Jun 05, 2012 
  • Agile Software Methodology for Marketers by @JimmyDaugherty Jun 05, 2012 
  • How To Panic-Proof Your Link Campaign via @sengineland Jun 05, 2012 
  • @dan_shure I think those with the right mentality are more likely to capitalize on great opportunities. Jun 04, 2012 
  • When asking for an introduction to an individual, explain how you will be able to help that person. -The Startup of You Jun 04, 2012 
  • People are rewarded in public for what they have practiced for years in private -Tony Robbins Jun 03, 2012 
  • The Framing Effect: Influence Your Audience By Setting The Context via Van SEO Design Jun 01, 2012 
  • RT @sempdx June 2012 – Party in Seattle before SMX May 31, 2012 
  • Unselfishness: The World’s Most Ethical Company & Why Collaboration Works May 31, 2012 
  • Social CRM segment expected to double this year to $1 billion May 31, 2012 
  • An arena offer even I can’t refuse | Danny Westneat | The Seattle Times May 30, 2012 
  • Please help me share my guest post on MarketingProfs! 12 Must-Have Resources for Getting Started With SEO May 30, 2012 
  • @gfiorelli1 Thanks Jedi Fiorelli for the encouragement! May 29, 2012 
  • Awesome talk! Neil Gaiman Addresses the University of the Arts Class of 2012 on Vimeo May 29, 2012 
  • Just submitted my second YouMoz post to SEOMoz last night! Hope it makes the cut. May 29, 2012 
  • 12 Must-Have Resources for Getting Started With SEO via MarketingProfs Daily Fix Blog May 29, 2012 
  • “About 65 percent of federal expenditures over the last ten years have gone towards entitlements.” May 28, 2012 
  • A single idea can change your life – Jim Rohn May 28, 2012 
  • Selective ignorance is a good thing. – 4 Hour Work Week May 27, 2012 
  • Awesome talk by Jack Dorsey at Stanford May 27, 2012 
  • The best teachers answer you with better questions -Awaken Your Superhero May 26, 2012 
  • 4 Email Productivity Apps for Marketing Professionals guest post by @JimmyDaugherty May 23, 2012 
  • Post IPO, Facebook’s Value Goes Far Beyond Advertising May 21, 2012 
  • No thanks Gmail. I don’t want desktop email notifications. That would be a huge productivity killer. May 18, 2012 
  • Just met Sonics legend Shawn Kemp! #sonicsgate May 18, 2012 
  • Wikipedia Ranks on First Page of Google Nearly Half of the Time via @sparkplugonline May 17, 2012 
  • Why SEOs/Inbound Marketers Should Work Onsite via John Doherty May 16, 2012 
  • @sonicsgate Looking forward to your signing tomorrow at Seattle Costco! Will you have Sonicsgate gear and Shawn Kemp photos to buy? May 16, 2012 
  • RT @Softykjr: Heres a quick link to contact King County Council members about Arena: May 16, 2012 
  • Heads up! Seattle to have press conference on a new arena plan at 10:30. May 16, 2012 
  • RT @gitomer: 90% of life is showing up prepared. #jgwebinar #sales May 16, 2012 
  • What does an average decrease of 1.5 sec load time mean for REI visitors? 22 years more time outside. May 16, 2012 
  • @JimmyDaugherty Haha, I hope it’s not a quiz on Battlestar Galactica. May 16, 2012 
  • Use Amazon Mechanical Turk to ask people if they would trust your site with their credit card. -Rob Ousbey May 16, 2012 
  • Attending a talk by @jcolmon at the Distilled Seattle meetup about Battlestar Galactica + seo. May 16, 2012 
  • Is Social Integration the SEO Future We Want? SEER Interactive May 15, 2012 
  • After 3 Years, Foursquare is Finally Growing Up via @danjmckee May 15, 2012 
  • 26 tickets still left for tonight’s Distilled Seattle Meetup – Eventbrite May 15, 2012 
  • RT @portentint: Internet marketing tip of the day: Measure now or pay later. May 15, 2012 
  • “The Lakers beat the Supersonics” -Ice Cube #WorstRapLineEver (because it makes me sad) #sonicsgate May 14, 2012 
  • Scary “42 percent of American adults will be obese by the year 2030.” May 14, 2012 
  • @JimmyDaugherty I did see the rescheduled Distilled event. Looking forward to it. Thanks! May 13, 2012 
  • All are welcome to join the SEO Professionals group on Fitocracy. Invite code: May 12, 2012 
  • Creative Link Building for Ecommerce Sites via @SEOmoz May 11, 2012 
  • RT @Veronica_Jarski: a free seminar for y’all >>>Learn to Talk With Your Audience, Not Talk At Them via @m … May 11, 2012 
  • 10 Resources for Learning About Local SEO via @sparkplugonline May 10, 2012 
  • RT @sparkplugonline: Incredible Headlines – 7 Examples Worthy of Study May 09, 2012 
  • Susan Cain talk at Google about the power of introverts (video) May 08, 2012 
  • RT @randfish: Panda = penalizing for poor UX/thin content. Penguin = removing value from manipulative links. White hat FTW! May 05, 2012 
  • Howard Schultz Gave Out $3.50 Starbucks Gift Cards: An Insider’s Notes On The Shabby Death Of The Seattle SuperSonics May 04, 2012 
  • 8 Resources for Learning About The Google Penguin Update May 04, 2012 
  • Watching live press conference on the new free online school by MIT and Harvard May 03, 2012 
  • 7 Useful Resources for Learning About SEO Analytics via @sparkplugonline May 02, 2012 
  • Why Link Builders Need To Do More Than Just Build Links May 02, 2012 
  • Looks like the @SEOMoz update just went live! The index looks to have increased considerably. May 02, 2012 
  • @JeffDye was wearing Sonicsgate gear on the first episode of Money From Strangers! @reid206 @sonicsgate May 01, 2012 
  • @JimmyDaugherty Thanks! Just saw that. Stay safe. May 01, 2012 
  • RT @jcolman: Some bad news: we’ve cancelled tonight’s @Distilled SEO meetup. Good news: we’ve rescheduled for May 15: … May 01, 2012 
  • RT @lstigerts: What Eating Too Much Sugar Does to Your Brain h/t @vargasl // Watched the 60 Minutes episode, then p … May 01, 2012 
  • 5 common mistakes in SEO (and 6 good ideas!) – YouTube (video) May 01, 2012 
  • SEO Tip: Hire bloggers to write for your site. They may link to their articles from their blog. via @leeodden May 01, 2012 
  • 12 Timeless Link Building Tips for Business Blogs May 01, 2012 
  • Should We Believe Experts? via The Rat Race Trap Apr 29, 2012 
  • Google Authorship: Love It, Hate It, Just Don’t Ignore It via @danjmckee @sparkplugonline Apr 29, 2012 
  • 10 Awesome Podcasts That I Recommend via Apr 29, 2012 
  • RT @Seattlemag: If you missed @Sonicsgate on @CNBC last night – there’s one more chance to catch it: #film #sports Apr 29, 2012 
  • Stunned that Chris Polk wasn’t picked. I hope the #Seahawks can sign him. Apr 28, 2012 
  • Seth’s Blog: How to make money with SEO Apr 28, 2012 
  • RT @JerryBrewer: 4th round pick Jaye Howard says he was in the Apple store charging his phone when the #Seahawks called. Apr 28, 2012 
  • 5 Ways a Personal Blog Can Boost Your Career via @Jobacle Apr 28, 2012 
  • RT @cspenn: In the mood for a short read? @jeffjarvis is giving away Gutenberg the Geek on Amazon, free only today: Apr 27, 2012 
  • @percyallen I think it is CNBC not CBNC “Recut ‘Sonicsgate’ airs Friday, Sunday on CBNC” Don’t want people to be confused Apr 27, 2012 
  • So proud of the guys at #Sonicsgate National TV prime-time debut on CNBC tonight at 7pm PT Apr 27, 2012 
  • RT @CNBCSmart Don’t miss the premiere of @Sonicsgate – Tonight @ 10p ET on @CNBC. Winner of @TheWebbyAwards BEST SPORTS FILM. Apr 27, 2012 
  • @okhumor Stating the obvious. That’s why we are mad at Howard Schultz for selling out the fans. #sonicsgate Apr 27, 2012 
  • What position should the Seahawks draft? I’m thinking Defensive End or O-Line. #seahawks Apr 26, 2012 
  • 5 Must Read Books on Content Marketing and Strategy via @danjmckee @sparkplugonline Apr 26, 2012 
  • Asking how often you should blog is like getting a Ferrari and asking “how slow can I drive?” – Marketing Technology Blog podcast Apr 26, 2012 
  • RT @redslice: Snag your free #Kindle copy of Rebooting My Brain today only. You’re welcome! @kindlebooks #rebootbook Apr 25, 2012 
  • @lstigerts My top 12 favorite marketing podcasts Apr 25, 2012 
  • Free SEO Event by Distilled in Seattle on May 1st: User Experience and Ranking Factors Apr 25, 2012 
  • RT @lstigerts Do something today that you’re afraid of doing. This is the important part: do it fearlessly. Apr 25, 2012 
  • Interesting, Tim watches a movie on mute and listens to music while he writes. Tim Ferriss: A Day In The Life Apr 25, 2012 
  • @dr_pete Ha, ha. Thanks Dr. Pete! Apr 25, 2012 
  • All are welcome to join the “SEO Professionals” Fitocracy Group. Let’s improve our health while we improve rankings! Apr 25, 2012 
  • @dr_pete I started a Fitocracy group “SEO Professionals” We need a pushup champ to inspire us! Apr 25, 2012 
  • 4 Online Marketing Mistakes That Small Businesses Should Avoid | Noobpreneur Business Blog Apr 23, 2012 
  • Klout Brand Squads: Make Way for the Influencers Apr 23, 2012 
  • @myblogguest Whoa! Nice new site design for Apr 22, 2012 
  • Getting Back to the Fundamentals of Online Marketing Great article by @danjmckee Apr 22, 2012 
  • @TheRock What are your main considerations when choosing a role? #rocktalk Apr 22, 2012 
  • The Real Reason I Broke Up With Google via Apr 22, 2012 
  • Sonicsgate documentary will be on CNBC April 27th at 10 pm ET! @Sonicsgate Apr 21, 2012 
  • I will be at Mozcon 2012 in Seattle! Apr 20, 2012 
  • No wonder the Mariners don’t want the Sonics to come back. Record low attendance yestetday. Apr 19, 2012 
  • Lifehacker suggests not to minimize applications we are not working on to avoid distractions Apr 19, 2012 
  • Google “Clarifies” its use of Anchor Text via Majestic SEO Apr 17, 2012 
  • 9 Tangible Linkable Asset Ideas and How to Build Links to Them via @SEOmoz Apr 17, 2012 
  • @randfish Here’s a pretty good list 🙂 Seeking a friend for the end of the world? Try survivalist dating sites Apr 15, 2012 
  • A lot of cool things going on at University of Washington next week for Husky Fest: Apr 14, 2012 
  • Who’s going to MozCon 2012? Early bird pricing ends April 20th Apr 14, 2012 
  • RT @sgauss: If anyone is having a bad day, remember that today in 1976 Ronald Wayne sold his 10% stake in Apple for $800. Now it’s worth … Apr 14, 2012 
  • Loving my reel mower so far. No gas pollution, less noise, and burns more calories. Win-win-win. Apr 14, 2012 
  • Why Marketing Matters as Much as Technology for Startups Apr 14, 2012 
  • @DanJMckee IMHO DailyBooth is a great case study on why marketing matters just as much as technology for startups. Apr 14, 2012 
  • Jobs wanted to change the name of the Macintosh project to Bicycle but the idea was dropped. -Steve Jobs Apr 12, 2012 
  • RT @WTIA WTIA is excited to be at the @Facebook Seattle office opening today! Apr 12, 2012 
  • RT @DanSchawbel: “The fastest way to change yourself is to hang out with people who are already the way you want to be” Apr 12, 2012 
  • It is a lot easier to sell to people who share your worldview. -Mixergy Apr 12, 2012 
  • Check eHow for what articles they wrote in your niche and write them better -@katemorris via Distilled videos Apr 12, 2012 
  • Great video: The New On-Page Optimization – Whiteboard Friday via @joannalord Apr 10, 2012 
  • Facebook Working on a New Search Engine via @sparkplugonline Apr 10, 2012 
  • RT @rbrians Interesting take on anchor text: Click Here is the Most Powerful Link Anchor Text You Can Use Apr 08, 2012 
  • Rick Warren suffered anxiety attacks and depression when first starting Saddleback Church -The Power of Habit Apr 08, 2012 
  • @BigLo66 What dream job did you get? Congrats! It is well deserved. Apr 08, 2012 
  • “Videos are 53 times more likely than text pages to appear on the first page of search results”-Forrester via @brightcove webinar Apr 07, 2012 
  • Thousands of hours of video show shoppers tend to turn right after entering a store. -The Power of Habit Apr 07, 2012 
  • Mariners’ traffic concerns seem silly. Mariners play in spring. NBA and NHL play in winter. Apr 06, 2012 
  • Mariners shouldn’t be fighting an NBA and NHL team. Sports is not a zero sum game. Think win-win opportunities. Apr 06, 2012 
  • The US couldn’t launch an astronaut in space right now if we had to. -60 Minutes Apr 06, 2012 
  • “No phone number in your email improves response rate” #linklove Apr 06, 2012 
  • Location-Based Services: Should Business Owners Use Them? via Cool Marketing Stuff Apr 05, 2012 
  • How to Build Links Through Guest Blogging Apr 05, 2012 
  • Just launched this site. From idea to live site in about 1.5 hours. Apr 04, 2012 
  • At Some Point Every Day, You Have to Say, ‘No More Work’ via Psychology Today Apr 04, 2012 
  • Not sure if I like the new Seahawks uniforms: via SeattlePI Apr 03, 2012 
  • Several good ideas here: Using Passive Link Building to Build Links with No Budget via @SEOmoz Apr 03, 2012 
  • The Case for Raising Top Tax Rates – Apr 03, 2012 
  • Determining the Need for Linkbuilding via John Doherty Apr 02, 2012 
  • Portent is looking for a summer intern in Seattle Apr 01, 2012 
  • Unnatural Link Warnings and Blog Networks via @SEOmoz Mar 31, 2012 
  • RT @portentint Looking for the recording of my Thursday webinar? there you go Mar 31, 2012 
  • Rand Fishkin Interview – CEO of SEOmoz by @PointBlankSEO Mar 30, 2012 
  • Five Tools for More Efficient Link Outreach via Search Engine People Mar 30, 2012 
  • How to Uncover 100s of New Longtail Keywords in Minutes via @iPullRank Mar 30, 2012 
  • The Marketers Reading List – Suggested Books and More via The Marketing Spot Mar 29, 2012 
  • The Top 10 Fiction Books for Non-Fiction Addicts Mar 29, 2012 
  • Information Overload: A Real Problem for Online Marketers: Mar 29, 2012 
  • The meaning of life is making a difference in the lives of people you care about ~Michael Ellsberg Mar 29, 2012 
  • The real secret to happiness is making progress in your life. ~Tony Robbins Mar 28, 2012 
  • 5 Stock Photo Pitfalls Marketers Should Avoid via @JimmyDaugherty Mar 27, 2012 
  • @JimmyDaugherty Haha. It is very tempting. Mar 27, 2012 
  • How 10 Seattle Companies are Using Facebook Timeline for Branding Mar 27, 2012 
  • The problem for most startups is not technology. It’s marketing. ~Rand Fishkin Mar 27, 2012 
  • March 30- April 1 in Seattle Emerald City Comicon Mar 27, 2012 
  • New Rand Fishkin video interview on Mixergy about building community Mar 27, 2012 
  • “The most valuable links you can get, are those which your competitors will never be able to have” – @RobOusbey Mar 26, 2012 
  • Building Rapport Through External Opportunities via Point Blank SEO Mar 26, 2012 
  • Nice tool for compressing your images to boost site speed Mar 25, 2012 
  • Found this invite code online for Fitocracy Looks pretty neat. Mar 25, 2012 
  • It may not be in colleges’ best interest to change Wall Street because it is a large source of endowments. – This Week in Startups Mar 24, 2012 
  • SEO Tip: When writing guest posts look for opportunities to link to other guest posts you have done. Mar 24, 2012 
  • RT @jcolman Goodbye, keywords! Firefox switching to HTTPS Google search by default: (via the awesome @aleyda) Mar 22, 2012 
  • RT @seametricsinc Happy World Water Day! Mar 22, 2012 
  • Good article on the weaknesses of the social link graph via Search Engine Land Mar 22, 2012 
  • Do you think there should be a standard SEO certification? It would raise the barrier to entry I think. Mar 22, 2012 
  • Trying out TextExpander for Mac. This will be a huge time saver. Mar 21, 2012 
  • OH at Starbucks “I don’t want to offend you but in my job I don’t charge for things that don’t work” to an IT guy Mar 20, 2012 
  • Awesome. Just received my free 2011 Zappos Culture Book. Get yours here: Mar 20, 2012 
  • Agreed. Did they have ninjas on this other planet? RT @lstigerts Stop messing with my childhood, Michael Bay: Mar 20, 2012 
  • @DanJMckee As a follower of the Packers, do you think Flynn has what it takes to be an effective starting quarterback? Mar 19, 2012 
  • Awesome RT @edwardboches Only one more week to MadMen’s return. Mar 19, 2012 
  • Seahawks got Flynn! That is great great news. 3-year, $26 million deal Mar 18, 2012 
  • 18 Tools to Speed Up Link Building | Justin by @justinrbriggs Mar 17, 2012 
  • Got the white screen of death after a WordPress update. Deleting a plugin on the server fixed it. Mar 15, 2012 
  • Why Internet Marketers Should Learn to Love Images Mar 15, 2012 
  • Building Rapport Through External Opportunities | Point Blank SEO Mar 14, 2012 
  • One lunch with a contact is worth dozens of emails. -Startup of You Mar 13, 2012 
  • Link Building Tools We Use at Distilled via @SEOmoz Mar 13, 2012 
  • These are awesome: Sign up for free videos from our SEO conferences | distilled Mar 13, 2012 
  • I think @Elance thought I was trying to hire someone to do homework but I was looking for a content writer for a blog. Mar 13, 2012 
  • Just had a Elance project delisted for violating “the integrity of an academic or professional organization” Huh? Mar 13, 2012 
  • Al Gore and Sean Parker now live on SxSW Mar 12, 2012 
  • 72% of consumers said they trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations. -Search Engine Land Mar 12, 2012 
  • 50% of Facebook’s traffic is driven by mobile devices – Search Engine Land Mar 12, 2012 
  • If anyone wants an invite to Pinterest send me your email. Mar 11, 2012 
  • If it’s not 10 X better it is not better at all ~ Reid Hoffman (video) Mar 10, 2012 
  • The biggest LinkedIn profile power tip of all via @cspenn Mar 10, 2012 
  • Will power is like a muscle that gets stronger the more you use it. #sxsw Mar 09, 2012 
  • “The customer is the most important part of the production line.” -William Deming #leanstartup #sxsw Mar 09, 2012 
  • Watching the SXSW Interactive livestream. Thanks @Microsoft Mar 09, 2012 
  • “There’s zero correlation between being the best talker and having the best ideas” -Susan Cain TED talk Mar 09, 2012 
  • RT @smcseattle We’ve announced our next event with @chuckhemann on 3/20! See you there? Info: #smcsea Mar 09, 2012 
  • Sit in the first row at conferences and be the first person to talk to the speaker. ~Eric Enge Mar 09, 2012 
  • 10 Great Agriculture Infographics via @seametricsinc Mar 08, 2012 
  • The 5 Most Valuable Books in My Marketing Career | Cool Marketing Stuff Mar 07, 2012 
  • @dohertyjf I’m a big fan of podcasts. If interested, here are some of my favorite Mar 07, 2012 
  • Awesome! Livestreaming in 30 minutes -Live from the GeekWire Summit @GeekWire Mar 07, 2012 
  • These days people can find out about anything, you might as well be the one who writes about it. ~ Jason Fried Mar 07, 2012 
  • I love this talk by Jason Fried on marketing by teaching (video) Mar 07, 2012 
  • Does anyone else think it is about time they made a remake of Robocop? Mar 07, 2012 
  • Wow, Sanctorum can’t win delegates in several places because he didn’t file correctly. Glad I’m not the person who has that job. Mar 07, 2012 
  • Cool – my free Zappos Culture Book is on its way. You can get one here: Mar 07, 2012 
  • SEO tip: Searching Google for “guest post guidelines” reveals a gold mine of guest blogging opportunities. Mar 06, 2012 
  • How did I get distracted for 10 min to watch Family Matters on YouTube? Oh yeah, I saw news that Urkel will be on Dancing with the Stars. Mar 06, 2012 
  • When Should I Hire a Community Manager? by @danjmckee Mar 06, 2012 
  • If you have bad content, it’s like an anchor dragging your site down ~ @portentint #mozinar Mar 06, 2012 
  • A Linkbuilder’s Gmail Productivity Setup (with Outreach Emails from 4 Industry Linkbuilders) | SEOmoz Mar 05, 2012 
  • Most companies don’t know why their customers are their customers. – Start With Why Mar 05, 2012 
  • Do you know who your top 100 fans are? ~ Sean Moffitt #smcsea Mar 05, 2012 
  • Agreed! “The one real object of education is to leave a man in the condition of continually asking questions” – Bishop Creighton Mar 05, 2012 
  • What I Didn’t Learn About Marketing in College Mar 03, 2012 
  • Cool! Isaiah Thomas named Western Conference Rookie of the Month for February. #huskies Mar 03, 2012 
  • “89% of businesses are either maintaining or increasing their inbound marketing budgets” – Hubspot Mar 03, 2012 
  • @jcolman Awesome, they were out of copies last time I checked (a few months ago) so I’m glad you got one. Mar 03, 2012 
  • Just ordered a free copy of the Zappos Culture Book Mar 03, 2012 
  • Sad but true: How Google Makes Liars Out of the Good Guys in SEO @SEOmoz @wilreynolds Mar 01, 2012 
  • 10 Content Ideas To Improve Organic Visibility Mar 01, 2012 
  • It is better to create 2 videos at 90% quality than 1 video at 100% quality -Sean Moffitt #smcsea Feb 29, 2012 
  • Starting now: PRO webinar w/ @portentint – “Data-Driven Content Strategies” Register Here: #mozinar Feb 28, 2012 
  • Good talk by Reid Hoffman at Stanford “Live Life in Permanent Beta” Feb 27, 2012 
  • Google processes over one billion searches each day. Bing gets around 60 million a day. via @Optify Feb 27, 2012 
  • Agreed “If you have multiple sites, interlinking is a must (unless they’re completely irrelevant and unrelated” – @PointBlankSEO Feb 25, 2012 
  • Index funds have significantly outperformed mutual funds through history but people still buy mutual funds. ~The Myth of the Garage Feb 24, 2012 
  • Just bought the book The Startup of You by Reid Hoffman from Audible. Feb 24, 2012 
  • Audible has a great free mini-book for members called The Myth of the Garage by the Heath brothers. Feb 24, 2012 
  • @dan_shure I’m also reading The Personal MBA. Have you seen his Google talk? Pretty good. Feb 22, 2012 
  • Agreed – “Becoming an expert in the niche that you are optimizing for is an extremely underrated step in the SEO process.” – @ipullrank Feb 21, 2012 
  • Awesome post – The New SEO Process (Quit Being Kanye) | SEOmoz via @ipullrank Feb 21, 2012 
  • Engagio: A Social Inbox for the Rest of Us: via @danjmckee Feb 21, 2012 
  • @ComcastWill @comcastcares Thanks Will. I used and was able to reach someone at Comcast who could help me. Feb 20, 2012 
  • @DanJMckee Yes, part of the problem with Elance is that you can’t leave negative feedback when a contractor doesn’t finish a job. Feb 20, 2012 
  • Hi @comcastcares 4 times calling support today and system sent me to a dead end each time. Do humans work there? Feb 20, 2012 
  • The joys of Elance. A writer canceled on the morning after the deadline for a writing project. Feb 20, 2012 
  • Do you have any recommendations for great books to get on Audible? Feb 19, 2012 
  • Sociological Implications of NBA Star Jeremy Lin’s Rise to Fame Feb 19, 2012 
  • People who were given a small gift at an auto dealership like coffee or water were far more likely to purchase a car. -The Personal MBA Feb 19, 2012 
  • Quick Queries For Link Wins | SEER Interactive Feb 19, 2012 
  • A study of London cab drivers found part of their brain grew larger due to their jobs. -Happiness Advantage Feb 19, 2012 
  • Scientists once concluded that it was physically impossible to run a mile in under 4 min -Happiness Advantage Feb 18, 2012 
  • Thank you! @DFHobbs @Duaneforrester @JimmyDaugherty That means a lot. Feb 17, 2012 
  • Cool, Audible is having a sale. I just picked up 3 credits for $37 (after tax). Audible rocks. Feb 17, 2012 
  • RT @smcseattle Feb 28: Reinventing Your Company in a Customer-Driven Marketplace, feat. @SeanMoffitt. Ticket/Info Feb 17, 2012 
  • Exciting! – Public is protected in plan to build $490M arena via Seattle Times Feb 17, 2012 
  • Just got the keys to my first house. 🙂 Feb 16, 2012 
  • After working out with Jeremy Lin, Gary Payton encouraged NBA executives to give him a shot Feb 16, 2012 
  • The 10 Golden Rules to Attracting Authority Links by Neil Patel on SEOmoz Feb 16, 2012 
  • Be Careful Using AdWords for Keyword Research via @randfishkin @SEOmoz Feb 16, 2012 
  • Interview with Link Building Expert Mike King – Point Blank SEO Feb 15, 2012 
  • Power Guest Posting for SEO – Search Engine Watch Feb 14, 2012 
  • Seattle’s NBA dreams may come at Sacramento’s expense Feb 13, 2012 
  • Just installed the Chrome extension. This should save a lot of time. Feb 13, 2012 
  • RT @JimmyDaugherty Data Visualization Principles: Lessons from Tufte via @SEOmoz @MikeCP Feb 13, 2012 
  • This is an excellent book: Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking Feb 13, 2012 
  • RT @heinzmarketing 10 Lessons Jeremy Lin Can Teach Us Before We Go To Work Monday Morning via @forbes Feb 13, 2012 
  • RT @rbrians Marketers: Is Pinterest Worth the Hype? via @sparkplugonline #seotips #seo #pinterest Feb 09, 2012 
  • 9 Free Tools For Link Discovery & Content Creation Feb 09, 2012 
  • Had fun talking to students at the University of Washington Career Networking Night. Might have convinced a couple to explore SEO. Feb 09, 2012 
  • Apparently it is a $216 ticket in Seattle if you forget to renew your tabs. Lesson learned. Feb 09, 2012 
  • @PaulSharer What did you search for? You’re query might need to be broader. For example- allintitle:time management guest post Feb 08, 2012 
  • Good Google query to find guest post opportunities. allintitle:keyword guest post Feb 08, 2012 
  • Utilizing Second Tier Link Building For Massive ROI via @RossHudgens Feb 08, 2012 
  • Zuckerberg May Face $2 Billion Tax Bill Feb 07, 2012 
  • 5 Ways to Build Links by Lending a Hand via @KaneJamison Feb 06, 2012 
  • @dan_shure Great job on the SEOMoz post. I was excited to see you mention my Diet Coke post. Thanks! Feb 06, 2012 
  • Studies have demonstrated that group brainstorming is less effective than individual brainstorming. -Quiet Feb 05, 2012 
  • Cortez is going into the Hall of Fame! Woohoo. Feb 05, 2012 
  • Good video though! RT @PointBlankSEO Can’t believe @portentint said link building sucks – I’ll forgive Ian someday 🙂 Feb 04, 2012 
  • Infographic tip learned from Mixergy: wireframe an infographic yourself and you can get it designed for ~$200. Feb 03, 2012 
  • His book is great too! “Start With Why” @DannyDover Perhaps the best TED talk I have ever seen – Simon Sinek Feb 02, 2012 
  • UW American Marketing Association Winter Mixer on February 9th #WinterMix Feb 02, 2012 
  • There’s an extra day in February this year. Make it count! Feb 01, 2012 
  • 6 Ideas for Creating Linkworthy Content via @sparkplugonline Feb 01, 2012 
  • @dr_pete Did you know the world record for pushups in a year is 1,500,230 according to this site: Jan 31, 2012 
  • Great free video lesson on WordPress for Web Designers via @creativelive Jan 31, 2012 
  • 3.575 million people die from water-related disease/year – equivalent to filling Cowboy Stadium 44 times. (Infographic) Jan 31, 2012 
  • RT @KaneJamison: Strategic Link Building: Why You Don’t Need To Outrun Lions Jan 31, 2012 
  • The number one generator of happiness is relationships. -Tal Ben-Shahar lecture Jan 31, 2012 
  • IN-NW 2012 Social Media Conference in Seattle on Feb 15th Jan 31, 2012 
  • Why all SEOs should learn to program via @portentint Jan 30, 2012 
  • I am now accepting guest posts on Cool Marketing Stuff Jan 30, 2012 
  • Tynt seems like a valuable tool: Build Links with Tynt Publisher Tools Jan 30, 2012 
  • Listening to a good psychology course by Jeremy Wolfe from MIT on iTunes. Jan 28, 2012 
  • Great site providing free live design courses Jan 28, 2012 
  • Excellent happiness lecture by Harvard professor Tal Ben-Shahar Jan 27, 2012 
  • Top 8 Awesome Podcasts That I Recommend Jan 27, 2012 
  • Haha, thanks @lstigerts – I thought it was time to get serious about Twitter. Jan 25, 2012 
  • 7 Job Hunting Tips for New Marketing Grads Jan 25, 2012 
  • Hit Your Target Market in the Bull’s Eye via @JimmyDaugherty Jan 25, 2012 
  • Answers to 43 Questions About Search, Social, Content, Conversions and More via @SEOmoz Jan 25, 2012 
  • Book Review: The Like Economy by Brian Carter: via @sparkplugonline @danjmckee Jan 24, 2012 
  • RT @portentint: Great marketing helps others make good decisions with powerful, truthful messages. Jan 23, 2012 
  • Google is heavily promoting Google+ pages in search results. Try searching for “cars” or “music”. Jan 22, 2012 
  • There was a good discussion of Google Plus Your World on this week’s TwIt podcast with @dannysullivan Jan 22, 2012 
  • Wow! American Workers Spend $1000 A Year On Coffee, $2000 A Year On Lunch Jan 21, 2012 
  • Links from new pages more effective than links from old pages -SEOMoz (video) Jan 20, 2012 
  • How are they beating you? Quick SEO Analysis Tools Part 1 Jan 20, 2012 
  • The Leveraging Linkedin class on @Mixergy is worth the monthly membership by itself. Jan 19, 2012 
  • @KaneJamison Seemed like a great deal. Yes, we do PPC sometimes when there is a good opportunity for leads. Jan 19, 2012 
  • Just bought this: PPC for Small Business for $5 via @appsumo Jan 19, 2012 
  • @davereichert @Rep_Adam_Smith @PattyMurray Please vote no on SOPA. Jan 18, 2012 
  • Make your marketing so useful that people would be willing to pay for it. -Marketing Smarts podcast Jan 18, 2012 
  • Studies show that over 80% of Americans don’t have their dream job. -Start With Why Jan 17, 2012 
  • “Roughly 90 percent of clicks go to the first three results on a SERP” -Search Engine Optimization Secrets Jan 16, 2012 
  • 10 Great Agriculture Infographics via @seametricsinc Jan 13, 2012 
  • Watch this awesome talk by psychology Nobel Prize winner Daniel Kahneman Jan 13, 2012 
  • Nice interview with Tim Ferriss on the Foundation show by Kevin Rose Jan 12, 2012 
  • One of the best photographers on Flickr: View the slideshow for a mid-day mood boost. Jan 11, 2012 
  • Entity Search Results: The On-going Evolution of Search via @justinrbriggs Jan 11, 2012 
  • Interview with Link Building Expert Ross Hudgens via @pointblankseo Jan 11, 2012 
  • Why the 5 Pillars of Online Marketing Matter Now More than Ever via @marketingprofs @danjmckee Jan 10, 2012 
  • Infographic: Checklist for an SEO Strategy Review via @sparkplugonline Jan 09, 2012 
  • 18 SEO Experts On How To Do SEO In 2012 via @edgyseo Jan 08, 2012 
  • Just discovered Xbox Live has YouTube. Pretty awesome. Watching a Paul Bloom psychology lecture. Jan 07, 2012 
  • “In general, Americans actually find free time more difficult to enjoy than work” -The Happiness Advantage Jan 06, 2012 
  • Just signed up for I will receive coding lessons to my email inbox. Jan 05, 2012 
  • So funny that Google accidentally paid for links and then penalized themselves Jan 04, 2012 
  • Just received a package from Diet Coke! See: “The Great Diet Coke Delivery” Continued Jan 04, 2012 
  • Are we connected on LinkedIn? If not we should be! My email is csipe84 (at) Jan 04, 2012 
  • @KeriMorgret Haha, no word from Diet Coke yet! Jan 04, 2012 
  • RT @PS_AMA Come listen to Google’s @amitfulay speak on using Google+ for biz: Jan 03, 2012 
  • “People tend to harden their beliefs when confronted with facts that challenge them.” -Opportunity Screams Jan 03, 2012 
  • Love this: “How Not to Multi-Task” via Career Tools podcast Jan 02, 2012 
  • RT @lstigerts RT @jtyrus: DON’T DRIVE DRUNK. 6pm-6am on New Year’s, AAA will take you & your car home for FREE, member or not: 800-222-4357 Dec 31, 2011 
  • Blogging isn’t Dead, but Quality Content is Still on Life Support via @sparkplugonline @danjmckee Dec 31, 2011 
  • @nick_eubanks Thanks for the mention! Dec 29, 2011 
  • Just requested an invite from Pinterest – what a brilliant idea. Dec 29, 2011 
  • When you’re rooting for a sports team, you’re really rooting for yourself. ~Seth Godin Dec 26, 2011 
  • @lstigerts I have to work on this but maybe: Optimize happiness for myself and others. Dec 26, 2011 
  • 15 Sites That Help You Use Your Twitter Profile for Link Building Dec 26, 2011 
  • I love hearing about entrepreneurs who have built cool things at Very inspiring. Dec 26, 2011 
  • Agreed! Do you mind sharing your purpose? RT @lstigerts Truly living–identifying your purpose and pursuing it–requires courage. Dec 26, 2011 
  • Pretty cool homepage today by Google. Also try Googling “let it snow”. Dec 25, 2011 
  • Thanks very much to @jennita for updating my SEOMoz post with the response from @DietCokeUS Dec 23, 2011 
  • I asked what Diet Coke what they are sending but they didn’t say. Marshawn Lynch got a 2-year supply of Skittles Haha Dec 23, 2011 
  • Ian wrote an SEOMoz post in reference to my article! – Being Nice Isn’t a Marketing Tactic. Or Is It? @portentint Dec 23, 2011 
  • It looks like Godaddy is reversing its support of SOPA. I was considering moving some domains. Dec 23, 2011 
  • I was just contacted by @DietCokeUS , I think in reference to my article on SEOMoz. Dec 22, 2011 
  • @DietCokeUS Cool! You can follow me so I can DM you or email me at csipe84 at Dec 22, 2011 
  • 5 Water Conservation Gifts to Give This Holiday via Planetsave Dec 22, 2011 
  • 10 Excellent Marketing Podcasts Dec 22, 2011 
  • When you search Google, you are not searching the Internet but rather Google’s index of the internet. ~Matt Cutts video Dec 22, 2011 
  • Thanks for the support! RT @rbrians Congrats @charlessipe – great to see your post made it to SEOmoz Blog’s homepage Dec 21, 2011 
  • “20-25% of the queries that Google sees today they have never seen before” Tom Critchlow #Mozcon Dec 21, 2011 
  • @seohimanshu Thanks! I’m glad I could spark some ideas! Dec 21, 2011 
  • @Da11ey Thanks very much Simon! I appreciate the kind words. Dec 21, 2011 
  • RT @portentint A list of free online learning sites Brush up on your statistics Dec 21, 2011 
  • @jennita Ahh, thanks very much! Dec 20, 2011 
  • Thanks @jennita, I changed my profile but it doesn’t seem to have changed the bio link. Dec 20, 2011 
  • @marielanghout Thanks Marie! Dec 20, 2011 
  • @jennita Hi Jennifer, I totally messed up the HTML on our blog bio of the Diet Coke YouMoz post and the link is broken. Can you help? Dec 20, 2011 
  • Cool! First time on YouMoz! How I Got The Attention of One of the Top SEO Bloggers With Diet Coke via @SEOmoz Dec 20, 2011 
  • Good video of tips – A peek into how I do link building in a boring industry by Wil Reynolds Dec 20, 2011 
  • Good talk by Jessica Mah of inDinero at Stanford’s Entrepreneurial Thought Leaders Dec 20, 2011 
  • Reality Check: Are Paid Links a Smart SEO Investment? via @sparkplugonline Dec 19, 2011 
  • It’s Official: Static, Brochure-Ware Websites Are Dead via @mattmcgee Dec 19, 2011 
  • For some keywords like “credit cards”, Google shows only ads above the fold in the SERP #dontbeevil Dec 17, 2011 
  • “92% of online users first use search engines to look for products and services.” -Hubspot Dec 17, 2011 
  • Mozcation Seattle was awesome and fun. Thanks @seomoz Dec 17, 2011 
  • Watching Rand Fishkin speak at the Mozplex! Dec 17, 2011 
  • 6 Ideas for Creating Linkworthy Content via @sparkplugonline Dec 16, 2011 
  • Recently discovered the Marketing Smarts podcast which has excellent interviews. Dec 15, 2011 
  • RT @Danny Dover When I’m old and dying I plan to look back on my life and say “wow, that was an adventure,” not “wow, I sure felt safe” Dec 15, 2011 
  • @RossHudgens Agreed, Mixergy rocks. The Rand Fishkin interview is good too. Dec 14, 2011 
  • Heading to the Seattle SEO meetup. Dec 14, 2011 
  • Neat trick learned from Mozcon videos. Export anchor text of inbound links from OSE and plug it into Wordle for a nice visualization. Dec 13, 2011 
  • Google Analytics Flow Visualization via Awaken Your Superhero Dec 11, 2011 
  • Why Online Marketers Should Act Like Scientists via @sparkplugonline Dec 10, 2011 
  • @RossHudgens Mixergy is awesome, which course are you referring to? Dec 09, 2011 
  • “Comment on 5 different SEO blogs each day.” -Neil Patel on building an SEO agency brand Dec 09, 2011 
  • Submitted my first YouMoz post last night! Dec 08, 2011 
  • RT @cspenn: For the evening crowd, grab @julien’s free Domino Project book The Flinch now on Kindle: Dec 08, 2011 
  • People don’t want to learn how to fish, they want the fish handed to them. ~Yanik Silver #mixergy Dec 08, 2011 
  • Panda update was different because weak content could affect the entire site #mozinar Dec 08, 2011 
  • Wow, our site’s keyword data from Google Analytics is now 19% ‘not provided’. Dec 07, 2011 
  • @merlayna Thanks! I thought it would be fun and I wasn’t sure how it would be received. Now I have a great story to tell! Dec 07, 2011 
  • Wow! Conversation Marketing mentioned me to show how being helpful is good marketing Thanks! @portentint Dec 07, 2011 
  • Seven things to do at the weekend, to help your SEO via @distilled Dec 06, 2011 
  • Nice! RT @RossHudgens Inbound Marketing for Startups – a really cool talk starring @randfish Dec 06, 2011 
  • @portentint Yes, because he updates his status to all the social networks. Dec 06, 2011 
  • Those who view SEO as a lifestyle choice rather than something to turn on and off tend to be most successful ~Art of SEO Dec 05, 2011 
  • @DanJMckee I’ve been wanting to try Codeacademy to learn some coding skills. Looks pretty cool. Dec 04, 2011 
  • Zappos treated vendors exceptionally well, when a common practice was to treat them poorly. -Delivering Happiness Dec 03, 2011 
  • I’m trying Mixergy Premium ($25/month) which provides courses with successful entrepreneurs and great interviews Dec 03, 2011 
  • @redslice That’s great. I’ll have to set my DVR to MSNBC for sunday at 430 am to see your interview. Dec 02, 2011 
  • @NorthwestGolfer That was pretty great! Ray Allen was one of my all-time favorite Sonics. Dec 01, 2011 
  • Fortune named Howard Schultz the “Business Person of the Year”. Threw my copy straight into the recycle. #sonicsgate Dec 01, 2011 
  • RT @HeinzMarketing: Six degrees of separation down to 4.74, researchers say Nov 30, 2011 
  • @lstigerts I’d have to say the Now That’s What I Call Christmas! album is a pretty solid collection of holiday songs. Nov 29, 2011 
  • @RossHudgens I passed on the BOTW link because it would have had no Page Authority and in the 7th subfolder. Still worth it? Nov 29, 2011 
  • @Brittney_Joy I use Mailchimp for email marketing since it is free for the first 12,000 emails. Nov 28, 2011 
  • 5 Useful Tools for Managing Email Marketing via Cool Marketing Stuff Nov 28, 2011 
  • #FavoriteNBAMoments When the Seattle Sonics drafted Kevin Durant (before the team was stolen). @sonicsgate Nov 28, 2011 
  • @lstigerts Definitely! String theory is such a mind bender. ( Nov 28, 2011 
  • Happiness is yours – for $75,000 a year via @yahoocanadanews Nov 28, 2011 
  • Tip: If you Google “related:“, it brings up a list of pages that Google thinks are similar. Nov 28, 2011 
  • @lstigerts I haven’t, I mostly read marketing and fiction books. Nov 27, 2011 
  • Thanks @lstigerts, I’m checking this out now! Have you seen Brian Greene’s TED talk about string theory? Nov 27, 2011 
  • Good video on why toolbar Page Rank is not a very good SEO metric Nov 26, 2011 
  • Interesting Simon Mainwaring talk at Google on marketing that helps the world Nov 26, 2011 
  • Loyal customers are those willing to suffer an inconvenience or pay a premium -Start With Why Nov 23, 2011 
  • Interesting roundtable discussion on the future of education (video) Nov 22, 2011 
  • Just discovered the podcast Office Hours with @vanessafox Check it out for good online marketing and SEO discussion and info. Nov 22, 2011 
  • Gaming Social Media Signals for Fun and Profit via @joehall @SEOmoz Nov 22, 2011 
  • RT @GraywolfSeo: 98% of online US adults aged 18-24 use social media Nov 21, 2011 
  • 10 Best Marketing Books of 2011 via Cool Marketing Stuff Nov 21, 2011 
  • Marketing #FF @redslice (branding author) @lstigerts (marketing at SEOMoz) @seohimanshu (SEO in UK) @cspenn (marketing author) Nov 19, 2011 
  • How do you know if someone is passionate for interviewing but not for working? – Start With Why Nov 18, 2011 
  • A Successful Job Search: It’s All About Networking via NPR Nov 18, 2011 
  • #NowPlaying Willie Nelson – The Scientist on @Spotify Nov 17, 2011 
  • Marketers often make the mistake of attributing conversion to a consumer’s last action ~ @cspenn #wcweb Nov 17, 2011 
  • This looks very interesting – Duplicate Content in a Post-Panda World via @dr_pete Nov 17, 2011 
  • RT @randfish: Prerequisite for success: ability to turn disheartening setbacks into motivation for improvement rather than excuses to quit Nov 17, 2011 
  • I liked this article by @portentint A CEO’s guide to surviving marketing agency growth Nov 16, 2011 
  • RT @berkun I’ll be at Elysian Brewery for @uxhappyhour at 5pm. I’ll have free copies of #mindfire. #ux #seattle. (Lameos will show at 6). Nov 16, 2011 
  • RT @SEOMoz Get the #MozCon 2011 videos before the end of November & you get videos from 2010 as well! Nov 16, 2011 
  • @greatwebmeeting Thanks Wayne. I’m a big fan of the Cranky Middle Manager podcast. Nov 16, 2011 
  • Retargeted consumers are 70% more likely to convert than a non-retargeted consumer ~ @JoannaLord Mozcon videos Nov 16, 2011 
  • Cool, Eventbrite can create a QR code that you can scan to check people into your event- Marketing Over Coffee Nov 16, 2011 
  • According to this podcast interview GenY has a poor work ethic, are dishonest, and often show up late. Nov 16, 2011 
  • Photos Draw Most Facebook Interactions, Links Draw the Least via @mattmcgee Nov 15, 2011 
  • Loving the MozCon videos because its like attending an SEO conference from my home #SEOMoz Nov 15, 2011 
  • If you think you’re being too obvious with call to actions you’re probably doing it right ~The Personal MBA Nov 15, 2011 
  • RT @sparkplugonline: Video will Account for 90% of Net Traffic in Three Years -@Cisco Nov 13, 2011 
  • Top 5 Tips for Guest Blog Research Nov 13, 2011 
  • Just bought the Marketing White Belt book by @cspenn to support the Marketing Over Coffee podcast Nov 12, 2011 
  • RT @RossHudgens Full Beaker is still looking for an SEO Analyst/Link Builder #seo #jobs Nov 12, 2011 
  • Lessons From Getting Hit By The Google Panda Update Nov 08, 2011 
  • RT @richardbaxter: Watch all the 2011 #MozCon presentations: via @SEOmoz Nov 06, 2011 
  • It was awesome meeting @pearsonified today at #sic2011, the creator of the great Thesis theme for WordPress. Nov 04, 2011 
  • “Everything you say and everything you do has to prove what you believe.” -Simon Sinek Nov 03, 2011 
  • Limit unnecessary content in sidebar to prevent distraction from main content ~Chris Pearson #sic2011 Nov 03, 2011 
  • Make text appear easy to read (short paragraphs) to encourage people to continue reading ~Chris Pearson #sic2011 Nov 03, 2011 
  • An image at the beginning of a post can draw readers in ~Chris Pearson #sic2011 Nov 03, 2011 
  • Google Suggest can be influenced by lots of people searching for a specific phrase ~Rand Fishkin #sic2011 Nov 03, 2011 
  • Use to find social followers who don’t link to you yet ~Rand Fishkin #sic2011 Nov 03, 2011 
  • If you have great content, social rewards it. -Rand Fishkin #sic2011 Nov 03, 2011 
  • You can’t do great SEO or marketing without great content. ~Rand Fishkin #sic2011 Nov 03, 2011 
  • Just saw a demo of Echoer, an interesting upcoming app for sharing thoughts in a place. #sic2011 Nov 03, 2011 
  • Common mistake: using Adwords to send traffic to brochure homepage instead of landing page ~Brian Clark #inboundnow Nov 03, 2011 
  • RT @iPullRank “SEO is about making the site the best it can be for the searchers” @vanessafox #SIC2011 Nov 02, 2011 
  • RT @immy79 Some interesting SEO tools shared by @vanessafox at #SIC2011. Google correlate looks quite handy. Nov 02, 2011 
  • RT @SeattleGuanxi Your user experience doesn’t start on your home page. It starts on the search results page. @vanessafox #SIC2011 Nov 02, 2011 
  • RT @DorotaUmeno #1 step in SEO is to clarify the business goals. Vanessa Fox #SIC2011 Nov 02, 2011 
  • RT @megrnelson: 25% of users on Facebook post a question a few times a week to seek opinions from people they now. #sic2011 Nov 02, 2011 
  • Excellent post: Concerns with Link Valuation Oct 30, 2011 
  • 1 billion posts have been shared on Google+ -Hubspot Oct 30, 2011 
  • The right question is not can we build it but should we build it ~Eric Ries on Six Pixels of Separation podcast Oct 30, 2011 
  • RT @lifehacker: Candles can last twice as long if you freeze them for a couple of hours before using them in your jack-o-lantern Oct 28, 2011 
  • Just finished reading Search Engine Optimization Secrets by @DannyDover. Great SEO book with a lot of actionable tips. Oct 28, 2011 
  • @seattletimes, please stop telespamming me. Thanks! Oct 28, 2011 
  • A pivot is a change in strategy without a change in vision -Eric Ries #thisweekinstartups Oct 28, 2011 
  • Making decisions at a startup is easy because they are never permanent. -Eric Ries #thisweekinstartups Oct 28, 2011 
  • I just registered for Seattle Interactive Conference. Excited to see some awesome SEO and marketing speakers. @seattleinteract Oct 27, 2011 
  • ‘Really understanding the mind of Google is the best way to future-proof your SEO efforts.’ – Dr. Pete #SEOMoz Oct 27, 2011 
  • 99% of SEO best practices are freely available on the Web – Rand Fishkin #searchgeeksspeak Oct 26, 2011 
  • RT @lamiki: “More than 50% of searches have a local intent” @vanessafox #SMCsea Oct 26, 2011 
  • Chrystler’s adwords after Superbowl sent people to Youtube instead of website -Vanessa Fox #smcseattle Oct 26, 2011 
  • 17.1 billion searches in September 2011 -Vanessa Fox #smcsea Oct 26, 2011 
  • Rainn Wilson and Friends coming to Seattle November 19th Oct 25, 2011 
  • Keep track of how much of your keyword referral data is being lost in Google analytics – @randfish Oct 25, 2011 
  • Good video explanation of Google’s changes to the keyword referral data in Analytics Oct 22, 2011 
  • I’m digging the new time management course on multitasking=bad Oct 22, 2011 
  • Focus on Your Strengths (I Learned the Hard Way) via @jasonmkey Oct 21, 2011 
  • The Yogurt Rap – a great example of creating compelling content around a “boring” product. Oct 20, 2011 
  • RT @portentint: 40% of shoppers start christmas shopping before Halloween. #notme #stats Oct 20, 2011 
  • @garthobrien I enjoyed your presentation today at #psamalunch. I lot of good actionable information. Oct 19, 2011 
  • If you have more than 50,000 urls, use multiple XML sitemaps #psamalunch Oct 19, 2011 
  • The h1 tag of a page is like the chapter title in a book #psamalunch Oct 19, 2011 
  • Fixing url structure helped an established site increase a site’s organic traffic over 200% #psamalunch Oct 19, 2011 
  • Too many subfolders in a url structure tells search engines that a page is not very important #psamalunch Oct 19, 2011 
  • Interesting Mixergy Interview with Jonathan Fields about dealing with uncertainty and the benefits of meditation Oct 19, 2011 
  • RT @amberfaves: “Happiness consists of living each day as if it were the last day of your vacation”…. cause it is. Oct 18, 2011 
  • RT @DuaneForrester: Google Turning the Lights Out on Organic Data Opinion by TonyVerre Oct 18, 2011 
  • I’m attending the PSAMA lunch tomorrow “How to Recognize a SEO Disaster” with Garth O’Brien Oct 18, 2011 
  • RT @Aignam: Reasons to Consider a Career in Online Marketing RT: @mpdotcom Oct 18, 2011 
  • Vanessa Fox is doing a talk on search and social at SMCSeattle Oct 17, 2011 
  • 12 Thought Provoking Quotes on Attitude Oct 17, 2011 
  • Would you rather be fulfilled or successful? Oct 15, 2011 
  • “The mind is its own place, and in itself can make a Heaven of Hell, a Hell of Heaven.” ~John Milton Oct 14, 2011 
  • Is the Government developing a ‘Pre-Crime’ program? Oct 14, 2011 
  • Congrats! That’s great! RT @randfish: Washington State’s Top 10 Fastest Growing Companies: Guess who’s at #5? 🙂 Oct 14, 2011 
  • Ahh! A robot that can “think” being created in Japan Oct 14, 2011 
  • Looks awesome! Love the Sonicsgate link! RT @JeffDye If you haven’t yet check out Oct 14, 2011 
  • @DanielleAndino Thanks for the retweet. What school are you attending? Oct 13, 2011 
  • The High Cost of Drunk Driving (Infographic) (please RT) Oct 13, 2011 
  • RT @SteveAkinsSEO: Why Rank Checking Is Not Critical (at least for me) Oct 13, 2011 
  • RT @iQuote: Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself. – Leo Tolstoy Oct 12, 2011 
  • @bradnelson The NBA cares more about profits then customers. Why else would they abandon loyal customers of 41 years? Oct 11, 2011 
  • I love that Tweetdeck lets me see just the Tweets from a list of people. Makes Twitter far less noisy. Oct 11, 2011 
  • I like the idea of building digital skyscrapers or Internet treasures (from Mark Pincus talk at Stanford). Oct 10, 2011 
  • Always great discussions about Google on the podcast This Week in Google. Oct 09, 2011 
  • RT @SteveAkinsSEO: “Not all those who wander are lost.” – J.R.R. Tolkien Oct 07, 2011 
  • Seth Godin talk: “Quieting the Lizard Brain” (video) Oct 07, 2011 
  • “Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become.” -Steve Jobs Oct 07, 2011 
  • Steve Jobs’ 2005 Stanford Commencement Address Oct 06, 2011 
  • RT @PS_AMA: Step Outside Your Comfort Zone and Study Yourself Failing (video) via @the99percent & @joshuafoer Oct 06, 2011 
  • Powerful stuff by Seth Godin – The forever recession (and the coming revolution) Oct 06, 2011 
  • Great video of Steve Jobs talking about marketing Oct 06, 2011 
  • “The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do” -Think Different ad Oct 06, 2011 
  • “Discernment is the hardest part of marketing–seeing the world as it is, instead of how you experience it.” -Seth Godin Oct 06, 2011 
  • “Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose.” -Steve Jobs #RIP Oct 06, 2011 
  • Seth Godin has a new book out: We Are All Weird. It’s only $2.99 on Kindle Oct 05, 2011 
  • Very interesting episode on health and fitness startups Oct 05, 2011 
  • Your Twitter followers can be a good source for linkbuilding since they are interested in you -SEOMoz webinar Oct 05, 2011 
  • If I can write down everything you do then I can hire someone cheaper -Seth Godin on Marketing Over Coffee podcast Oct 05, 2011 
  • Is your company a mercenary company or a missionary company? -Mark Pincus talk at Stanford Oct 04, 2011 
  • Excellent talk by Mark Pincus on entrepreneurship at Stanford (video) Oct 04, 2011 
  • Seems like there are only about 3 library Kindle copies of most books available – for the entire county. Oct 03, 2011 
  • Scholarships and SEO: A Win-Win-Win Situation via @rbrians @sparkplugonline Oct 02, 2011 
  • Consistency breeds trust which leads to sales – Drew McLellan Oct 02, 2011 
  • Author Maria Ross shares insights into effective branding and running a marketing consultancy (please RT!) Sep 30, 2011 
  • RT @MikeTek: Do you feel that? The boredom at your day job? The soul sucking lack of interest? That’s the feeling of going extinct. Wake up. Sep 28, 2011 
  • Just checked out a Kindle book from my library to my iPad. Pretty awesome. It is checked out for 21 days. Sep 28, 2011 
  • The $79 Kindle is in stock but Kindle Touch and Kindle Fire come out in November. Sep 28, 2011 
  • New Kindles are out with a new $79 price point Sep 28, 2011 
  • RT @TomSchmitz: LinkedIn is for people you know. Facebook is for people you used to know. Twitter is for people you want to know. – Unknown Sep 28, 2011 
  • RT @kikolani: How To Keep Your Entrepreneurial Fire Burning via @yarostarak by @NacieCarson Sep 27, 2011 
  • 21 Ways to Create Compelling Content When You Don’t Have a Clue Sep 27, 2011 
  • Pay a site to publish your infographic (with nofollow link) and include embed code with followed link -SEOMoz webinar Sep 26, 2011 
  • If an authoritative site links to a page that is no longer updated this could be a good opportunity to earn a link -SEOMoz Sep 26, 2011 
  • @problogger: 8 Reasons Why I Highly Recommend Having a Personal Blog Sep 23, 2011 
  • “Googlebot and Bing ignore the hash symbol and everything after it” (in URLs) Sep 23, 2011 
  • 10 Ways to Fail Miserably at Content Marketing via @jasonmkey @sparkplugonline Sep 23, 2011 
  • Top 10 Most Important Google News Ranking Factors Sep 23, 2011 
  • How to Make Marketing Strategy Real via Duct Tape Marketing Sep 23, 2011 
  • Cross domain rel=canonical can be a great way to get credit from Google for your content you syndicate on other sites. Sep 22, 2011 
  • RT @PaulTravis: Facebook ‘App Economy’ Adds Over 200K Jobs, Contributes More Than $15B To The U.S. Economy Sep 22, 2011 
  • Just met a lot of interesting people at the @SMCseattle event. Sep 22, 2011 
  • Cool, the SEOMoz webinar from yesterday “The End of Search Without Social ” is already available if you missed it at Sep 21, 2011 
  • Outreach in Difficult Niches via @Distilled Sep 20, 2011 
  • RT @SEOaudiore: Social media was used by 11% of users a few years back, to now 65% in 2011. #mozinar Sep 20, 2011 
  • “Amit Singhal’s Panda questions would indicate that grammar and spelling are gaining in algorithmic importance.” Sep 19, 2011 
  • @GeoffKenyon Enjoyed your article on 4 Tips for Creating Link Bait Sep 19, 2011 
  • Having too many exact match anchor text links can hurt your site’s SEO. -SEOMoz Sep 19, 2011 
  • RT @cherylmarquez: There are no problems in my company, there are only opportunities. via Craig DeMarco Sep 17, 2011 
  • Our lizard brain relentlessly exaggerates the cost of being wrong. – Poke the Box Sep 17, 2011 
  • Great new presentation by @mvolpe Death by Marketing Automation Sep 16, 2011 
  • RT @JayEhret: We’re All Marketers Now – Sep 16, 2011 
  • People don’t read email, they read me-mail. Sep 16, 2011 
  • Learn how to improve your blogging and SEO with Topic Buckets Sep 16, 2011 
  • At @officenomads they have a siren that flashes every time someone tweets @officenomads. Sep 16, 2011 
  • The requirements on a job posting are usually not requirements, they are a wish list. Sep 15, 2011 
  • Justifying the Value of SEO via Search Engine Watch Sep 15, 2011 
  • How To Reach Bloggers, Ninja Style via SEOMoz Sep 14, 2011 
  • RT @JimKukral: I like to watch this every once in a while to remember just how small we are. Sep 14, 2011 
  • RT @ducttape: Purpose doesn’t care what you sell; it’s far more concerned with why you sell it Sep 14, 2011 
  • The Art of Referral Conversion via Duct Tape Marketing Sep 13, 2011 
  • How Often Should You Update Your Website Graywolf’s SEO Blog Sep 13, 2011 
  • People are less satisfied with good choices if they are chosen from large choice sets than from small choice sets – Barry Schwartz Sep 13, 2011 
  • Marketers: Call Them Agents of Change via Marketing Profs Sep 13, 2011 
  • The most important job of a marketer is to develop and execute a marketing strategy. -Duct Tape Marketing podcast Sep 13, 2011 
  • Excellent free recorded webinar by SEOMoz : Using Open Site Explorer to Uncover New Marketing Opportunities Sep 12, 2011 
  • Zappos offers employees a class on the science of happiness – Delivering Happiness Sep 10, 2011 
  • Google’s Big Plans for +1 via The Blog Herald Sep 09, 2011 
  • 15 Things Marketers Can Learn to Improve Their Skills Sep 07, 2011 
  • @mvolpe Thanks for the follow Mike! I am a big fan of your work at HubSpot. Sep 06, 2011 
  • Why you should still care about duplicate content Sep 06, 2011 
  • Finding Keywords for Optimization of Site Structure & Link Architecture Sep 06, 2011 
  • The Chromebook has a Search key instead of Caps Lock -This Week in Google Sep 06, 2011 
  • RT @larrysivitz: PPC Optimization in Under 30 Minutes a Week Sep 04, 2011 
  • “I get all weak-kneed when I see a customer-obsessed company” -Jeff Bezos Sep 04, 2011 
  • Finding shared passions via social media can break down barriers. -Enchantment Sep 04, 2011 
  • “Since 80 percent of your life is spent working, you should start your business around something that is a passion of yours“ Rich Branson Sep 02, 2011 
  • How exercising before work can boost marketers’ productivity Sep 02, 2011 
  • Yes, You Really Can Build Links With Twitter – Whiteboard Friday (video) Sep 02, 2011 
  • Google May Tweak Search Rankings With +1 Data Sep 02, 2011 
  • Zarrella’s Hierarchy of Contagiousness Book Review: via @sparkplugonline @jasonmkey Sep 02, 2011 
  • Having strong social relationships extends life more than quitting smoking. -Happiness Hypothesis Sep 01, 2011 
  • Trust: It Is, Was, and Always Will Be the #1 SEO Ranking Factor Sep 01, 2011 
  • @tammycamp A good tool for checking that is Sep 01, 2011 
  • “Life is neither a problem to be solved nor a game to be won” – 4 Hour Workweek Sep 01, 2011 
  • “Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose.” -Steve Jobs Aug 31, 2011 
  • Twitter’s link shortening service is game changing – here’s why Aug 30, 2011 
  • Great episode of Freakonomics Radio: The Economist’s Guide to Parenting Aug 30, 2011 
  • 4 Core SEO Strategies for Search Traffic Growth via @sparkplugonline Aug 30, 2011 
  • Creative linkbuilding tips: 9 Actionable Tips for Link Prospecting Aug 29, 2011 
  • RT @state_ofsearch: (A): 301 redirects: not so good for SEO after all? Aug 28, 2011 
  • “The aim of marketing is to make selling superfluous.” -Peter Drucker Aug 27, 2011 
  • Matt Cutts’ Tips for Earning Links to Your Site (video) Aug 27, 2011 
  • Work stress? 4 ways to beat burnout Aug 27, 2011 
  • RT @seonow: 10 tips for beating Google Panda – Pocket-lint Aug 26, 2011 
  • PPC is like liposuction while SEO is like going to the gym. -Hubspot Aug 26, 2011 
  • Your life should not support your work. Your work should support your life. Aug 25, 2011 
  • RT @simonmainwaring Steve Jobs steps down as CEO of Apple. Wow. Aug 24, 2011 
  • Just launched the redesign of Cool Marketing Stuff. Let me know what you think! Aug 24, 2011 
  • A good podcast I just discovered with SEO interviews: SEO Radio Aug 23, 2011 
  • 7 Steps That May Dramatically Boost Your Happiness via Dumb Little Man Aug 23, 2011 
  • Fighting Scrapers when Google Won’t: A Simple Guide Aug 22, 2011 
  • @mitchjoel Great song choice for the end of Six Pixels of Separation podcast #266, St. Lawrence River by David Usher #podsafe Aug 22, 2011 
  • “Research shows that the average employee gets interrupted from work every 11 minutes” -Happiness Advantage Aug 22, 2011 
  • Starbucks covering outlets at some stores in New York Coworking is much better @officenomads @thinkspace Aug 20, 2011 
  • Advice to students about getting a great first marketing job by @dmscott Aug 20, 2011 
  • Google’s 23 questions for assessing site content quality Aug 19, 2011 
  • Should I Hire an Intern to Handle Social Media? via @sparkplugonline @jasonmkey Aug 19, 2011 
  • Want to stand out in a job search? Send the hiring manager a ebook you wrote or a video of you speaking. -Marketing Over Coffee Aug 18, 2011 
  • Just signed up for courses and am learning about pivot tables. This is awesome. Aug 18, 2011 
  • Matt Cutt’s TED Talk on trying something new for 30 days Aug 17, 2011 
  • “Marketing is a skill that you can learn and should be practiced everyday” Aug 17, 2011 
  • RT @jasonyormark: The 6 Habits Of Highly Effective Marketers Aug 17, 2011 
  • RT @SpringCreekGrp: Ex-WA. Gov. @AmbLocke’s photo of him carrying bag + buying coffee goes viral in China – Aug 16, 2011 
  • Five Principles to Better Outreach Link Building via @SEOMoz @ipullrank Aug 16, 2011 
  • How to grow inbound links with guest blogging opportunities (video) via Hubspot Aug 16, 2011 
  • “People tend to harden their beliefs when confronted with facts that challenge them” -Opportunity Screams Aug 16, 2011 
  • The longest (toolbar) PageRank update took 11 months – @randfish #whiteboardfriday Aug 15, 2011 
  • How to Find and Use Lifetime Customer Value for Online Marketing via @Sparkplugonline @JasonMkey Aug 14, 2011 
  • Awesome. The first 4 seasons of Mad Men is now on Netflix streaming. Aug 14, 2011 
  • @pchee You might as well buy it. Will power is a limited resource and you don’t want to drain it 🙂 Aug 13, 2011 
  • The Secret to Writing Faster Without Sacrificing Quality: via @Sparkplugonline @JasonMkey Aug 13, 2011 
  • My 9 favorite marketing podcasts Aug 13, 2011 
  • Hi @DuaneForrester, it made my day to realize that you follow me on Twitter. I was just listening to you on the Beancast! Aug 12, 2011 
  • RT @jnickhughes: Food, Drink and Tech: The Seattle Startup Crawl is Friday, August 26th Starting at 5pm: Aug 12, 2011 
  • The interruption fallacy: People actually don’t mind interruptions that are interesting, expected, or helpful. Aug 12, 2011 
  • Working hard is overrated Interesting article by Caterina Fake, founder of Flickr Aug 12, 2011 
  • “Working on the right thing is probably more important than working hard. ” -Caterina Fake Aug 12, 2011 
  • 4 free small business marketing webinars from The Marketing Spot Aug 12, 2011 
  • Poke the Box is a great book for anyone in business (the hard part is following Godin’s advice). Aug 11, 2011 
  • RT @jasonyormark: 20 Quotes To Inspire Your Marketing via @BrennerMichael Aug 11, 2011 
  • There are over a billion searches per day on Google and 85% of those clicks are organic search results. Aug 09, 2011 
  • “If you’re not upsetting anyone, you’re not changing the status quo.” -Seth Godin Aug 09, 2011 
  • Free audiobook download of Tribal Leadership. Thanks Zappos! Aug 09, 2011 
  • “People will give their last dollar to be entertained” -Duct Tape Marketing blog Aug 08, 2011 
  • In business, usefulness is more important than innovation -Jason Fried Aug 08, 2011 
  • 37 Signals employees don’t work on Fridays in the Summer -Jason Fried Sounds nice! Aug 08, 2011 
  • RT @sparkplugonline The Lazy Man’s SEO : Building Content That Matters via @sejournal Aug 08, 2011 
  • Excellence is about taking the initiative to do work you decide is worth doing. -Poke the Box Aug 06, 2011 
  • Just added I’m Feeling Lucky to my reading list. The author was the first marketing manager at Google. Aug 06, 2011 
  • Comscore overestimates Bing’s search market share because they count searches on MSN and Yahoo sites -Rand Fishkin Aug 05, 2011 
  • SEO is a very simple process but challenging to execute well. -Rand Fishkin Aug 05, 2011 
  • Google recently changed its policy to allow advertisers to include trademarked terms in PPC ad copy Aug 05, 2011 
  • The 15 Questions You Must Know the Answer To Before Creating An Effective Marketing Campaign Aug 05, 2011 
  • Actionable Link Building Strategies via SEOMoz Aug 05, 2011 
  • Quality of links has become significantly more important in local rankings -Mike Ramsey on Power to the Small Business podcast Aug 05, 2011 
  • @lstigerts I love the SEOMoz toolbar for Chrome. Very useful SEO tool! Aug 04, 2011 
  • 10 Insightful Recent Studies About Social Media via EverythingPR Aug 04, 2011 
  • Hi @Brittney_Joy . Yes is my marketing blog where I try to provide a helpful resource for marketers. Aug 04, 2011 
  • Social Media Lessons from a Grade School Perspective via @Sparkplugonline Aug 04, 2011 
  • Productivity Tip: Use Gmail filters to automatically send unnecessary messages to trash like Groupon or Amazon. Aug 02, 2011 
  • RT @GreatestQuotes: “Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration.” – Thomas Edison Aug 02, 2011 
  • Google encourages employees to take time out of their day to visit their kids at the company childcare -Happiness Advantage Aug 01, 2011 
  • Just finished Opportunity Screams by Tom Asacker. More marketers should read this book. Jul 31, 2011 
  • van Gogh died penniless while Picasso was valued at $750 million. The main difference – superior networking skills -Opportunity Screams Jul 31, 2011 
  • “What we see depends mainly on what we look for” -John Lubbock #quote Jul 29, 2011 
  • Businesses that get the most referrals have a great customer experience -Inbound Now podcast Jul 25, 2011 
  • Just got married! Jul 24, 2011 
  • Picking up some things at the store for my wedding later today. Jul 23, 2011 
  • Does anyone know a good backup service for cloud apps like Gmail, Flickr, Delicious, etc.? Jul 22, 2011 
  • The 14 Hot Seattle Startups You Need To Watch via Business Insider Jul 22, 2011 
  • 10 Insightful Recent Studies About Social Media: Jul 21, 2011 
  • @Phillipi Nice! I like browser based apps better. I will try it out. Jul 21, 2011 
  • If you manage multiple Twitter accounts Tweetdeck is awesome. Jul 21, 2011 
  • RT @HarvardBiz: How CMOs Build Brands by Collaborating Across Silos Jul 20, 2011 
  • Apple’s competitive advantage is that it has a virtual monopoly on self expression -Mario Simon Jul 20, 2011 
  • The NFL star and the brain injuries that destroyed him via The Guardian Jul 20, 2011 
  • @anikamarketer Josh Kaufman describes this as “communication overhead” in his talk at Google #ThePersonalMBA Jul 18, 2011 
  • “Has anyone ever been to a meeting where the sole purpose of that meeting was to prepare for another meeting?” -Josh Kaufman Google talk Jul 18, 2011 
  • Police Seek Warrants to Search Facebook Accounts Jul 18, 2011 
  • RT @stevegarfield: [Video] Christopher S. Penn Interview on Jul 18, 2011 
  • 7 Tips for Grabbing High Quality Blog Interviews by @jasonmkey Jul 18, 2011 
  • My Two Best Friends: Failure and Rejection via @newcommbiz Jul 17, 2011 
  • NASA’s budget of $20B is the same as the cost last year for air conditioning for troops in the middle east. -TwIT podcast Jul 17, 2011 
  • Just got an invite to Spotify! It’s pretty great. You can listen to any track for free (it is ad supported). Jul 17, 2011 
  • Q&A content on company sites is a big opportunity to attract highly relevant traffic. Jul 16, 2011 
  • RT @TimothyCarter: Celebrate what you want to see more of. ~Thomas J. Peters Jul 14, 2011 
  • RT @gcgibson: Life consists not in holding good cards, but in playing those cards you hold well. Jul 14, 2011 
  • 50 Things Every Marketer Should Do Before They Die via @unbounce Jul 14, 2011 
  • Great free webinar by Tom Critchlow on linkbuilding for startups at @appsumo. Jul 14, 2011 
  • RT @SteveAkinsSEO: “All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make the better.”- Ralph Waldo Emerson #quote Jul 14, 2011 
  • Empathy: The Brand Equity of Retail via HBS Working Knowledge Jul 13, 2011 
  • Another great episode of @thebeancast on Google Plus, Facebook+Skype, and Nike+Michael Vick. Jul 13, 2011 
  • 10 Surprising Findings on Happiness via @pickthebrain Jul 13, 2011 
  • RT @glenngabe: The Huge Untapped Potential of Q&A Content for SEO via @willcritchlow on @semoz Jul 12, 2011 
  • “More than 20% of our time spent online is spent on social.” -SEOMoz Jul 12, 2011 
  • ‘We don’t stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.’ – George Bernard Shaw Jul 11, 2011 
  • Marketing Lessons From Patagonia: Review of Let My People Go Surfing via Cool Marketing Stuff Jul 11, 2011 
  • The What, Why and How Of PageRank via @stayonsearch Jul 10, 2011 
  • Creative Tips For Link Building On A Shoestring Budget via @sengineland Jul 10, 2011 
  • When looking at a competitor’s link profile look for how they are getting links. #SEO Jul 10, 2011 
  • Excel Ninja Guide for SEO from @DistilledUS Jul 09, 2011 
  • Just followed Mark Zuckerberg on Google Plus! Jul 07, 2011 
  • How to Create Great Advertising: Interview w/ Luke Sullivan – Power to the Small Business podcast @themarketingguy Jul 07, 2011 
  • 10 B2B sales & marketing metrics worth tracking via @heinzmarketing Jul 07, 2011 
  • “In my walks, every man I meet is my superior in some way, and in that I learn from him.” -Ralph Waldo Emerson Jul 05, 2011 
  • Android powers over 100 million gadgets -Fortune Jul 04, 2011 
  • is great! Jul 02, 2011 
  • Women are more prone to depression but are slightly happier on average than men – Paul Bloom Jul 02, 2011 
  • 4 Tools For Collecting Customer Feedback: via @SparkplugOnline Jul 02, 2011 
  • Super Simple Do It Yourself Online Marketing Campaign Checklist: Jun 30, 2011 
  • @BrianFMartin great interview with @JeffreyHayzlett on the Brand Fast-Trackers podcast Jun 29, 2011 
  • Vary the anchor text of external links -SEOMoz blog (too many links with the same anchor text looks unnatural) Jun 29, 2011 
  • 7 Secrets of Low-Stress Internet Marketers Jun 29, 2011 
  • Study: Advertising Half as Effective as Previously Thought via @AdAge Jun 29, 2011 
  • Look at conspiricy theory videos as a model for viral videos -@sonicsgate #smcseattle Jun 29, 2011 
  • ‘No one cares about your 20 features” -@3enCrawford #Smcseattle Jun 29, 2011 
  • RT @mjtwit: Having passionate people behind what you do will help get your message out @Sonicsgate #smcsea Jun 29, 2011 
  • No wonder Google Wave failed. Google’s explanation video was about 90 minutes. Jun 29, 2011 
  • RT @Kenji_O: RT @SeattleSonics: Love seeing the @sonicsgate trailer being played at #smcsea! Jun 29, 2011 
  • Seattle took a settlement that allowed the Sonics to move RT @aboyer: Love the irony of …Jason Reid speaking in Seattle City Hall #Smcsea Jun 29, 2011 
  • At Social Media Club Seattle, looking forward to insights from @sonicsgate Jun 29, 2011 
  • Interesting interview on This Week in Startups with GetAround, a peer to peer car rental service Jun 28, 2011 
  • “If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer” -Henry David Thoreau Jun 28, 2011 
  • Conduct backlink research on sites that are outranking you but don’t deserve it – @wilreynolds Jun 27, 2011 
  • Interesting points RT @MichaelEllsberg: The Top 4 Reasons Why “Passive Income” is a Dangerous Fantasy Jun 26, 2011 
  • RT @willcritchlow: Things I wish I’d known – I recently gave a talk at my old high school on the subject of “things I wish I’d… http:/ … Jun 26, 2011 
  • Social support is an antidote for stress and prime contributor to workplace achievement. -Happiness Advantage Jun 23, 2011 
  • Looking forward to the Seattle SMC event next week with @Sonicsgate . Ironically it is sponsored by the Seattle City Council. Jun 22, 2011 
  • RT @DrewMcLellan: Your brand is out of your control Jun 21, 2011 
  • Why Google Panda Is More A Ranking Factor Than Algorithm Update via @sengineland Jun 21, 2011 
  • At the Teriyaki restaurant today the cashier gave me a little booklet with the headline: “Are you truly happy?” Good question! Jun 21, 2011 
  • How to Undermine Your Link Building via @sejournal Jun 20, 2011 
  • “Our external circumstances predict only about 10 percent of our total happiness” -Happiness Advantage Jun 20, 2011 
  • Context is Everything: The Power of Your Tagline Depends Largely on the Surrounding Wordscape Jun 20, 2011 
  • Google has a huge number of people who search all the time and rate what they find -Rand Fishkin interview Jun 20, 2011 
  • Happiness tends to lead to success, not the other way around. -The Happiness Advantage Jun 19, 2011 
  • Context is Everything: The Power of Your Tagline Depends Largely on the Surrounding Wordscape Guest post by Jim Morris Jun 17, 2011 
  • @StevenMatsumoto What was the title of the blog post? I’d love to read it. Jun 17, 2011 
  • @jasonmkey Beancast, Marketing Over Coffee, Inbound Now, Duct Tape Marketing, Brand Fast-Trackers, AdVerve, Ad Age Outlook. You? Jun 17, 2011 
  • RT @MissingSonics Congrats to @Sonicsgate’s Jason Reid for winning an Emmy Award as Director of “Man Zou: Beijing to Shanghai.” #NATASNW Jun 17, 2011 
  • @JasonmKey Nice, for me blog reading is just 30 minutes per day, but I try to make up for it by listening to a lot of business podcasts. Jun 17, 2011 
  • Americans spend $21B annually buying bottled water and only $29B maintaining their water systems. -WaterWired Jun 17, 2011 
  • How much time per day do you spend reading blogs? Jun 17, 2011 
  • Summer reading recommendations for sales and marketing pros via @HeinzMarketing Jun 16, 2011 
  • 7 Characteristics of a Real Life Marketing Strategy via @ducttape Jun 14, 2011 
  • Start phone calls by announcing goals – Randy Pausch Lecture: Time Management Jun 14, 2011 
  • Does Google use data from social sites in ranking? via @youtube Jun 14, 2011 
  • RT @Seoworkers: YouTube – Does indexing a mobile website create a duplicate content issues?: Jun 14, 2011 
  • Issac Asimov published 400 books by typing non-stop from 6am to noon for 40 years. -Poke the Box Jun 13, 2011 
  • When Amazon switched from parameter-driven to semantic URLs their traffic doubled. -SEO Secrets Jun 13, 2011 
  • “Over reliance on price promotion can result in serious damage to brand equity over the long run” -Derrick Daye Jun 13, 2011 
  • RT @marcon Branding is More Relevant than Ever Jun 13, 2011 
  • SEO is the single largest source of free traffic in the history of humankind. – (good talk by @dharmesh) Jun 12, 2011 
  • “What you do simply serves as the proof of what you believe.” -Simon Sinek Jun 11, 2011 
  • Interesting post by Seth Godin: The game theory of discovery and the birth of the free-gap Jun 11, 2011 
  • ‘There’s a growing disconnect between making something worthwhile and getting paid for it.’ -Seth Godin Jun 11, 2011 
  • Know Your Space:What Startup Marketers Need to Understand About Their Competition Before Launching: via @sparkplugonline Jun 11, 2011 
  • Marketing traps and treasures – via Power to the Small Business Podcast Jun 10, 2011 
  • @simonmainwaring , a great marketer, just released his book We First. Looks very interesting. Jun 10, 2011 
  • It is better to contract a great designer than hire an infographic company -Rand Fishkin Jun 10, 2011 
  • The Top 9 Social Sharing Buttons Reviewed: via @Sparkplugonline Jun 10, 2011 
  • Alternatives? RT @pearsonified: Hey everyone: Quit using iStockPhoto in protest of their prices, which have increased something like 7500%+ Jun 10, 2011 
  • Yes, but with Twitter friends @Brittney_Joy: Should I do it? – Woman gets a sleeve tattoo of all her Facebook friends Jun 10, 2011 
  • RT @jasonp: Social Media Metrics and Analytics – looks like another good event from the Seattle Chamber: Jun 09, 2011 
  • Digital marketing and the state of the mobile web: Think bigger via @thebrandbuilder Jun 09, 2011 
  • Being a Charismatic Brand via @TheMarketingGuy Jun 09, 2011 
  • “A Charismatic Brand is any product, service, or organization for which people believe there’s no substitute.” -The Brand Gap Jun 09, 2011 
  • @chrisbrogan Hands down, The Art of SEO is the best SEO book. Jun 08, 2011 
  • SMX Advanced Liveblog: ‘You & A’ Keynote With Google’s Matt Cutts via @sengineland Jun 08, 2011 
  • If you are not motivated to do a task, there is probably an underlying reason. Maybe it is not worth doing. – 37 Signals Podcast Jun 08, 2011 
  • 90% of Adwords Quality Score is based on CTR -SMX panel Jun 08, 2011 
  • Infographics are nice but interactive content is better – SMX panel Jun 07, 2011 
  • At a free SMX Advanced panel, thanks @covario Jun 07, 2011 
  • Congrats @james3sun on launching Ex-star of ‘The Apprentice’ James Sun takes on Groupon with Pirq: Jun 07, 2011 
  • 8 Tips for Blogger Outreach via @SEOMoz Jun 06, 2011 
  • 7 Free Online Lectures That Marketers Should Watch Jun 06, 2011 
  • Google +1 Deserves Your Attention via @sparkplugonline Jun 06, 2011 
  • RT @jaremy Really looking forward to the GeekWire Launch Party on 6/22 – will you be there? Jun 06, 2011 
  • “One of the most neglected virtues of our daily existence is appreciation” – Dale Carnegie Jun 04, 2011 
  • Looking forward to SMX Advanced Seattle next week! You can still sign up for the free pass Jun 04, 2011 
  • Nice, the new X-men has a 87% rotten tomatoes ratings and January Jones from Mad Men. Jun 03, 2011 
  • Random is a great video show by Kevin Rose and Tim Ferriss that discusses a lot of interesting random stuff Jun 03, 2011 
  • Another unbelievable comeback by the Mavs! Jun 03, 2011 
  • Listening to Duct Tape Marketing Podcast: Shifting to the Third Screen via @ducttape Jun 03, 2011 
  • RT @randfish: Debate on value of SEO turns friendly: and Curt Woodward of Xconomy covers it Jun 02, 2011 
  • Ten Rules For Starting a Business via @thinkspace Jun 02, 2011 
  • RT @JasonmKey: For productivity @Workflowy is my go to/must have tool (incredibly simple & easy to use) Jun 01, 2011 
  • RT @Q13FOX: Missing 3 y.o reported: 3900 block of 47th Ave S. Blonde hair, hazel eyes, blue + red striped shirt + jeans Jun 01, 2011 
  • Great talk by the founders of Instagram at Stanford Jun 01, 2011 
  • You can not really learn to be an entrepreneur from a blog, book, or talk, you need experience- Mike from Instagram Jun 01, 2011 
  • Google is getting tons of data on search satisfation from Chrome and Android -SEOMoz Jun 01, 2011 
  • Content Marketing in the Digital Age: Six Pixels of Separation Book Review May 31, 2011 
  • ‘People want to do business with companies they respect and trust’ -Onward May 31, 2011 
  • @briancrouch I think unpaid internships are okay if valuable training is provided. The internship becomes more like education than work. May 31, 2011 
  • New guest post at Cool Marketing Stuff: Why You Can Still Learn SEO From A Book May 29, 2011 
  • RT @smbseattle: How Social Media Is Impacting Search With Rand Fishkin @randfish May 29, 2011 
  • @anikamarketer I’m definitely willing to help. Let me know how I can participate. May 28, 2011 
  • Ironic that Howard Schultz brags about Save our Starbucks protests in his book. Save our Sonics came first when he sold the team. May 27, 2011 
  • RT @simonmainwaring Free Chapter of #WeFirst. Pls. enjoy & share. May 27, 2011 
  • Competitive Link Analysis Tips – Whiteboard Friday (video) via @SEOmoz May 27, 2011 
  • Excellent talk by Josh Kaufman author of The Personal MBA May 25, 2011 
  • @anikamarketer Thanks so much. There were some great discussions at the @Projectline bookclub meetup. We definitely plan to come back. May 25, 2011 
  • Great audio lectures from a full college course on Happiness at UC Berkeley May 24, 2011 
  • 400,000 Android phones being activated per day! -SEO Dojo Radio May 24, 2011 
  • Salman Khan: The Messiah of Math – BusinessWeek May 24, 2011 
  • Now Oklahoma City knows what it’s like to be robbed. #sonicsgate May 24, 2011 
  • Reading Onward. I dislike Howard Schultz for selling the Sonics to OKC but I feel obligated since I received a review copy. May 21, 2011 
  • is a great place to find guest post opportunities and guest writers. May 21, 2011 
  • @Jasonmkey thanks! We really appreciate all your great contributions to Sparkplug Digital! May 21, 2011 
  • Lessons from the Man Who Teaches Millions on YouTube via @ariherzog May 20, 2011 
  • Most SEOs don’t know how much of their traffic is from mobile devices – SEOMoz May 20, 2011 
  • Two Seattle columnists allocate 66.6% of blame for moving Sonics to OKC to Howard Schultz #nostarbucks May 20, 2011 
  • This looks awesome: Seattle Startup Pays Drivers to Carpool May 18, 2011 
  • RT @normsportsshow Watch a new #SportsShow tonight! Until then, check out a W. Conf. Finals preview from a Sonics fan. May 18, 2011 
  • Hopefully the Thunder going to the Western Conf. Finals will help grow awareness that Seattle should have a team! #sonicsgate May 16, 2011 
  • The Good Life: Happiness – video lecture by Paul Bloom at Yale May 15, 2011 
  • RT @zen_habits: on zenhabits: 38 Lessons I Learned in 38 Years May 15, 2011 
  • Seven Marketing Mistakes Most Startups Make: by Matt Heinz via GeekWire May 15, 2011 
  • “There are those who look at things the way they are, and ask why…I dream of things that never were, and ask why not?” -Robert F Kennedy May 15, 2011 
  • If someone leaves a review, call them to say thanks or find out how you can solve any issues – May 14, 2011 
  • This is a very good 45 minute presentation on The Future of Yellow Pages by Dick Larkin May 14, 2011 
  • New Guest Post at Cool Marketing Stuff: 5 Things to Look for When Hiring a Quality SEO Firm May 14, 2011 
  • RT @loisgeller: @danperezfilms sent me this post about “living your last day to the fullest” May 13, 2011 
  • The makers of Sonicsgate have a new documentary about China: May 12, 2011 
  • 5 Often Surprisingly Overlooked SEOTactics – May 11, 2011 
  • RT @james3sun: #jamesbiztip Vision ignites execution, but execution is expensive; it requires discipline, hardwork, and sacrifice. May 11, 2011 
  • Using Water Education to Conserve Water: Interview with the CEO of Project WET via @Seametricsinc May 10, 2011 
  • Social Media ROI Book Review via @Sparkplugonline May 09, 2011 
  • Cool productivity tip: listen to a favorite song on repeat to increase focus during tedious tasks. May 09, 2011 
  • RT @spencerhawes00 Find it ironic that Starbucks sponsors the Playoffs. Of u loved the NBA so much why did u sell the team to Oklahoma?… May 08, 2011 
  • RT @problogger: Question is: what will we wish we had spent more time doing when on our death bed, and are we doing those things? May 08, 2011 
  • @Brittney_Joy I was thinking of recording the presentation as a screencast, especially now that I know it will get at least 1 view. May 07, 2011 
  • “It’s work to scan a barcode, so users have higher expectations as to what content they will find.” – May 07, 2011 
  • Sparkplug Digital will be at MozCon 2011 in Seattle! May 07, 2011 
  • 20+ Great Marketing Talks Online May 06, 2011 
  • “Passion always trumps market” – Ben Huh May 06, 2011 
  • Just gave a 50 minute lecture on SEO Audits! May 06, 2011 
  • How Do You Spend Your Life Dollars? via The Rat Race Trap May 04, 2011 
  • The Tweet Button is more reliable than the Tweetmeme button. May 04, 2011 
  • @james3sun Good point. I wouldn’t mind if it was regular Apprentice. Not as much of a fan of Celebrity Apprentice. May 02, 2011 
  • Why is NBC showing Celebrity Apprentice instead of news coverage? May 02, 2011 
  • RT @DanSchawbel: Sacrifice privacy in order to build your brand … it’s the only way you’ll be able to compete for the jobs of the future. May 02, 2011 
  • Any marketers in Seattle interested in helping a high school student with the Kentwood High 2011 Business Trade Show? May 01, 2011 
  • How to Leverage Social Media for Personal Branding by @jasonmkey via the @ps_ama blog Apr 30, 2011 
  • Thanks to Steve Chen and Chad Hurley for saving Delicious. Apr 28, 2011 
  • How to Build Instant Connections – Ori Brafman’s lecture at Stanford Apr 27, 2011 
  • Please RT 5 Life Changing Ideas from Happiness Research by Charles Sipe Apr 27, 2011 
  • RT @kazab: Excited that @SeattleMet Mag awarded @projectline as one of the Best Companies in Seattle! Apr 27, 2011 
  • Only about 5 out of 200 at @SMCSeattle checked in on Facebook, about half checked in on Foursquare Apr 27, 2011 
  • RT @copyblogger: Facebook advertising now 40% more, content marketing still same price, more effective, free of Winklevoss. Apr 26, 2011 
  • “It is a common SEO problem to have multiple pages targeting the same keyword” -Search Engine Optimization Secrets Apr 25, 2011 
  • 5 Simple Ways to Double Your Productivity via Dumb Little Man Apr 24, 2011 
  • Take the Self Out of Self-Consciousness When You’re Networking via My Escape Velocity Apr 23, 2011 
  • “15-30 years of soul crushing work has been accepted as the default path” -4 Hour Workweek Apr 23, 2011 
  • By 2020, 123 million US jobs will be high skill, high pay, but only 50 million Americans will be qualified to fill them-Waiting for Superman Apr 23, 2011 
  • “Figure out what you want, and learn how to ask for it.” -How Do You Know Apr 23, 2011 
  • Ha! RT @SteveCoulson: I’m concerned my car GPS is tracking me – every time I turn it on, it seems to know exactly where I am #scared Apr 23, 2011 
  • #FF @Phillipi founder of @cocollage , @james3sun Apprentice runner up from Seattle, @sonicsgate keeping the dream alive Apr 23, 2011 
  • The US has over 2000 “drop out factories”, where over 40% of students don’t graduate on time. -Waiting for Superman Apr 22, 2011 
  • Checking out Earbits, which seems similar to Pandora but for independent music. They were recently on This Week on Startups. Apr 22, 2011 
  • How to Get Started with Email Marketing via @Sparkplugonline Apr 20, 2011 
  • 20+ Great Marketing Talks Online via Cool Marketing Stuff Apr 20, 2011 
  • RT @aschofield425: @denvernuggets #Sonics fans everywhere have your back. Show OKC how it’s done. #neverforget #robbed #sonicsgate Apr 20, 2011 
  • A study by Sony Ericsson found 81% of people have their best ideas outside the office -No More Mondays Apr 18, 2011 
  • Just donated: Kickstarter – Send Sonicsgate to Denver for the Playoffs Game 3 vs. OKC!: Apr 18, 2011 
  • Zappos founder Tony Hsieh enjoys the good life via Seattle Times Apr 18, 2011 
  • How to find that first job in marketing or advertising via Drew’s Marketing Minute Apr 17, 2011 
  • Congrats to the @Beancast for 3 great years of marketing podcasts. You must listen if you are in marketing. Apr 17, 2011 
  • RT @tomasacker: The conventional wisdom that a brand is a promise is dead wrong and very dangerous: Apr 16, 2011 
  • “For the better part of the last decade or so anchor text has been the most important metric of a link.” -Dan Deceuster Apr 16, 2011 
  • RT @mattmcgee: A well SEO’d website + great blog + active social media + quality products = sky’s the limit. #notrocketscience Apr 16, 2011 
  • “Success is achieved by using your unique skills and enthusiasm to add value and happiness to the lives of others” – Opportunity Screams Apr 15, 2011 
  • Ben Franklin turned a bitter opponent into a good friend by asking if he could borrow a book – Enchantment Apr 15, 2011 
  • RT @lisa_dawson: RT @adriarichards: Invest in others and see your ROI in their success Apr 15, 2011 
  • How Small Businesses Can Leverage Social Media to Attract Loyal Customers by @JasonmKey Apr 15, 2011 
  • I’m currently reading Search Engine Optimization Secrets, Enchantment, Poke the Box, and Opportunity Screams. Apr 14, 2011 
  • Interesting- Peter Thiel: We’re in a Bubble and It’s Not the Internet. It’s Higher Education. via @techcrunch Apr 14, 2011 
  • Looks like the Ms have a nice young pitcher, Pineda tossing 99 mph fastballs and a shutout through 7. Apr 13, 2011 
  • 7 Marketing Lessons From Happiness Research via Cool Marketing Stuff Apr 12, 2011 
  • Are QR Codes Worth the Hype? via @SparkplugOnline Apr 12, 2011 
  • Transforming Your Marketing Culture with Seth Godin (video interview) via @hubspot Apr 10, 2011 
  • RT @armano: Have 60 minutes to spare? Give this a listen for 60 perspectives on future marketing trends. Apr 08, 2011 
  • Great interview of Seattle entrepreneur @danshapiro, co-founder of Ontela, at Mixergy Apr 08, 2011 
  • New guest post on Cool Marketing Stuff, Why Free Stuff is the Key to Customer Satisfaction by @impact_mike Apr 07, 2011 
  • “Whatever you make of your life, make a difference” -interesting quote I saw in an email Apr 07, 2011 
  • 50 Life Secrets and Tips Apr 06, 2011 
  • Marketing White Belt: The Marketing Spirit via @cspenn Apr 06, 2011 
  • 12 Mind-Blowing Statistics Every Marketer Should Know via @hubspot Apr 06, 2011 
  • Some good reasons why linking out can help your SEO via @dannywong1190 at Search Engine Journal Apr 04, 2011 
  • Best Marketing Career Advice From 10+ Top Marketing Minds , New advice from @dannydover @anikamarketer @redslice Apr 03, 2011 
  • Seattle SEO #ff @lstigerts @randfish @seoaudiore @portentint @rosshudgens Apr 02, 2011 
  • Advice For New Marketing Agencies: Interview with Anika Lehde from Projectline Apr 01, 2011 
  • “Things may come to those who wait, but only the things left by those who hustle”- Abraham Lincoln Mar 31, 2011 
  • RT @unbounce: The Three P’s of a Product Page that Converts – Picture, Price & Putton Mar 30, 2011 
  • Season 5 of ‘Mad Men’ Is Delayed Until 2012 Mar 30, 2011 
  • Amazon’s new Cloud Drive offers 5 GB of free online storage Mar 29, 2011 
  • Try for Blog Content Ideas via @mattmcgee Mar 28, 2011 
  • Online Marketing is a Marathon, Not a Sprint by @jasonmkey Mar 28, 2011 
  • This is a great interview with @Anikamarketer from Projectline on building a successful marketing agency Mar 27, 2011 
  • US Water Use Compared To The Rest of the World Mar 27, 2011 
  • RT @GuyKawasaki: Art of Enchantment speech given at Stanford Mar 24, 2011 
  • “The CMO function is in many ways an artifact of old media and old management structure” -@jonathansalem on Six Pixels of Separation #245 Mar 24, 2011 
  • RT @thinkspace: Godin on Leadership vs. Management (good 7 minute video) Mar 24, 2011 
  • Just received my copy of Search Engine Optimization Secrets by @dannydover. I hope the content is as amazing as the cover. Mar 23, 2011 
  • There is the rare occasion when the public can be engaged on a level beyond flash if they have a sentimental bond with the product -D Draper Mar 22, 2011 
  • @SeoAudiore Justin Beiber! “The movie Never Say Never – every marketing person should see that movie” -Guy Kawasaki on the Net at Night Mar 22, 2011 
  • SEO Career Advice: Interview with Danny Dover, Author of Search Engine Optimization Secrets Mar 22, 2011 
  • Interesting TED Talk by Salman Khan who teaches millions of students via YouTube Mar 21, 2011 
  • 5 Reasons Your Business Should Use HootSuite by @JasonmKey Mar 21, 2011 
  • PopCap Games donating weekend iPhone & iPad proceeds to Japan relief including Plants vs Zombies. Mar 20, 2011 
  • Thanks @dannydover for the great interview. Look for his upcoming book Search Engine Optimization Secrets Mar 19, 2011 
  • “Human beings were shaped by evolutionary processes to pursue success, not happiness” -Happiness Hypothesis Mar 15, 2011 
  • Amazing. @Isaiah_Thomas2 played 123 of a possible 125 minutes in the tournament according to LA Times. Mar 14, 2011 
  • “The movie Never Say Never – every marketing person should see that movie” -Guy Kawasaki on the Net at Night podcast Mar 14, 2011 
  • RT @steveakinsseo: SEO Remains A Viable Marketing Strategy For Anyone @dannysullivan Mar 13, 2011 
  • Ignore the Skeptics, SEO and Social Must Work Together Mar 13, 2011 
  • Great SXSW live stream coverage right now over at the TWiT network Mar 12, 2011 
  • Just voted RT @lstigerts: I need your help! Which #SXSW panel should I tweet this afternoon? Mar 12, 2011 
  • How to Leverage Content For Marketing Results: Takeaways From Content Rules Mar 12, 2011 
  • RT @GuyKawasaki: Art of Enchantment speech given at Stanford Mar 10, 2011 
  • “We grossly overestimate the intensity and the duration of our emotional reactions.” -Happiness Hypothesis Mar 08, 2011 
  • RT @problogger: “It isn’t what the book costs. It’s what it will cost you if you don’t read it.” Jim Rohn Mar 08, 2011 
  • When MBA students estimate their contributions on a team project, the estimates total 139% -Happiness Hypothesis Mar 07, 2011 
  • People have a natural reflex of reciprocation which can be explained by its evolutionary advantages. -Happiness Hypothesis Mar 05, 2011 
  • In Defense of Marketing, Polish and Geek Translation Mar 05, 2011 
  • Nice! Seth Godin’s new book, Poke the Box is out and it is only $5 on Kindle. Mar 04, 2011 
  • I’m liking the new SEOMoz Q&A forum. Unlimited questions for Pro members! It’s like a Quora for SEO. Mar 04, 2011 
  • “If brand is an emotional aftertaste, then brand dilution is when the taste is spread too thin.” -Christopher S. Penn Feb 28, 2011 
  • I Disagree with Fred; Marketing is for Companies that Have Great Products | SEOmoz via @SEOmoz Feb 28, 2011 
  • “Paying for something is one of the most intimate things that can occur between two people.” -Jason Fried Feb 28, 2011 
  • RT @jasonfried: March 2011 @IncMagazine cover story about how I learned to be good at making money: Feb 28, 2011 
  • My local library has a surprisingly good selection audiobooks. Picked up The Big Short by Michael Lewis. Feb 28, 2011 
  • RT @bethharte The Return on Investment (ROI) Craze Won’t Last Feb 27, 2011 
  • Recap of Kraig Baker Discussing the Legal Risks of Social Media at SMB Seattle Feb 26, 2011 
  • “Give people reasons to listen and act upon what you’re talking about” -Jonathan Salem Baskin Feb 24, 2011 
  • @The_Nicole_Chiu Whiteboards are pretty awesome! As long as you don’t have squeaky markers. Feb 23, 2011 
  • 5 Best Social Media Marketing Books Feb 23, 2011 
  • Marketing is not just one of the most important ideas in business.It has become the most dominant force in human culture.-Mktg in Age Google Feb 23, 2011 
  • Good examples of QR codes in the wild via @PS_AMA Feb 22, 2011 
  • RT @sparkplugonline Sparkplug Digital is looking for an awesome online marketing specialist in Seattle. Feb 22, 2011 
  • RT @benkunz: I don’t recall the bit where The Terminator was born on a TV trivia game show. Feb 20, 2011 
  • Interesting interview with the former CMO of The Marines at the Power to The Small Business podcast Feb 18, 2011 
  • Nigel Marsh: How to make work-life balance work (video) #ted Feb 17, 2011 
  • RT @tomasacker Stop marketing and selling Feb 16, 2011 
  • RT @SteveAkinsSEO: The Largest Black Holes in the Universe (video) Feb 16, 2011 
  • 3 SEO Traps to Avoid During Your Redesign Feb 16, 2011 
  • Why Content Curation Could be the Best Marketing Idea in 2011 Feb 16, 2011 
  • I was shocked that Watson missed the last question after doing so well in Double Jeopardy. And why would it wager only $947? Feb 16, 2011 
  • Upcoming Social Media Club event: State of Social Media 2011 #smcsea Feb 15, 2011 
  • Tonight at the theater, the movie just stopped in the middle. The AMC employee apologized but they should have offered refunds. Feb 15, 2011 
  • “It is estimated that close to 40% of all queries have some local search intent” -The Art of SEO Feb 14, 2011 
  • “Google is believed to tweak and test its algorithms every day.” -The Art of SEO Feb 11, 2011 
  • “About 20% of the American workforce already have an arrangement other than the traditional employee relationship” – Feb 11, 2011 
  • “Increasingly in marketing, the CIO is your best friend” -Microsoft marketing chief @michmathews Feb 11, 2011 
  • “89% of consumers started their holiday shopping online” -Google Feb 10, 2011 
  • RT @themarketingguy: What is The Real Power of Inbound Marketing? Feb 08, 2011 
  • RT @simonmainwaring: “What Start-ups Can Learn from the Big Brands” Really great post Feb 08, 2011 
  • “The richest 1 percent of American households now has a higher net worth than the bottom 90 percent.” – Feb 05, 2011 
  • Good discussion on the state of search with Danny Sullivan on This Week in Startups Feb 01, 2011 
  • 67.3% of people found what blogs to read by following links from other blogs. -The Art of SEO Feb 01, 2011 
  • @simonmainwaring If you liked The Social Network, you might like The Accidental Billionaires. The Audible version of the book is excellent. Jan 30, 2011 
  • The correlation between toolbar PageRank and your actual PageRank has degraded over time. -Search Engine Land Jan 30, 2011 
  • Trying to decide on whether I should read Unmarketing or Happiness Hypothesis next on Audible. Jan 30, 2011 
  • ‘Gamification’: A Growing Business to Invigorate Stale Websites Jan 29, 2011 
  • 9 Best Marketing Books of 2010 via Cool Marketing Stuff Jan 28, 2011 
  • “According to over 25% of YouTube’s traffic comes from Google” -Duct Tape Marketing Jan 26, 2011 
  • Insightful interview on Mixergy with social media educator @lkr Laura Roeder Jan 24, 2011 
  • Takeaways from Marketing Lessons from the Grateful Dead Jan 23, 2011 
  • People working at an office are trading their work day for work moments. -Jason Fried Jan 21, 2011 
  • Wow! RT @dannysullivan: Eric Schmidt Stepping Down, Cofounder Larry Page To Be Google CEO Jan 20, 2011 
  • SMB Seattle event Jan 25: How to Create Amazing Online Word of Mouth by Focusing Offline Jan 19, 2011 
  • When Link Loss Ain’t No Bad Thing -Search Engine Watch Jan 19, 2011 
  • Amazon $20 gift card for $10 at Living Social today. I would buy 10 if it is possible. Jan 19, 2011 
  • CubeDuel Goes Viral and Cheezburger Network Raises $30 Million #seattle Jan 18, 2011 
  • Conquering SEO Information Overload Jan 17, 2011 
  • ‘Do you know The critical few metrics for your business bottom line?’ -Web Analytics 2.0 Jan 14, 2011 
  • ‘It is a good idea to target keywords that indicate imminent action’ like buy cranium game -The Art of SEO Jan 14, 2011 
  • Just finished Marketing in the Age of Google. I highly recommend it for marketers. Jan 14, 2011 
  • RT @toddmintz: 17 Reasons to Attend SEMpdx’s SearchFest 2011 in Portland, Oregon | Search Marketing Blog Jan 13, 2011 
  • Each page on your site should have at least one internal link pointing to it. ~Marketing in the Age of Google Jan 12, 2011 
  • Online advertising market projected to nearly double to $40 billion by 2015 -BusinessWeek Jan 12, 2011 
  • RT @redslice 10 Signs Your Brand is Failing Jan 12, 2011 
  • So many interesting lectures on Academic Earth. Watching “The Morality of Murder”. Jan 12, 2011 
  • 5 Recommended Social Media Books Jan 11, 2011 
  • 5 Recommended SEO Books for Learning About SEO Jan 11, 2011 
  • Interesting Nova video on Dark Matter Jan 11, 2011 
  • RT @eyecube Age of Conversation 3 Author Interview #12: Charles Sipe Jan 10, 2011 
  • Good short video on improving confidence by Chris Brogan Jan 10, 2011 
  • Search marketing is gaining awareness and recognition among the business community. -Raven Tools Jan 10, 2011 
  • Wrong Nate Silver! RT @fivethirtyeight: FWIW, the Seahawks will end the year with a winning record if (and only if) they win the Super Bowl. Jan 09, 2011 
  • RT @Alyssa_Milano: What a run! #Seahawks Jan 09, 2011 
  • Remember this article in NYTimes? “The 2010 Seattle Seahawks: Worst. Playoff. Team. Ever?” #seahawks Jan 09, 2011 
  • Beast mode! #Seahawks Jan 09, 2011 
  • RT @chrisguillebeau: “A desk is a dangerous place from which to view the world.” -John Le Carre Jan 08, 2011 
  • RT @toddmintz: Radical Keyword Research Part 1: ScrapeBox Suggestion Mining via @aimclear Jan 08, 2011 
  • RT @jldavid: CES – New Microsoft Surface to be priced at $7,600: (via @maryjofoley) Jan 08, 2011 
  • Yea, CES coverage now live on They are looking at the new 3D televisions. Jan 06, 2011 
  • Waiting for CES Day 1 live coverage to start at Jan 06, 2011 
  • @themarketingguy Thanks! Hopefully I can send you some business or at least some new visitors. Jan 06, 2011 
  • The Netflix app for iPod touch is awesome! Tons of great streaming content! Jan 06, 2011 
  • RT @steverubel: Warning: Quora can be a bit more addictive than Angry Birds, and might actually lead to something of value. Jan 06, 2011 
  • App Store for Mac opens tomorrow at 9am Pacific! Wonder if they will have a Angry Birds app for Mac. Jan 06, 2011 
  • RT @iheartquotes: Most people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be. ~ Abraham Lincoln Jan 06, 2011 
  • Live CES coverage starting at 7pm Pacific on the TWiT network! #CES Jan 05, 2011 
  • RT @TerrenceAThomas: BCS tickets on sale from $4000-$17000. One can get a masters degree for the price of one ticket. For #Oregon fans … Jan 05, 2011 
  • Just had a Skype call with Jay Ehret aka @themarketingguy is one of my favorite marketing blogs. Jan 05, 2011 
  • Dead Birds and Fish In Arkansas Raise Eyebrows, Suspicion Jan 05, 2011 
  • @JasonmKey RE: royalty free songs. You mean like the Podsafe Music Network? Jan 05, 2011 
  • Interesting interview about collaborative consumption with Rachel Botsman Jan 03, 2011 
  • Ha ha! RT @LenKendall: “To the Cloud!” A meaningless ad slogan ensuring millions will have no idea what the “cloud” actually is. Jan 03, 2011 
  • RT @Flipbooks: “Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions” ~Mark Twain #quote Jan 03, 2011 
  • ‘There are no real secrets in business, only truths you haven’t yet figured out how to apply’ -The Referral Engine Jan 02, 2011 
  • RT @JeffDye: Starbucks owner Howard Shultz sells the Seattle supersonics and now they get rid of the pumpkin spice latte. #hate Jan 02, 2011 
  • ‘Being first is worth nothing. Being first in the mind is worth everything. This is the essence of creating a brand.’ -Al Ries Jan 02, 2011 
  • USC research found that 45% of people’s behavior is spent in repetitive and unthinking activities. -The 24 Hour Customer Jan 02, 2011 
  • US adults spend an average of 8 1/2 hours a day looking at screens -The 24 Hour Customer Jan 02, 2011 
  • RT @benkunz: Little-known fact: Among most primates, smiling is a form of signaling aggression right before a violent attack. Dec 30, 2010 
  • Should you retweet something interesting a competitor says? I think yes. Dec 30, 2010 
  • ‘The content you create and distribute on the web has a much longer shelf life at a lower cost then any traditional campaigns’ -SEO E-blog Dec 29, 2010 
  • @anikamarketer Happy New Year to you too! One of my plans for 2011 is to interview you on my blog, Dec 29, 2010 
  • Clear salesperson at mall “how do you know you don’t want it if you don’t know what it is!” Dec 29, 2010 
  • Cut Out the Fake Work and Focus on Projects that Really Matter via @lifehacker Dec 29, 2010 
  • RT @kazab: Looking for a marketing position w/ AWESOME NW company?@projectline is hiring! Dec 28, 2010 
  • Just bought the new book Content Rules on Kindle for iPod which is about content marketing. Dec 27, 2010 
  • Interesting talk on TED, Jason Fried: Why work doesn’t happen at work Dec 27, 2010 
  • ‘Experience is what you get when you don’t get what you want.’ -Dan Stanford Dec 24, 2010 
  • What Caffeine Actually Does to Your Brain via @lifehacker Dec 21, 2010 
  • Just discovered , a great site with video interviews with successful entrepreneurs. Dec 21, 2010 
  • Thanks @kikolani for the follow. Check out for a great online marketing blog! Dec 21, 2010 
  • Making Online Marketing Smarter, Faster, and Cheaper. A Chat with David Siteman Garland Dec 21, 2010 
  • “Walking, eating, driving, or engaging in other activities while asleep without remembering it the next day have been reported. ” Lunesta Dec 19, 2010 
  • RT @sengineland: New Local Opportunities: How To Rank Higher In Google Place Search Dec 19, 2010 
  • A New Model for Marketing: Interview with Bob Gilbreath Author of The Next Evolution of Marketing Dec 19, 2010 
  • The market for something to believe in is infinite. -Hugh MacLeod Dec 19, 2010 
  • Very annoyed with Yahoo RT@BanyanBranch: users: What are your plans now that Yahoo is pulling the plug on your bookmarks? Dec 17, 2010 
  • Mike Rowe says “follow your passion” is some of the worst advice he ever received in this TED talk Dec 16, 2010 
  • A Concise Guide For Effective Branding: Branding Basics for Small Business Dec 16, 2010 
  • A 24 feature film is still in development at Fox, and Tony Scott (Unstoppable) has been in discussions to direct. Dec 15, 2010 
  • “We tend to regret what we haven’t done more than what we have.” -The Art of Non-Conformity Dec 15, 2010 
  • How To Do SEO Cheap – SEOMoz Dec 13, 2010 
  • “It’s your own life, so why not set your own rules?” -The Art of Non-Conformity Dec 13, 2010 
  • -The number 1 spot in Google gets double the traffic as the number 2 spot. -Chitika Research Dec 11, 2010 
  • Back in Black RT@Jerry_Brewer: OK, Twitter friends, your turn. What’s a good theme song for the #Huskies’ 2010 football season? Dec 09, 2010 
  • Just Voted RT @ExponentialEdge: Can you spare 1 click to vote for 24-Hour Customer Best Book Award 2010 here: Dec 09, 2010 
  • “Guest posting is the most effective way to network with influential people in your niche.” – Dec 09, 2010 
  • “We can only consciously make sense of about seven bits of information (plus or minus two) at any given moment” Dec 09, 2010 
  • Six Keys to Being Excellent at Anything – Tony Schwartz Dec 09, 2010 
  • 67% of consumers say that word of mouth is the #1 influencer of their buying decisions. -Drew’s Marketing Minute Dec 09, 2010 
  • Catching up on Le Web keynotes Dec 08, 2010 
  • Great list of interesting content RT @rosshudgens 50 Things That Matter Dec 08, 2010 
  • Marketing Without Strategy is the Noise Before Failure via @ducttape Dec 07, 2010 
  • Every family could have a house and a yard and live on a land mass the size of Texas – Population Research Institute Dec 07, 2010 
  • “Internet users are now spending 22 percent of their time in social media” – Dec 07, 2010 
  • RT@jonathanmendez: “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do.”-Twain Dec 07, 2010 
  • Just pre-ordered Search Engine Optimization Secrets by @dannydover. It comes out in April. Added Web Analytics 2.0 to get free shipping. Dec 06, 2010 
  • Kevin Calabro and Marques Johnson together again for the Huskies basketball broadcast. Reminds me of the Sonics great years in the 90’s! Dec 04, 2010 
  • The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing you will make one. -Elbert Hubbard Dec 04, 2010 
  • “The brand’s promise should be clear, compelling, unique and believable” -Derrick Daye Dec 02, 2010 
  • “People really don’t want to read long articles. They want to find what they want extremely quickly” -Eric Enge Dec 02, 2010 
  • RT @joinred: 1,000 children are infected with HIV each day. Together we can change that. #turnred Dec 02, 2010 
  • Search is a targeted inquiry at a time of interest -Rand Fishkin Dec 02, 2010 
  • Just started reading The Art of Noncomformity Dec 02, 2010 
  • is like a search engine for every link you’ve ever tweeted. -Rand Fishkin Dec 02, 2010 
  • Google admits to using Twitter and Facebook as signals in organic rankings. -Rand Fish Dec 02, 2010 
  • Attending @Randfish talk at Social Media Breakfast and meeting cool people Dec 02, 2010 
  • How to Enchant Your Customer by @guykawasaki Dec 02, 2010 
  • Insightful abridged talk by Expedia cofounder Rich Barton #uw #foster Dec 02, 2010 
  • RT @Shih_Wei: Seattle: Learn how to leverage social engagement to… @randfish’s talk on “Search + Social” on 12/2. Dec 01, 2010 
  • You could ask for charitable donations instead RT @benkunz: I’m concerned holiday shopping season is here and I already have enough stuff. Nov 30, 2010 
  • Just finished Branding Basics for Small Business by @redslice Highly recommended! Nov 30, 2010 
  • RT @lstigerts: Beautiful Hubble Ultra Deep Field 3D video. How can anyone say we’re alone? (via @EleriTMLH) Nov 30, 2010 
  • Asking For vs Asking About? Nov 30, 2010 
  • 6 Tips For Effective Networking via @mikewhitmore Nov 30, 2010 
  • How much is enough? Nov 30, 2010 
  • RT @benkunz: I’m concerned holiday shopping season is here and I already have enough stuff. Nov 28, 2010 
  • Moving talk RT @graywolf: TED video from @unmarketing Amazing you must watch this via @btabke Nov 28, 2010 
  • Wow Huskies win on the last play! Go Dawgs! Nov 27, 2010 
  • How Marketers Can Use SEOMoz Tools To Improve SEO Nov 25, 2010 
  • “I define business networking as building relationships with people who may or may not need what you have to sell.” – Nov 24, 2010 
  • “So forget about “success”, and just find joy, passion, love, awesome-ness right now, in this moment.” -Zen Habits Nov 24, 2010 
  • @JoannaLord I’m listening to Christmas music too: Above The Northern Lights , Mannheim Steamroller Nov 24, 2010 
  • RT @customerthink 25 Timeless Sales and Marketing Tips Nov 23, 2010 
  • @Brittney_Joy Hi Brittney. I’ve been following you for a while! Nov 23, 2010 
  • @ExpressLisaG I had a nightmare experience today with your credit card customer service. Rep yelled at me for asking to talk to a manager. Nov 23, 2010 
  • 7 SEO Tips For Seattle Businesses via @sparkplugonline Nov 23, 2010 
  • The customer isn’t always right. The customers we want are always right. -@zappos #psama Nov 22, 2010 
  • What is your company’s higher purpose? What is your personal higher purpose? -@zappos #psama Nov 22, 2010 
  • RT @jasonmkey Do what you’re passionate about. Even if you make no money for 10 years -Tony Hsieh @zappos #happybus Nov 22, 2010 
  • What is your goal in life? Ultimately the answer comes back to increasing happiness. -@zappos #psama Nov 22, 2010 
  • RT @mjtwit: Watching the @PS_AMA Event Livestream f/ @Zappos #happybus #PS_AMA #smcsea Nov 22, 2010 
  • The 7 Unspoken Myths About Social Media by @jasonmkey Nov 22, 2010 
  • RT @adamcohen: A Dad joins Facebook. His Kid writes “WTF! Dad joined FB!” Dad asks kid what is “WTF?” Kid replies: Welcome To Facebook! Nov 22, 2010 
  • A man pushes his car to the hotel and loses all his money. What happened? Nov 20, 2010 
  • RT @MarketingProfs Quality or a Low Price: Which Matters More? Nov 18, 2010 
  • There’s a difference between knowing the path and walking the path. -Morpheus Nov 18, 2010 
  • Legendary Seattle Mariners Announcer Dave Niehaus montage #rip Nov 17, 2010 
  • RT @copyblogger: How to Be a Better Writer in the Next 10 Minutes – Nov 17, 2010 
  • 2010 Blogworld keynote: The 7 Harsh Realities of Blogging for Bucks starts at 33 minute mark Nov 17, 2010 
  • 8 Best Tweetable Definitions of Marketing Nov 17, 2010 
  • RT @mattmcgee: Neat article on the Wheel of Fortune 1-letter gal: Nov 17, 2010 
  • RT @portentint: Yo people: Portent’s looking for a crack PPC pro: Nov 17, 2010 
  • Harry Potter Imax tickets were sold out for the midnight showing so I picked some up for the Friday night. Expeliamous! Nov 16, 2010 
  • November 17th is National Unfriend Day Nov 15, 2010 
  • RT @jaremy: Most awkward handshake ever in basketball. Hilarious Nov 15, 2010 
  • Seahawks weren’t minimally viable this week! @daveschappell The Seahawks are what sometimes happens when you ship minimally viable products Nov 15, 2010 
  • “Just writing about topics that are getting mainstream media attention in unique, interesting ways can bring links.” -Rand Fishkin Nov 15, 2010 
  • RT @DrJeffersnBoggs: Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. – Albert Schweitzer #quote Nov 14, 2010 
  • College grad unemployment rate 4.7%, High School dropout unemployment rate over 15%. -Planet Money podcast Nov 12, 2010 
  • Played with a new black Kindle. It’s way better than my first generation Kindle. eInk looks amazing. Nov 12, 2010 
  • Legendary Mariners broadaster Dave Niehaus dies. #sad Nov 11, 2010 
  • Great Mixergy interview with Salman Khan. Khan Academy is changing education. Nov 11, 2010 
  • Yep! RT @RossHudgens: Did Google just roll out the preview function on all SERPs to anybody else? Nov 10, 2010 
  • RT @smallbizbee 5 Ways To Waste Your Time On SEO Nov 10, 2010 
  • ‘They tinker with new ideas when they should be hammering the ideas that already exist in consumers’ minds. ‘- Nov 10, 2010 
  • Toy Story 3 = Imagination at its best Nov 10, 2010 
  • 5 Ways to Let Prospects Sample Your Brilliance via @ducttape Nov 09, 2010 
  • How do you measure a “lasting impression”? – The Beancast Nov 09, 2010 
  • RT @customerthink: Why You Should Read One Hour Per Day Nov 08, 2010 
  • Learning a lot from Marketing in The Age of Google by Vanessa Fox Nov 08, 2010 
  • ??? winning in NFL = making good web apps? RT@daveschappell The Seahawks are what sometimes happens when you ship minimally viable products Nov 08, 2010 
  • Depressing day in Seahawks land. At least we’re still tied for first place. Nov 08, 2010 
  • @mvolpe Congrats! Hubspot rocks! -Company news: Boston Globe Names @HubSpot Top 4 Place to Work in Massachusetts Nov 06, 2010 
  • Don’t focus too much on a single metric like ROI that you lose sight of the big picture. Nov 06, 2010 
  • Can site visitors quickly scan your page and recognize that it answers their query? -Mktg in The Age of Google Nov 05, 2010 
  • RT @fuelblogging 5 Tips for Making the Transition from Writer to Blogger | Fuel Your Blogging Nov 04, 2010 
  • RT @HeinzMarketing Four tips for approaching a cold prospect list Nov 04, 2010 
  • UW Entrepreneurship Week November 1-5 #seattle Nov 04, 2010 
  • Why Blogging is A Great Opportunity for Small Businesses Nov 03, 2010 
  • 29,000 children die each day of preventable causes. -Reality Check by Guy Kawasaki Nov 03, 2010 
  • ‘The biggest opportunity for businesses today resides in building their own audience.’ -Conversation Agent Nov 03, 2010 
  • ‘On the Web, people trade attention for good, useful content.’ -Conversation Agent Nov 03, 2010 
  • RT @dannysullivan: irony: tomorrow many depressed over california pot vote will seek legal medical marijuana prescriptions 🙂 Nov 03, 2010 
  • 10+ Reasons Why Every Business Should Blog Nov 02, 2010 
  • Facebook & Bing’s Partnership – What It Means for Small Business Nov 01, 2010 
  • RT @lizstrauss: Journey to the Center of the Marketing Universe @ducttape Nov 01, 2010 
  • RT @smexaminer Busting the Top 3 Guest Blogging Myths Nov 01, 2010 
  • RT @UnMarketing Nooooooooooooooo! Oct 31, 2010 
  • RT @panah: 4 Valuable Link Building Services for #SEO Oct 29, 2010 
  • Build new features that the press will pick up on -This Week in Startups Oct 28, 2010 
  • RT @SEOmom: SEOmoz is hiring a Customer Service Expert. Send cheerful, brilliant problem-solvers this way please! Oct 28, 2010 
  • ‘There is almost always a superior solution to the canonical tag from a pure SEO best practice perspective.’ -SEOMoz Oct 28, 2010 
  • Dear LA: You already have The Lakers. How about sending The Clippers to Seattle? Oct 28, 2010 
  • RT @206sportsguy: #Seattle #SuperSonics fans not going away #nba #okc #thunder #sonics @Sonicsgate Oct 27, 2010 
  • Great ad! RT @JimKukral: Wieden + Kennedy advertising did the new Lebron ad. Tiger, you should have called them. I hate its brilliance… Oct 27, 2010 
  • 7 Free Online Lectures That Marketers Should Watch Oct 27, 2010 
  • RT @ChrisPirillo: A goal is a dream with a deadline. [Napoleon Hill] Oct 27, 2010 
  • What time are the Sonics playing? Oh yeah…crap. Oct 27, 2010 
  • Now live RT @SMCSeattle: Not attending #SMCSea in person? Join us live online and hear from @Armano tonight: Oct 27, 2010 
  • RT @mitchjoel: Google accounts for 6.4% of all Internet traffic (via @mashable): Oct 26, 2010 
  • This is funny RT @KING5Seattle: Who saw Matt @Hasselbeck’s surprise @SouthPark appearance? #seahawks Oct 26, 2010 
  • ‘The reality is that you rarely need as much money or material items as you think you do.’ -Lifehacker Oct 25, 2010 
  • RT @Malbonnington: ‘Ten Reasons Why This Is The Best Time To Be In Advertising’ (ooops, just left), by Sir John Hegarty – Oct 25, 2010 
  • RT @carriekrishnek: Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal. ~Henry Ford” #fb Oct 25, 2010 
  • Just bought The Kindle version of Branding Basics for Small Business by Seattle author Maria Ross @redslice Oct 25, 2010 
  • The world doesn’t need more content. It needs more remarkable, definitive content. -YouMoz Oct 25, 2010 
  • Great talk at Stanford about entrepreneurship by Mark Suster Oct 25, 2010 
  • followfriday @dalailama Oct 22, 2010 
  • 4 Great Opportunities in SEO To Take Advantage Of Oct 22, 2010 
  • Top 10 Places in Seattle for Business Networking Oct 21, 2010 
  • RT @Brandweek: Mobile Ad Spend to Pass $1 Bil. Oct 21, 2010 
  • RT @carriekrishnek: Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal. ~Henry Ford” #fb Oct 21, 2010 
  • 10 Principles Of Advertising – Bill Bernbach Oct 20, 2010 
  • Latest this American Life Podcast episode on Iraq was very interesting Oct 20, 2010 
  • If you liked The Social Network you will probably like the book, The Accidental Billionaires. It’s a terrific book. Oct 20, 2010 
  • RT @tferriss: Mood-enhancing video: Spanish footballer kisses interviewer after World Cup – I would, too. Oct 20, 2010 
  • RT @kazab: @PS_AMA MarketMix is March 9, 2011. Mark your calendars! Oct 19, 2010 
  • ‘Steve Jobs doesn’t believe in focus groups’ -This Week in Tech Podcast Oct 19, 2010 
  • RT @lyndit: The function of leadership is to produce more leaders, not more followers Oct 18, 2010 
  • 50+ Social Web Resources via Sparkplug Digital Oct 18, 2010 
  • RT @PaulGAllen: Seahawks get great win over Bears on the road! Nice debut of “Beast Mode.” Congrats D & O lines, all the players,… Oct 18, 2010 
  • RT @forrestkoba: Wow! .05 will be donated for every single tweet mentioning #beatcancer #bwe10 (via @blogworldexpo) Oct 18, 2010 
  • Top 10 Places in Seattle for Business Networking Oct 17, 2010 
  • Great Win! @hasselbeck, @SeaHawk59, @Jforsett Go Hawks! Oct 17, 2010 
  • 4 Ways To Turn Your Blog’s Traffic Into Dollars via @rinf_community Oct 15, 2010 
  • ‘Sadly, it’s a myth that the best content earns top rankings’ -Rand Fishkin Oct 14, 2010 
  • Twitter now bigger than MySpace -Net at Night Oct 14, 2010 
  • RT @dannysullivan: FYI, @bing now claimes 1,000 ranking signals to @google’s 200 – expect google to match in 3, 2, 1 Oct 13, 2010 
  • Study suggests that higher minimum wage does not reduce jobs Oct 13, 2010 
  • ‘In the end, we are our choices. Build yourself a great story.’ -Jeff Bezos Oct 13, 2010 
  • Transcript of Jeff Bezos speech at the 2010 Princeton graduation Oct 13, 2010 
  • ‘More than half of web users will read blogs this year’ -The Continued Rise of Blogging – eMarketer Oct 13, 2010 
  • RT @portentint: 10 things to put in an SEO proposal: Oct 12, 2010 
  • RT @scobleizer On eve of Windows Phone 7 launch: all hat and no cattle? Oct 12, 2010 
  • Google predicts users will save 5 seconds per search with Google instant -SEOmoz Oct 11, 2010 
  • RT @peterjamesfreer: Success is a lousy teacher. It seduces smart people into thinking they can’t lose. -Bill Gates Oct 11, 2010 
  • The Social Network is an attack on geeks and new media -This Week in Google Oct 10, 2010 
  • The expected final cost of $700 Billion Wall Street bailout has shrunk to about $50 billion. Oct 10, 2010 
  • RT @kcgrammargirl: “Every tweet to your company is like a call to your call center. How can you not answer?” via @bsniz at #iabcsm Oct 08, 2010 
  • The Real Story Behind The Social Network, The Facebook Movie Oct 08, 2010 
  • RT @sewatch 131 (Legitimate) Link Building Strategies – Search Engine Watch (SEW) Oct 06, 2010 
  • RT @DrewFromTV: Congrats to the Sounders! US Open Cup Champs! 2-1 over Columbus! Whoop! #Sounders Oct 06, 2010 
  • Google instant is an amazing feat of engineering. -This Week in Google Oct 06, 2010 
  • Reading Marketing Lessons from The Grateful Dead and just bought Accidental Billionaires Oct 05, 2010 
  • Now we just have to figure out how to get there @time Found: An Earthlike Planet, at Last Oct 04, 2010 
  • Great TED talk about mapping the brain’s connections by Sebastian Seung Oct 04, 2010 
  • If you love to floss, using Superfloss is like heaven. Oct 04, 2010 
  • RT @neilpatel: RT @robrammuny 28 Entrepreneurs give the advice they wish they had starting off Oct 04, 2010 
  • RT @BanyanBranch: Congrats to @TOMSshoes for their one millionth shoe donation! Oct 04, 2010 
  • ‘Sometimes the best pass is the one that is not thrown.’ This could also apply to tweets. Oct 04, 2010 
  • RT @avinash: [Brilliant life lessons:] 10 things I have learned by Milton Glaser: Oct 04, 2010 
  • Marketing Lessons from The Social Network Oct 03, 2010 
  • Google is demand fulfillment while Facebook is demand generation. -BusinessWeek podcast Oct 02, 2010 
  • RT @LeeAnderson69: Less than 3% of Americans exercise the recommended 150 minutes per week as recommended by Centers for Disease Control … Oct 01, 2010 
  • Xbox Live emailed me to say they are raising prices since they added features like Facebook and Oct 01, 2010 
  • @leolaporte Paul Allen doesn’t own the Supersonics. The Supersonics are now the Oklahoma City Thunder. Oct 01, 2010 
  • Wow, The Social Network has a 96% rating on Rotten Tomatoes. Oct 01, 2010 
  • NFL players like Earl Thomas will be wearing pink this Sunday to promote breast cancer awareness Oct 01, 2010 
  • Chowking at Southcenter mall has a special on Squid Balls – $2.79 for 5 balls Sep 30, 2010 
  • Anyone going to Blogworld next month in Las Vegas? Looks amazing. Sep 30, 2010 
  • Marketers today need a new skill: the ablility to create compelling information and content. -AdAge Outlook Podcast Sep 30, 2010 
  • RT @BethHarte We Don’t Ask ‘Why’ Enough The Harte of Marketing Sep 30, 2010 
  • Six Rules for Content Marketing | B2B Marketing Blog Sep 30, 2010 
  • 5 Low Hanging Fruit Opportunities For Improving Your Site’s SEO | Inspired to Write Sep 29, 2010 
  • An exact match .com domain has one of the highest correlations with rankings in Google. -SEOMoz Sep 27, 2010 
  • Sad. The Cranky Geeks podcast is being canceled. Sep 27, 2010 
  • Should I get a Market Motive certification or Google Adwords certification next? Sep 25, 2010 
  • Have you seen the opening remarks by Stephen Colbert at congress? That takes guts. Sep 25, 2010 
  • Ichiro becomes first Major Leaguer to record 200 hits in 10 consecutive seasons! Sep 24, 2010 
  • Relentlessly asking the right questions is a long term career, mostly because no one ever knows the right answer on a regular basis. -Seth G Sep 23, 2010 
  • My guest post on How to Use Elance to Scale your Blog’s Content Strategy Sep 22, 2010 
  • Google instant reduces the number of views for page two of search results. -This Week in Google Sep 21, 2010 
  • Google instant makes longtail keywords less important b/c you may find what you are looking for in fewer words. Sep 21, 2010 
  • Marketing Takeaways from The Upside of Irrationality Sep 20, 2010 
  • RT @SteveAkinsSEO: 10 Things Science Says Will Make You Happy RT @VenessaMiemis Sep 19, 2010 
  • Yea! Storm wins championship for Seattle. Undefeated in the playoffs. Sep 17, 2010 
  • Google instant should help Google gather more data. -The BeanCast Sep 16, 2010 
  • What would happen to the economy if people found out that more money doesn’t correlate with increased happiness. Sep 16, 2010 
  • The Evolution of Advertising -The Marketing Spot Sep 15, 2010 
  • It’s not every day that a guy crashes a car into my apartment building. Sep 15, 2010 
  • RT @portentint: I fly, I exaggerate: 10 (almost) ironclad arguments for SEO: Sep 14, 2010 
  • “Page rank is Google’s opinion about how reputable a page is” -Matt Cutts Sep 14, 2010 
  • RT @hubspot 6 Sales and Marketing Communication Tips to Build Smarketing Sep 14, 2010 
  • RT @JasonFalls Online Marketing Tips from the Farmer’s Market Sep 14, 2010 
  • Anyone need 250 free business cards with free shipping? Sep 13, 2010 
  • RT @Razorfish: 7 customs stifling marketing creativity (via @PSFK) ~@crys4pr Sep 13, 2010 
  • We just launched a new site design at Sparkplug Digital. Check it out: Sep 13, 2010 
  • RT @elizabethsosnow: B2B online mktg worth $3 billion in ’09, shld grow at an annual compound rate of 12% to 2013 Sep 13, 2010 
  • RT @JForsett Thanks 12th man for the support today keep it coming!!!!! We need you Sep 13, 2010 
  • Nervous and hopeful for Seahawks season opener. Sep 12, 2010 
  • Wow- ‘the average cat in Europe has a larger environmental footprint than the average African’ Sep 10, 2010 
  • @Shih_Wei Are you still looking for a good TEDTalk? Here is a Google spreadsheet of 770 TEDTalks Sep 10, 2010 
  • Read that the govt is planning to crack down on some for-profit schools, meanwhile U of Baltimore offers Zombies 101. Sep 10, 2010 
  • We tend to underestimate how well we will adapt to changes like winning the lottery or being paralyzed. -The Upside of Irrationality Sep 10, 2010 
  • Trying out, a personalized newspaper based on your Twitter feed. Sep 09, 2010 
  • How To Build A Referral System: Review of The Referral Engine Sep 08, 2010 
  • Cool. You can turn the new iPod Nano into a touchscreen watch Sep 08, 2010 
  • Revenge is biologically hardwired and can trigger feelings of pleasure although it is often irrational. -Upside of Irrationality Sep 08, 2010 
  • In marketing, perception always wins over reality. -Ries Report video Sep 07, 2010 
  • Don’t Just Read a Business Book, Digest it. Sep 07, 2010 
  • RT @paulg Regrets of the Dying: Sep 07, 2010 
  • It’s interesting how iTunes is just now getting rid of the CD in their logo. Sep 05, 2010 
  • @lyndit I would start a marketing company and my dream team= Rand Fishkin, Bob Knorpp, John Jantsch, Gary Vaynerchuk, & Brian F Martin. Sep 05, 2010 
  • Luke French for The Mariners has a no hitter through 5 innings. Sep 04, 2010 
  • If you are high empathy you are more likely to be a nice person than if you are low empathy -Paul Bloom lecture Sep 02, 2010 
  • RT @dmscott: Think of social media as spreading ideas, not generating leads. If ideas spread, people will seek you out. Sep 02, 2010 
  • @SeaHawk59: The NBA and NFL are always showing ads about their community volunteering so fans have higher expectations of civility. Sep 02, 2010 
  • ‘The truth is that 10 percent of the world is competent – and you’re looking for that 10 percent in every hire’ Sep 02, 2010 
  • RT @johngerzema: 8 things I wish I knew before starting a business Sep 02, 2010 
  • A referral should help the person making the referral. -The Referral Engine Sep 02, 2010 
  • RT @ThisIsSethsBlog Seth’s Blog: Sell the problem Aug 31, 2010 
  • @lyndit I agree Google Docs is great for collaboration. I’m also finding PBworks to be very useful as well. Have you used Basecamp? Aug 31, 2010 
  • I wrote this guest post over at Small Biz Bee RT @smallbizbee 5 Ways To Waste Your Time On SEO Aug 30, 2010 
  • RT @mattmcgee 7 Questions Small Businesses Should Be Asking Aug 30, 2010 
  • RT @m_thompson 8 Step Checklist When Reviewing an Existing Pay-Per-Click Account Aug 30, 2010 
  • RT @sparkplugonline “One out of five searches on Google are related to location” -Google VP John Hanke Aug 27, 2010 
  • Inside Job trailer -Interesting documentary on the financial crisis narrated by Jason Bourne (aka Matt Damon) Aug 25, 2010 
  • I recommend The Random Show, a great online show about random cool stuff by @tferriss and @kevinrose Aug 25, 2010 
  • “Good SEO is invisible to the naked eye.” -Tad Chef Aug 25, 2010 
  • RT @MarketingProfs 5 Skills Marketing Employees Must Have Aug 23, 2010 
  • RT @chrisbrogan: Spend your potential often. Don’t wait. It doesn’t accrue interest. Aug 23, 2010 
  • At my second wedding this year. Ahh mine is just 11 months away. Aug 22, 2010 
  • Marketing Takeaways From The 24-Hour Customer Aug 21, 2010 
  • A 2009 comScore report estimates 8% of internet users are responsible for 85% of all ad clicks. -The 24-Hour Customer Aug 21, 2010 
  • Congrats! @unmarketing: #1 Marketing book and 86th best selling book overall on right now for the UnMarketing book Aug 21, 2010 
  • 10 Things Worth Knowing About The Death Penalty (I wrote this) Aug 20, 2010 
  • Gnomedex conference is tomorrow. I believe there is a livestream. Brian Solis at 9:15am. #Gnomedex Aug 19, 2010 
  • RT @hubspot 12 Amazing SEO Infographics Aug 19, 2010 
  • RT @hubspot How to Create a Facebook Business Page in 5 Simple Steps (with Video!) Aug 19, 2010 
  • Walk-on role in Mad Men on eBay. $16,300 with 3 days left. Aug 19, 2010 
  • Just finished The 24-Hour Customer. Very insightful book on the importance of time in marketing by Adrian Ott (@ExponentialEdge) Aug 19, 2010 
  • Make It Simple for People to Buy From You Aug 18, 2010 
  • What Marketers Can Learn From Ford Aug 18, 2010 
  • Interesting take on advertising frequency from 1885 Aug 18, 2010 
  • RT @simonmainwaring: “Student Starts First Tuition-free School in Africa’s Largest Slum” This is amazing. Aug 18, 2010 
  • Why vitaminwater is not good for you Aug 17, 2010 
  • Darn, Penny Arcade Expo 3 day tickets sold out months in advance. Only Sunday tickets left. Aug 16, 2010 
  • 40 Top Marketers to Follow on Twitter Aug 16, 2010 
  • Just found this free online lecture series (24 lectures) on Game Theory! Woot! Aug 15, 2010 
  • About 90% of search marketing budgets go to PPC, but about 90% of clicks are for organic search results. -paraphrasing Danny Dover Aug 15, 2010 
  • Very insightful interview with the founder of Grockit on Mixergy Aug 15, 2010 
  • 24-17 Hawks RT @Seahawks: Win 2 club level tix to @PeteCarroll’s 1st #Seahawks game on Sat! RT by 5pm w/ a score prediction to enter to win Aug 12, 2010 
  • This Week in Mad Men, a cool internet show that breaks down each episode Aug 11, 2010 
  • Be careful not to link to bad or spammy sites. This can signal to Google that you are a spam site. Aug 10, 2010 
  • The back button is the third most used web feature. -David Meerman Scott presentation Aug 10, 2010 
  • RT @dmscott: Social media marketing explained in 61 words Aug 10, 2010 
  • Harry Potter The Exhibition coming to Seattle Pacific Science Center later this year Aug 10, 2010 
  • Advertising Executives Share How They Got Their Start Aug 10, 2010 
  • Only a couple hours left until Madden 2011 is for sale. Don’t expect to hear from me for a few weeks. Aug 10, 2010 
  • RT @hubspot 60 Minutes of Marketing Insight from 60 Influential Speakers Aug 10, 2010 
  • Just finished Daemon. It’s a good Sci-Fi thriller that deals with some interesting technology and social issues. Aug 10, 2010 
  • Interesting. 20 Billionth tweet was in japanese! Aug 09, 2010 
  • Jeff Bezos says reading on an iPad is like having a flash light shine in your face. Aug 09, 2010 
  • RT @copyblogger: Why You Should Always Write Your Headline First – Aug 08, 2010 
  • RT @JessicaRandazza: In 1964 buying three TV ads had the potential to reach 80% of the audience you were after. #BlogHer10 Aug 07, 2010 
  • M’s could have really used Beltre this year. He’s putting up ridiculous stats in Boston – .336 with 20 home runs. Aug 06, 2010 
  • RT @MarketingProfs 5 Tips for Email Marketing Deliverability -MarketingProfs Aug 05, 2010 
  • What Is Customer Opinion Good For? -Harvard Business School Aug 05, 2010 
  • SMC Seattle August Event at HL2 rooftop tickets now on sale. Will probably sell out today. Aug 05, 2010 
  • Your Culture Is Your Brand -by Tony Hsieh Aug 04, 2010 
  • Mad Men Trivia: The kid who plays Glen is creator Matt Weiner’s son. Aug 04, 2010 
  • Marketing often defies common sense. -Al Ries Aug 04, 2010 
  • The Essential Small Business Marketing Reading List -Power to the Small Business podcast Aug 03, 2010 
  • Good tip from Scott Berkun: work out the morning before a presentation to release your nervous energy. Aug 03, 2010 
  • Almost every political ad is nearly identical in format and equally dull. I think the only reason they work is because of repetition. Aug 03, 2010 
  • Intrinsically focused individuals tend to achieve more than their externally focused counterparts -Drive Aug 02, 2010 
  • RT @hubspot 7 Ways To Become A Leading-Edge Marketer Aug 02, 2010 
  • Finally figured out how to use an FTP client to upload files to a hosted server. Good to know. Jul 31, 2010 
  • In a world of over abundant content creation, value will flow to the curator. -Jeff Jarvis on Peter Day’s Business World Jul 30, 2010 
  • Wikipedia calculated that just edits equal hundreds of millions dollars of value per year. -Jeff Jarvis on Peter Day’s Business World Jul 30, 2010 
  • “Did you consider ROI before you decided to be courteous to customers?” -Ian Lurie in Age of Conversation 3 Jul 29, 2010 
  • Begin (social media measurement) by defining the business outcome metric -sales, brand awareness, preference, etc. -AgeofConversation3 Jul 29, 2010 
  • Almost 80% of location-based service users are male. Close to 70% of them are between the ages of 19 and 35. – Jul 28, 2010 
  • Study Says Most Marketers Should Forgo Foursquare -AdAge Jul 28, 2010 
  • Just ordered a copy of The Art of SEO from Amazon. I’ve heard it’s excellent. Jul 28, 2010 
  • Just started reading The 24 Hour Customer which argues that time is one of your company’s biggest competitors for customers. Jul 28, 2010 
  • Our job is not to sell, it’s to help people buy. -@Jasonfalls quoting Chris Hauer Jul 28, 2010 
  • Have measurable objectives in your social media plan – paraphrasing @Jasonfalls #Smcsea Jul 28, 2010 
  • Call to actions in social media work -paraphrasing @Jasonfalls Jul 28, 2010 
  • @Jasonfalls presentation live stream RT @kazab Please join us on the live stream – #SMCSea Jul 28, 2010 
  • At SMCseattle with social media legend @Jasonfalls Jul 28, 2010 
  • Only 42 percent of Americans report that they enjoy buying goods and services -The 24 Hour Customer Jul 27, 2010 
  • Thanks @johnjwall for the free copy of Linchpin. It pays to listen to the Marketing Over Coffee podcast! Jul 26, 2010 
  • Looking forward to the Mad Men season 4 premier tonight. Jul 25, 2010 
  • Marketing Takeaways from Delivering Happiness -via Cool Marketing Stuff Jul 24, 2010 
  • What is your goal in life? Why? -Delivering Happiness Jul 23, 2010 
  • The Old Spice guy was briefly on the Seahawks according to Wikipedia (I don’t think he made the final roster). Jul 22, 2010 
  • On to season 3 of Mad Men. Have to admit I’m addicted. Full seasons on sale on iTunes for $10. Jul 20, 2010 
  • Great interview with Dan Miller on finding work that you love. Jul 20, 2010 
  • RT @jasonmkey Seattle peeps, hurry up a grab your @SMCSeattle ticket now. Almost sold out #smcsea Jul 20, 2010 
  • 5 Useful Social Media Infographics -via Sparkplug Digital Jul 19, 2010 
  • Some sales are bad for business – Jul 18, 2010 
  • Marketing Lessons Continue To Flow From Apple -from Branding Strategy Insider Jul 18, 2010 
  • RT @tomasacker: Value beyond the product Jul 18, 2010 
  • Checking out Grasshopper which seems like an valiable phone service for entrepreneurs and small businesses. Jul 18, 2010 
  • If you’re paying for a web analytics tool, you’e probably flushing money down the toilet. -paraphrasing Avinash Kaushik Jul 17, 2010 
  • My blog still only gets 1% of its search traffic from Bing. Does anyone get more than 10%? Jul 16, 2010 
  • @redslice: I haven’t read it yet but you might be able to find a case study in the book Beating The Commodity Trap Jul 14, 2010 
  • RT @webtrafficroi How to Convince Your Boss To Let You Start a Company Blog Jul 14, 2010 
  • RT @Lord_Voldemort7: As far as “cups” go #gobletoffire > #worldcup. The world cup isn’t even a cup. #Fail Jul 13, 2010 
  • Major flaw in iStock subscriptions. You get 10 daily credits but most good illustrations cost 14 credits. Why? #fail Jul 13, 2010 
  • @JasonmKey I think Mad Men is a good but not great show, but it gets added points for being about advertising. Jul 13, 2010 
  • Sonics fans win class action lawsuit against Clay Bennett and friends Jul 13, 2010 
  • Constantly question your goals and life purpose. -Zen Habits Jul 13, 2010 
  • RT @GuyKawasaki: 97 out of 100 scientists believe in climate change Jul 13, 2010 
  • Just finished the 1st season of Mad Men. Some good marketing lessons sprinkled in. Jul 13, 2010 
  • Only about 1 in 10 people can fake a Duchenne smile (a real smile) – Paul Bloom Jul 12, 2010 
  • My review of Open Leadership by @CharleneLi. A lot of good ideas and action plans. Jul 12, 2010 
  • Yea! Just finished Open Leadership, a good book about making companies more open and collaborative with social media. Jul 11, 2010 
  • RT @Zappos Great opportunities lie in doing the opposite of what everyone else is doing. Jul 11, 2010 
  • Timeless fundamentals of effective advertising-simple, emotional, consistent -@simonmainwaring Jul 10, 2010 
  • @JasonmKey Yes! Mixergy interview with Rand Fishkin was very inspiring Jul 10, 2010 
  • Starting Jul 12 you can register to attend Seahawks training camp! #seahawks Jul 09, 2010 
  • Reading Delivering Happiness. It’s biographical but still pretty interesting. Jul 08, 2010 
  • Great @randfish interview at Mixergy! Hurry, it will probably go behind pay wall soon. Jul 07, 2010 
  • Do you own your Tweets? You do if you copy them into blog posts! Jul 07, 2010 
  • It boggles my mind that Marty McFly went to today’s date in the future – and there are no flying cars. Jul 07, 2010 
  • This is a great illustrated presentation – David Harvey Crisis of Capitalism- Jul 07, 2010 
  • @portentint My suggestion is have a cool cover designed. You could post a design contest on 99designs. Also review copies for bloggers Jul 06, 2010 
  • Great Scott!! briancrouch: RT @girlandcoconut: Today’s the day Marty McFly arrives back to the future y’all. Jul 06, 2010 
  • My marketing agency helped on this iPad giveaway campaign – check it out! Jul 06, 2010 
  • Social media can strengthen relationships and this is valuable although it is hard to measure. -via Open Leadership Jul 06, 2010 
  • @JasonmKey: Thanks! I will try to share some more good SEO nuggets at Jul 04, 2010 
  • @tonyadam: That would be an amazing team but Lebron, @DWADEOFFICIAL and @chrisbosh will be signing with the Seattle Sonics. Jul 03, 2010 
  • Single most profitable IT product in history: laser jet printer -SMB Austin 45min mark Jul 03, 2010 
  • Ha, ha, I meant to send that last tweet to a friend, but it also works for Twitter. Jul 03, 2010 
  • Are there any movies you prefer? Jul 03, 2010 
  • Is it Video Killed the Radio Star? @jshuey: What was the first video played on MTV? #trivia Jul 02, 2010 
  • It’s not information overload. It’s filter failure. -Clay Shirky Jul 01, 2010 
  • RT @sparkplugonline Ask how you can leverage Twitter to do things you already have to do for your business – paraphrasing Laura Jul 01, 2010 
  • Listen to first third of The Little Big Things by Tom Peters for Free! Jun 30, 2010 
  • I just drank some phosphoric acid (Shasta soda). Jun 30, 2010 
  • Price is a terrible way to compete. Someone is always willing to go out of business faster than you. -paraphrasing John Jantsch Jun 28, 2010 
  • How to set up a website in 6 easy steps via @sparkplugonline Jun 28, 2010 
  • “The reality is, most of the world operates on non-monetary terms” -Chris Anderson Jun 28, 2010 
  • Saving is just consumerism needlessly postponed -Rory Sutherland TED video Jun 27, 2010 
  • Your mindset should be disapointment if one of your clients doesn’t refer you. via @ducttape interview Jun 27, 2010 
  • Facebook is successful partly because they are willing to push the envelope and take risks. -paraphrasing @Charleneli interview Jun 27, 2010 
  • Good advice @randfish: How to become a millionaire in 3 yrs – – surprisingly practical, smart advice Jun 25, 2010 
  • ‘Keyword density is, without question, NOT a part of modern web search engine ranking algorithms’ -SEOMoz Beginners Guide to SEO Jun 24, 2010 
  • 25% of searches on Google each month have never been searched for in the history of Google. -Udi Manber Jun 22, 2010 
  • Add buttons for social networking sharing in your email campaigns to increase referrals and traffic. -Adam Ostrow in Mashable Jun 22, 2010 
  • Richard Edelman’s 12 principles for success Jun 21, 2010 
  • Google wonder wheel is a great way to find related search terms when researching keywords. Jun 21, 2010 
  • Gary Payton makes 5 word acceptance speech for Sonicsgate Webby award. Jun 19, 2010 
  • Interesting discussion by Mark Zuckerberg at the D8 conference Jun 17, 2010 
  • It is highly likely that Twitter data is feeding back into Google -@randfish Jun 17, 2010 
  • Nice parody of Dexter by @ambermac , author of Power Friending Jun 17, 2010 
  • Useful site: Jun 16, 2010 
  • Attended a talk by Rom Brafman who wrote a book on why some people click w/ others. One tip is to be more vulnerable. #smartbiz Jun 15, 2010 
  • Cool, I have 11,111 messages in my email inbox! Jun 15, 2010 
  • Dry Soda turned down distribution in Walmart because it didn’t align with the brand. -@redslice #smartbiz Jun 15, 2010 
  • RT @tferriss: Using Nobel Prize-Winning Psychology to Perform Better: Jun 15, 2010 
  • Still time to sign up for the Simple and Smart conference in Seattle. 6/15 $25 Jun 14, 2010 
  • RT @ChrisPirillo: Do you like delivering happiness in #Seattle? Here: Jun 14, 2010 
  • 4square on Time’s 50 worst inventions but Entrepreneur’s 100 most brilliant companies -This Week in Social Media Jun 13, 2010 
  • @mikewhitmore: I read that Daniel Radcliff earned $40 mill in 2009 from the films! Jun 13, 2010 
  • If you’re not doing something worthwhile, it’s hard to find worthwhile people. -Reality Check Jun 12, 2010 
  • I’m giving away a new copy of Charlene Li’s book Open Leadership to 1st to donate $20 to Seattle Children’s [email protected] Jun 12, 2010 
  • Google removes feature for background image on Google homepage. Please stop trying to be like Bing! Jun 11, 2010 
  • Police start ticketing cellphone drivers in Washington -now a primary offense Jun 10, 2010 
  • Meg Whitman spent $71 million of her own money on governor’s race. -Techcrunch Jun 10, 2010 
  • RT @Kia_Motors A driver who accelerates gradually & drives smoothly could gain 20% in fuel economy vs aggressive driver Jun 09, 2010 
  • RT @Wexley: Wexley is hiring creatives! Looking for a smart, witty, passionate & ridiculously conceptual. . . Jun 09, 2010 
  • RT @SportsGuy: Google doesn’t use bounce rate in the general ranking algo. (to the best of Matts knowledge) #smx Jun 09, 2010 
  • We’re going to look at video sitemaps more -@mattcutts #smx Jun 09, 2010 
  • Google doesn’t want to be the truth police. -@mattcutts #smx in response to content farms Jun 09, 2010 
  • Caffeine will allow Google to attach more metadata to pages -@mattcutts #smx Jun 09, 2010 
  • Caffeine moves indexing closer to real time. -@mattcutts #smx Jun 09, 2010 
  • RT@ billparkes 18 billion searches per month on twitter – more than yahoo! @dannysullivan #smx #1a2 Jun 08, 2010 
  • The best motivation is inspiration or desperation. -The Creating Wealth show Jun 07, 2010 
  • RT @Jason_Pollock: BP is spending $50 MILLION on a new ad campaign. They should be spending that $ on cleaning up the ocean! Jun 07, 2010 
  • Yes, only one I know of. RT @zbussey: Am I the only person who’s never read a Harry Potter book or seen a movie? Jun 07, 2010 
  • RT @Isaiah_Thomas2:Ray Allen ain’t on the court right now that’s Jesus Shuttlesworth…. “Basketball is like poetry in motion” (Jesus Voice) Jun 07, 2010 
  • RT @DanSchawbel: REPORT: Unhappy people watch 20% more television than their happier counterparts Jun 07, 2010 
  • SEOMoz is having a party for SMX Seattle. There’s still time to register for The SMX free expo pass. Jun 07, 2010 
  • Google Easter Egg RT @tstocky Next time you search for “world cup” on Google, notice the bottom of the page goooooooooal! Jun 06, 2010 
  • 40 Cool WordPress Themes For Small Business Marketing Jun 06, 2010 
  • I hate when I’m tired all day except right when I’m trying to go to sleep. Jun 05, 2010 
  • RT @Sparkplugonline Fewer than half of all US small businesses have websites or advertise on the Net -Nielsen Online Jun 04, 2010 
  • Any good book recommendations? Currently reading Daemon, Open Leadership, and Age of Conversation 3. Jun 02, 2010 
  • RT @Techvibes: 10 Best Places to Work In Seattle For IT Professionals Jun 01, 2010 
  • “LinkedIn is where connections go to die” -Founder of Network Hippo on This Week in Startups Jun 01, 2010 
  • RT @soulhiker 20 Powerful Beliefs That Will Push You Towards Success May 31, 2010 
  • Has anyone seen Red Cliff? Probably the best movie from China since Crouching Tiger. May 31, 2010 
  • RT @FreshPeel: “Finding the right work is like discovering your own soul in the world.” –Sir Thomas Moore May 30, 2010 
  • Marketing Like Drug Dealers: Marketing Ideas From Rework May 27, 2010 
  • @SEOaudiore Are you attending SMX Seattle June 8-9? May 27, 2010 
  • Nice article about NW companies- Voodoo Doughnut: Getting Noticed in a Crowded Market May 27, 2010 
  • @skydiver This season of 24 was one of the best. I didn’t know it was the last episode of the series. Looking forward to the movie. May 27, 2010 
  • Bloomberg basically ruined BusinessWeek magazine. They’re trying to make it into The Wall Street Journal. May 26, 2010 
  • RT @smexaminer The Fastest Way to Increase Your Google Ranking May 26, 2010 
  • Sign up to attend SMX Seattle for free (limited access) May 26, 2010 
  • RT @BizBuzzU: An ounce of action is worth a ton of theory. Ralph Waldo Emerson May 24, 2010 
  • Open Leadership by @charleneli comes out today! It’s the followup to the great book, Groundswell. May 24, 2010 
  • 1 in 5,000 Americans live to 100 May 24, 2010 
  • I liked the Lost finale. Good close to an epic show. #lostfinale May 24, 2010 
  • Simply looking at a logo can elicit an emotional response. -The Marketing Spot May 23, 2010 
  • Survey by Deloitte found only 22 percent of companies have a social media policy -Open Leadership May 23, 2010 
  • Alaska Air offers 2500 miles or $25 credit for late baggage. I don’t want to waste more time for something I won’t use. Fail. May 22, 2010 
  • Just received a copy of The Referral Engine and Age of Conversation 3 from Amazon! May 22, 2010 
  • Studies show that optimists are more likely to listen to negative information than pessimists – May 20, 2010 
  • Please check out Age of Conversation 3 on Amazon! A book of 200+ mktg and biz leaders writing for charity May 20, 2010 
  • RT @GuyKawasaki: Fast Company on how to procrastinate productively May 20, 2010 
  • Video of Kristin Graham (@Expedia) presentation on social media at @smbseattle (from this morning) May 20, 2010 
  • @marielanghout Macs can go into System Preferences and Speech to have “Alex” read out loud any highlighted text. May 20, 2010 
  • RT @Sparkplugonline 9 Free and Easy to Use Twitter Resources May 20, 2010 
  • RT @cspenn: #the5: SEOmoz crushes it again with a 15 minute SEO audit guide: May 20, 2010 
  • John Calipari is a black eye for college basketball. May 20, 2010 
  • Well I hope for the best for Terrence Jones despite everything. May 20, 2010 
  • RT @pedrodias: Google I/O Keynotes now available on YouTube May 19, 2010 
  • Technology gives you a shot at marketing. -Seth Godin May 19, 2010 
  • In 2009, 47% of Americans paid no federal income tax. -The Street May 19, 2010 
  • RT @tonyrobbins: “Always do what you are afraid to do.” Ralph Waldo Emerson May 19, 2010 
  • Sales and marketing should come to agreement on what defines a good lead -via May 19, 2010 
  • Just discovered that Macs have a really cool text-to-speech feature that can be activated with a combination of keys! May 19, 2010 
  • RT @sparkplugonline Write content on your blog that solves your customers’ problems or enhances their lives-@Problogger May 18, 2010 
  • On the latest Twit podcast, @Leolaporte said that podcasting has plateaued by @Jason says it is just getting started. May 18, 2010 
  • RT @sparkplugonline It doesn’t matter if you get a lot of traffic to your site if you are not converting that traffic to customers. May 18, 2010 
  • @teachstreet Thanks for responding to my concerns. Most companies aren’t listening or don’t take the time to respond. May 17, 2010 
  • My weekly dose of happiness: This Week In Tech podcast with @LeoLaporte May 17, 2010 
  • Agreed! RT @shartley “Culture is a core building block of a great company.” -David Hauser #BigOmaha May 17, 2010 
  • Age of Conversation 3 is now available on Amazon! A collaboration of 200+ mktg and biz leaders for charity May 16, 2010 
  • RT @SMCSeattle: South King County and beyond: Check out @SMCTacoma’s event on May 19. Blogging + pizza! May 16, 2010 
  • digitalizer May 15, 2010 
  • “Good design may get customers in your door, but great content keeps them from walking right back out again” May 14, 2010 
  • No more free listings at Teachstreet. Maybe they should take some notes from Craigslist. May 13, 2010 
  • Did you know…Apple takes a 30% cut of iPhone App sales. -Fortune May 13, 2010 
  • I was also going to give a graduation speech in Arizona…but with my accent I was afraid they would try to deport me. -Schwarzenegger May 13, 2010 
  • I really enjoyed the latest podcast of Six Pixels of Separations with Jeffery Gitomer @gitomer May 13, 2010 
  • Zuckerberg owns about 24 percent of Facebook stock valued at about 5 billion. -Fortune May 12, 2010 
  • Every blog post can be someone’s first interaction with you RT @MikeTek Reading: When a stranger reads your blog May 12, 2010 
  • Corporate blogs should strive to be the best trade magazine in their industry. -Hubspot blog May 12, 2010 
  • @bostonmarketer I think the only advantage of Blogger is that it is more secure because the content is hosted by Google May 12, 2010 
  • Tekzilla is a great online show where you can learn about useful websites and tech tips. I met @veronica who is really nice May 11, 2010 
  • RT @avinashkaushik: “Busy does not equal important. Measured doesn’t mean mattered.” Seth Godin May 10, 2010 
  • RT @PhenomenalLife: Really great people make you feel that you, too, can become great – Mark Twain May 10, 2010 
  • The best way to sell is to teach -@unmarketing May 10, 2010 
  • RT @unmarketing: 30 Quick Tips For Speakers with more tips in comments! May 10, 2010 
  • Upcoming Seattle networking event: Puget Sound American Marketing Association May 20 May 10, 2010 
  • Final episode of Lost will be 2 1/2 hours. May 09, 2010 
  • 27 Marketing Lessons B2B Marketers Should Know -Hubspot May 09, 2010 
  • My review of Flip the Funnel by Joseph Jaffe May 08, 2010 
  • Wow, @DanSchawbel works 110 hours per week, thats about 15+ hours a day, 7 days a week May 08, 2010 
  • RT @danielscocco Interview: 12 Top Online Entrepreneurs Share How Hard They Work May 08, 2010 
  • William Shatner went from Star Trek, to being homeless, to an estimated $600 million from Priceline May 07, 2010 
  • The effect of restaurants calorie labels is close to zero – Dan Ariely, Listen to interview: May 07, 2010 
  • 25 Lessons Learned from Seth Godin May 07, 2010 
  • 23 year-old high school dropout sells blog for millions May 06, 2010 
  • Just received an advanced copy of Open Leadership by @charleneli. I really enjoyed Groundswell so am looking forward to reading it. May 06, 2010 
  • Interesting theory on why Steve Jobs really hates Flash May 06, 2010 
  • RT @AdFreak: P&G sends thousands of bottles of Dawn dish soap to the Gulf of Mexico to clean the animals. May 06, 2010 
  • You will get all you want in life if you help enough other people get what they want. -Zig Ziglar May 06, 2010 
  • @Teachstreet now charging for their listings. Not sure if I will still use their service. I think they also take a cut of the class fee. May 06, 2010 
  • RT @sejournal Despite the News, SEO is Not Dead by @rachel_andersen May 06, 2010 
  • @laisietu: Linchpin is good. I also liked Switch, Rework, and Crush It. May 06, 2010 
  • RT @MissingSonics: @sonicsgate Sonicsgate wins Webby Award May 05, 2010 
  • Fit your entire message in the email subject line RT @Kenji_O: Do you have any general internet communication tips or best practices? May 05, 2010 
  • RT @JeffDye: May 7th comedy central presents jeff dye!!! 11:30!! Watch it or you’ll have 10 years bad luck!! May 04, 2010 
  • Anyone know a good virtual assistant? RT @uschles: I need a Virtual Assistant. But I don’t have time to search for one. May 04, 2010 
  • RT @Sonicsgate: #incaseyoumissedit ->ESPN Outside The Lines full Sonicsgate episode posted now! May 04, 2010 
  • As much as you physically can, respond and be thankful to everyone who has taken the time to mention you -Six Pixels of Separation May 03, 2010 
  • Indecision is the greatest thief of opportunity. -Dan Miller May 03, 2010 
  • Focus on building community, not traffic. -Six Pixels of Separation May 02, 2010 
  • I should get a badge. Read over 1000 tweets on my phone today. May 01, 2010 
  • RT @sengineland: Yahoo’s Bartz Takes In $47 Million, Yang Gets One Dollar May 01, 2010 
  • RT @dharmesh: The role of a leader is not to create followers, but to create more leaders. #ack2010 May 01, 2010 
  • @geekgiant could we start our own Seattle social media softball team through @SMCseattle? May 01, 2010 
  • RT @jaffejuice: If you’re thinking about purchasing #flipthefunnel,’s making it easy to do so at $16.47 May 01, 2010 
  • Half of all new college graduates now believe self employment is more secure than a full time job. -Six Pixels of Separation Apr 30, 2010 
  • Organize an unconference for your industry in your area to build community and get noticed as a leader -Six Pixels of Separation Apr 30, 2010 
  • RT @seonow: You can not just build a 1,000 links in a few months. This a flag for #google and they penalize you. Apr 30, 2010 
  • 1 bag of luggage on Alaskan Airlines: $15. Having your luggage delayed for 10 hours in Hawaii: priceless. Apr 29, 2010 
  • Fascinating documentary on one of the world’s most amazing minds, Daniel Tammet Apr 27, 2010 
  • Best part of working from home – No more Mondays! (Also a good book by Dan Miller) Apr 26, 2010 
  • Just requested a review copy RT @charleneli 325 review copies of Open Leadership book are left Apr 26, 2010 
  • @ryanapeterson Yes I do implement the 4 hrs of alone time for work #Rework Does your company have any iPod Apps in the App Store? Apr 26, 2010 
  • @tristawinnie I agree. Pete Carroll is no Mike Holmgren. Some analysts are saying the Seahawks had the best draft. A++! Apr 26, 2010 
  • LOL! RT @darrylohrt: Tiger Woods congratulated me on my run in NikePlus this morning. Makes me feel like I did something wrong. Apr 26, 2010 
  • Does @Starbucks CEO Howard Shultz owe it to Seattle to buy an NBA team and bring them to Seattle? Apr 25, 2010 
  • Nobody wants to interact with a corporate entity (on Twitter) – remarkablogger Apr 25, 2010 
  • Just renewed subscription to BusinessWeek. I am willing to pay a little more for the experience of reading the magizine. Apr 25, 2010 
  • Allowing sites to republish your content with a link back to original article can be a good way to get deep links. -Whiteboard Friday Apr 25, 2010 
  • My interview about Age of Conversation 3 has just been published on the excellent business blog Eyecube. Apr 25, 2010 
  • Seahawks are getting Golden Tate! Woohoo! Apr 24, 2010 
  • Google can’t find answers to questions you don’t know to ask but should be asking. Apr 23, 2010 
  • RT @MrsEdwardsCFO: Art is the product of emotional labor. If its easy and risk free, it’s unlikely it’s art. ~ Seth Godin, Linchpin Apr 23, 2010 
  • Great draft for The Seattle Seahawks. Apr 23, 2010 
  • Seahawks made a good choice with Okung. I’m excited. #Seahawks Apr 23, 2010 
  • Marketing Lessons from Switch by Chip and Dan Heath Apr 21, 2010 
  • Google to Bing is like Coke to Pepsi. Bing could build a better search engine but people would still prefer Google. Apr 21, 2010 
  • RT @JasonmKey this is a good one: 8 Habits of Highly Effective Bloggers via @copyblogger Apr 20, 2010 
  • When milestones seem too distant, look for inch pebbles. -Switch Apr 20, 2010 
  • 94% of college professors report doing better than average work. -Switch Apr 20, 2010 
  • One drawback of free blogging platforms is that they keep credit for your links if you move, – you can’t 301 redirect. Apr 18, 2010 
  • Learning from failures is overrated.Entrepreneurs who fail are as likely to succeed at their next venture as a 1st time entrepreneur-Rework Apr 18, 2010 
  • Building a business without a plan for profit is like building a rocketship without planning for gravity. -Rework Apr 18, 2010 
  • A good way to get links to your site is writing guest posts. Often you can control the anchor text to include keywords. #SEO Apr 18, 2010 
  • You should only hire when there is more work than you can handle for an extended period of time. -Rework Apr 17, 2010 
  • My takeaways from the book Rework by the founders of 37 Signals -fascinating book with great ideas Apr 17, 2010 
  • Do you know a more cost effective way to get your message out than social media? #Sm201 Apr 15, 2010 
  • Yes The link should be on homepage of @schoeny: is there a livestream available for #SM201? Apr 15, 2010 
  • #1 on Google gets 41% of clicks #2 gets 12% of clicks #Sm201 Apr 15, 2010 
  • 81% of people search online before making a purchase. #Sm201 Apr 15, 2010 
  • Social Media can be an asset that you build up that will provide returns over time. #sm201 Apr 15, 2010 
  • Social Media 201 conference going on right now at Microsoft. Check out the livestream on Apr 15, 2010 
  • If you create one of the best resources for your industry you will get links. Apr 13, 2010 
  • The title of your blog post is very important. It needs to catch the reader’s attention and include good keywords. Apr 12, 2010 
  • I’m volunteering at the Social Media 201 Conference April 15th at Microsoft Hope to see you there. Apr 11, 2010 
  • As much as I hate Howard Shultz for selling the Sonics to Oklahoma, @starbucks service is far superior than every coffee shop I visit Apr 09, 2010 
  • Wow, all Icanhascheezburger sites are WordPress sites hosted at -Net @Night Apr 09, 2010 
  • Zappos has a 24/7 800 number on every page of its site, free return shipping, and a 365 day return policy. -Flip The Funnel Apr 09, 2010 
  • I was recently able to get the number 1 ranking for my name in Google. Here’s my video on how you can too Apr 08, 2010 
  • Fascinating documentary on how the digital revolution is changing society (for better and worse) Apr 07, 2010 
  • RT @tonyrobbins: “All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make the better.” Ralph Waldo Emerson Apr 07, 2010 
  • Check out my listing on @TeachStreet: 1 on 1 Crash Course on SEO $70 Apr 07, 2010 
  • What are you the best in the world at? Apr 07, 2010 
  • Identity is often a stronger force than self interest, like when a venture capitalist votes democrat. -Switch Apr 07, 2010 
  • I have held an iPad! I little heavier than a Kindle but much faster. Great browsing experience. Definitely getting one eventually. Apr 07, 2010 
  • Wow there are some great introductory lectures on Computer Science from Harvard’s David J Malan Apr 06, 2010 
  • Wealth – any income that is at least one hundred dollars more a year than the income of one’s wife’s sister’s husband. -H.L. Mencken Apr 06, 2010 
  • How happy are you on a scale from 1 to 10? What would it take to get to a 10? Apr 06, 2010 
  • The key to happiness: commute time by Jonah Leher Apr 06, 2010 
  • How to Train a Dragon was really good. I can see how it got a 97 rating on Rotten Tomatoes. Apr 06, 2010 
  • Can’t wait to read Tom Peter’s new book, The Little Big Things. It’s also on Audible read by the author for 12 hours! Apr 05, 2010 
  • iPad has a Kindle app and a Netflix app! But it doesn’t have flash (boo) Source:TwIT 242 Apr 05, 2010 
  • RT @SMBSeattle: Learn social media measurement from @kdpaine on 4/13 at Tribal DDB. Get the info here Apr 05, 2010 
  • Just finished book #7 for the year, The Lost Symbol. Had some high points but was pretty formulaic. #52books Apr 05, 2010 
  • The Groupon deal for today is a helicopter tour of Seattle for $135. Pretty cool. Apr 03, 2010 
  • Links are the engine in search engine optimization. Apr 02, 2010 
  • RT @Allyis: RT @Ethany: Great video on Social Media ROI Mar 31, 2010 
  • Why a personal domain is essential for marketers Mar 31, 2010 
  • RT @sparkplugonline: RT @TopRank 5 Sure Fire Tactics to Promote a Business Blog Mar 30, 2010 
  • RT @HubSpot: What makes a successful Internet marketing strategy? Here are 4 components Mar 30, 2010 
  • RT @mashable: HOW TO: Create a Successful Company Blog – Mar 30, 2010 
  • 1 billion people live on less than $1 a day -Bill Clinton Berkeley speech Mar 29, 2010 
  • This is great RT @foleymo: YouTube EDU Finishes Its Freshman Year With 300 University Partners In Tow Mar 29, 2010 
  • Very interesting perspective on being an entrepreneur: An Entrepreneur’s Life Mar 25, 2010 
  • Wow, this is cool. The Tesla Model S electric vehicle will be available in 2012 for $50k. Mar 25, 2010 
  • Zach Braff says on his Facebook page that Scrubs appears to be done. Mar 25, 2010 
  • Benefit of working from home: ability to take a midday break on a Wednesday to enjoy amazing weather in Seattle -sorry office dwellers Mar 24, 2010 
  • How to read a book a week in 2010 (I’m at 6 so far so I have to catch up!) Mar 23, 2010 
  • The idea of repetitive hard work done to the specifications of a rule book is no longer the key to prosperity. -Linchpin Mar 23, 2010 
  • RT @TheBeanCast: Uh-oh! NBC blaming childhood obesity on cellphones and video games again. My thought? Obesity isn’t a problem in Japan. Mar 23, 2010 
  • RT @cherrygarcia: Yes! Tomorrow is Free Cone Day! How many scoops will be served this year? Go here for location info Mar 23, 2010 
  • Apple should allow the Kindle App on the iPad (Kindle iPad App Official Page) Mar 23, 2010 
  • The blog has become the best marketing tool I’ve ever had. -@tom_peters Mar 23, 2010 
  • Jack Trout podcast interview on the @Engagingbrand Mar 22, 2010 
  • RT @gajanshe: RT @zooppausa Get Your Story Straight! Guest post by Jan Sheeley from GA Creative Mar 22, 2010 
  • Can you state your business philosophy in 25 words or less? Via @petecarroll Mar 22, 2010 
  • Everyone who gets a degree in the US should get a Visa -Howard Morgan #TWiST #startupvisamovement Mar 21, 2010 
  • RT @tferriss: Cool (literally, too) – Igloo Village Hotel in Finland: Mar 21, 2010 
  • Madness! Go Huskies! Mar 21, 2010 
  • 16 great lectures for learning online marketing Mar 18, 2010 
  • RT @avinashkaushik: 100 Incredible Lectures for History Lovers: Mar 18, 2010 
  • Obama chooses Kansas to win NCAA tourney. He would have picked UW but he knows he will win in Washington in 2012. Mar 17, 2010 
  • Seattle 2.0 Awards RT @seattle20: Just two days left to register with early-bird prices. Mar 17, 2010 
  • RT @RedFound “The purpose of business is to create cutomers that create customers” @seanodmvp (#thinkCamp live at Mar 17, 2010 
  • Customer service is the shortest path to montetization of social media. @seanodmvp (#thinkCamp live at Mar 17, 2010 
  • Watching the livestream of @seanodmvp from Ant’s Eye View at the ThinkCamp conference. (#thinkCamp live at Mar 17, 2010 
  • Building Brands You Can Trust -BusinessWeek interview Chris Brogan (audio) Mar 17, 2010 
  • To improve spiderability of your site, it is generally a good idea to have 100 or less links per page. -SEOMoz #seotips Mar 16, 2010 
  • RT @AnswersDotCom: “I am never bored anywhere -being bored is an insult to oneself.” -Jules Renard Mar 16, 2010 
  • RT @tferriss Why Grow? and Other Wisdom from 37Signals Mar 16, 2010 
  • RT @sengineland Meet The 25-Year-Old Who Saved “SEO” From Being Trademarked Mar 16, 2010 
  • There is more to life than increasing its speed. -Mahatma Gandhi Mar 16, 2010 
  • Interesting RT @CBlogware: Study Shows 80% of Blog Traffic Comes from First-Time Visitors Mar 16, 2010 
  • Forgot to turn off Twitter sms and woke up to 700 new text messages. Not complaining though. Mar 15, 2010 
  • Why Word of Mouth Doesn’t Happen -@Ducttape marketing blog Mar 14, 2010 
  • RT @ChrisPirillo #SXSW Report: Number of people in line to meet Cowboys Cheerleaders: 2. Number of peole in line for free hot dogs: 40. Mar 14, 2010 
  • RT @sparkplugonline Fascinating interview with author Simon Sinek on Marketing Over Coffee podcast Mar 14, 2010 
  • RT @PhenomenalLife: Follow your bliss and the universe will open doors where there were only walls – Joseph Campbell Mar 14, 2010 
  • Clottey: Example of someone unwilling to take risks RT @joaquinuy: Mike Tyson Punch Out games are more exciting. Mar 14, 2010 
  • Huskies Win! UW pac-10 tourney champs! Mar 14, 2010 
  • Social Media is the beginning of a revolution in communication @jeffpulver via Mar 13, 2010 
  • 12 Open Source Applications You Can’t Live Without -New Horizons Blog Mar 12, 2010 
  • If I had an extra $60 lying around I could have my picture taken with the original Spock at Seattle ComicCon Saturday Mar 12, 2010 
  • @bradnelson I got a random DM from you with a link. Did you get hacked? Mar 12, 2010 
  • RT @mikewhitmore: Social Media 201 April 15, 2010 at the Microsoft Conference Center in Redmond, WA: Mar 12, 2010 
  • Serial entrepreneurs should focus on core strengths Mar 12, 2010 
  • Just picked up Switch, The followup book to Made to Stick. Should be good. Mar 11, 2010 
  • Great video from @SEOMoz – How to Get Awesome Links Mar 11, 2010 
  • @comcastcares Customer service sucked today, fiance upset – “OK! I’ll give you the credit but I still don’t know where you’re coming from” Mar 10, 2010 
  • Skype is so great. 3 bucks a month for unlimited minutes to any phone in US and Canada. Mar 10, 2010 
  • Does #MarketMix have a live feed or will presentations be posted online? Mar 10, 2010 
  • Interesting Twitter experiment @leolaporte picked a rand person on Twitter @LisaTickledPink & increased her follower count from 2 to 17000 Mar 10, 2010 
  • I think @teachstreet is brilliant and hope it takes off. Find 1on1 instructors to learn anything (my class Mar 10, 2010 
  • Hi @ElbertF from There should be a recording on UStream (Tweethouse channel) from 3/8 It was the @sbroback talk Mar 10, 2010 
  • Pretty cool startup in Switzerland It’s like free audiobooks but for blogs – they have 2 Seth Godin posts. Mar 10, 2010 
  • Schools like to teach compliance rather than initiative. -Seth Godin Mar 10, 2010 
  • This is NSFW but hilarious – The Social Media Guru (it’s a parody) via @SEOcopy Mar 10, 2010 
  • This is NSFW but hilarious – The Social Media Guru (it’s a parody) via @SEOcopy Mar 10, 2010 
  • Best Marketing Books of 2009 Mar 09, 2010 
  • You must unlearn what you’ve learned to be successful in online marketing. -@dmscott Mar 09, 2010 
  • Most categories have 2 brands that dominate the consumer’s mind. -Al Ries Mar 09, 2010 
  • Correction: Loving what you do is almost as important as doing what you love. -Linchpin (Although the last tweet could also be true) Mar 09, 2010 
  • It is more important to love what you do than to do what you love. -Linchpin Mar 09, 2010 
  • I’ve heard a lot of good things about Daemon by Daniel Suarez via @leolaporte and Seth Godin. Might read that next. Mar 09, 2010 
  • Just finished Linchpin. Great book for thriving in the new economy. More of a success book than marketing. Mar 09, 2010 
  • @ShaunaCausey Its ok to ask for a RT as long as u don’t overdo it. You’re asking peeps who have chosen to follow you to help spread a msg Mar 09, 2010 
  • RT @sarahfosmo Useful Twip: If you find yourself on an unflattering list, you can block the person and you will removed. #140tc Mar 08, 2010 
  • “A directory of awesome lists on Twitter” @Scobleizer likes this the best (#140tc live at Mar 08, 2010 
  • Does anyone know how you can find out about upcoming conferences that are broadcasting on UStream? (#140tc live at Mar 08, 2010 
  • Cool! @Dom, Dom Sagolla co-founder of Twitter is telling story of how Twitter started at 140tc Seattle (#140tc live at Mar 08, 2010 
  • Question for 140tc panel:can multiple people tweet for a company or should it be limited to 1 person? (#140tc live at Mar 08, 2010 
  • Always keep it positive on Twitter when responding to customer complaints. -@bradnelson #140tc (#140tc live at Mar 08, 2010 
  • -a cool tag cloud generator for Twitter searches #140tc (#140tc live at Mar 08, 2010 
  • Attend 140 Twitter Conference in Seattle virtually for free! Livestream #140tc (#140tc live at Mar 08, 2010 
  • Super cool startup. The Kiva for student loans. #140tc livestream Mar 08, 2010 
  • 10+ Reasons Why Every Business Should Blog Mar 08, 2010 
  • Brandon Marshall visited Seahawks HQ Intriguing idea but we would have to give up The #6 overall draft pick as he is a restricted FA Mar 08, 2010 
  • Create information on the web to help solve the problems of your buyer personas. – @dmscott Mar 08, 2010 
  • Does the corn syrup in a can of coke count as a serving of vegetables? Mar 08, 2010 
  • Great tips on growing a business blog from @problogger via @chrisbrogan Mar 07, 2010 
  • Tip: If you own your own business, take one day a week to do no work on it and your productivity will skyrocket. Mar 07, 2010 
  • RT @marketingfeed Few businesses understand (really understand) just how much a customer is worth. -Seth Godin Mar 07, 2010 
  • Great podcast discussion of the future of advertising and social media w/ @simonmainwaring @aaronstrout Mar 07, 2010 
  • My high school, Kentwood wins The 4A basketball championship! Mar 07, 2010 
  • It’s not an accident that successful people read more books. -Linchpin Mar 05, 2010 
  • RT @StevenMatsumoto @PhenomenalLife: Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted – Einstein Mar 04, 2010 
  • Wow RT @Karl_Ribas: RT @TechCrunch: WSJ: Facebook Revenues For 2010 Could Hit Between $1.2 To $2 Billion – Mar 04, 2010 
  • Twitter hits 50 million tweets per day Mar 02, 2010 
  • Thanks @Shih_Wei , I’m about halfway through Linchpin and it’s really insightful. Mar 01, 2010 
  • Seattle Twitter Conference next week March 8th $199 Mar 01, 2010 
  • Tony Hsieh’s keynote at SXSW 2009 Mar 01, 2010 
  • Our number priority is company culture…if you get the culture right most of the other stuff will happen naturally. @Zappos Mar 01, 2010 
  • Congrats! RT @mikehar: woot! sold Picnik to Google today. Mar 01, 2010 
  • The easier it is to quantify, the less it is worth. -Linchpin Mar 01, 2010 
  • Just finished a pretty nifty site redesign of with WordPress. Mar 01, 2010 
  • RT @Ethany: Great video on Social Media ROI Feb 28, 2010 
  • An artist is someone who uses bravery, insight, creativity, and boldness to challenge the status quo -Linchpin Feb 28, 2010 
  • Create a blog that is so insightful about your area of expertise that others refer it. -Linchpin Feb 28, 2010 
  • Instead of a resume Ideo has candidates present a powerpoint to a panel and answer questions -Linchpin Feb 28, 2010 
  • If you can’t be remarkable, you should consider doing nothing until you can. -Linchpin Feb 28, 2010 
  • Being good at school is irrelevant in the work world. Schools should teach how to solve interesting problems and lead -Linchpin Feb 28, 2010 
  • Schools teach us to not challenge authority -Linchpin. I tried this once in college and got my worst grade. Feb 28, 2010 
  • We’ve been taught consumption is a shortcut to happiness. -Linchpin Feb 28, 2010 
  • What Marketers can learn from Crush It! by Gary Vaynerchuk (@garyvee) Feb 27, 2010 
  • Follow Friday @randfish (SEO), @ambermac (author Power Friending), @evansdave (Social Media author), @intand (client- school software) Feb 26, 2010 
  • @ConradSaam Go for the Mac! With Keynote you can even use your iPod or iPhone as a remote Feb 26, 2010 
  • Just found out I won the book giveaway for Putting the Public Back in Public Relations from @simonmainwaring ‘s blog! Feb 26, 2010 
  • Just discovered the double speed feature on my iPod touch. I can read audible booksin half The time! Feb 26, 2010 
  • Lots of new Ted Talks including Bill Gates on Energy Feb 26, 2010 
  • RT @dannysullivan: sergey brin speaking at @TED on china…video now posted Feb 26, 2010 
  • Getting More Business by Making it Easier to Buy – @themarketingguy Feb 25, 2010 
  • Inner City Memphis Study: 5 out of 6 with ability to play college sports fail to qualify academically. -The Blind Side Feb 25, 2010 
  • SEO tactics that work for one site may not work for a different site. -7 Harsh Realities of SEO Feb 23, 2010 
  • RT @ducttape: You know productivity might just be more about what you don’t do than what you do Feb 23, 2010 
  • Amazing how quickly a brand can fall. Toyota CEO will appear before Congress: Feb 22, 2010 
  • RT @dharmesh: Please RT this. Each tweet donates $0.09 to non-profit. Tell all your friends! Especially @garyvee. Feb 22, 2010 
  • RT @natalidelconte: A new study shows that napping helps you learn better. Feb 22, 2010 
  • RT @cymberly: We pay attention to the loud & the urgent. This can lead us to ignore the important & achievable paths open to us -Seth Godin Feb 22, 2010 
  • RT @jlpitts: “The tragedy in life doesn’t lie in not reaching your goal. The tragedy lies in having no goal to reach.” Benjamin Mays Feb 21, 2010 
  • Great talk with Mitch Joel and Avinash Kaushik about Web Analytics 2.0 Feb 21, 2010 
  • Just posted author @evansdave ‘s addition to Best Marketing Career Advice From 10 Top Marketing Minds Feb 21, 2010 
  • RT @ChrisPirillo: The way to succeed is to double your error rate. -Thomas J. Watson Feb 20, 2010 
  • Crazy! Squidoo, has only 6 employees who work in 6 different states and gets about 6 million visits per month Feb 19, 2010 
  • 95 great SEO videos by @SEOMoz Feb 19, 2010 
  • After reading The Blind Side, I want to start tutoring in public schools again. Feb 18, 2010 
  • @leolaporte Search results will always be skewed because it is influenced by human factors e.g. Who links to who Feb 18, 2010 
  • In the last episode of Twit, @leolaporte discussed how SEO is bad for users because it skews the results. Feb 18, 2010 
  • RT @AnswersDotCom: “Happiness is not something you postpone for the future; it’s something you design for the present.” -Jim Rohn Feb 18, 2010 
  • RT @AnnaOBrien: “Change does not necessarily assure progress, but progress implacably requires change. “- Henry S. Commager #quote Feb 17, 2010 
  • RT @DanSchawbel Social media adoption by small businesses has doubled from 12% to 24% in one year Feb 17, 2010 
  • Ah ha! Lost is starting to finally make sense – sort of. Feb 17, 2010 
  • 1 GB per sec!? Insane! RT @superlum: Google Plans To Deliver 1Gb/sec Fiber-Optic Brdbnd Netwk To 50K+ Homes. Feb 16, 2010 
  • @SEOaudiore Have you read Web Analytics 2.0 yet? It looks like it’s getting great reviews on Amazon. Feb 16, 2010 
  • Excited to be teaching my first @Teachstreet session tomorrow on getting started with WordPress Feb 16, 2010 
  • These are good tips RT @portentint: 9 SEO upgrades you can make right now: Feb 14, 2010 
  • By 2049 a $1,000 computer will exceed The computational capabilities of the entire human species. -Flip the Funnel Feb 13, 2010 
  • Reading Blind Side before I see the movie. Really interesting so far. Feb 11, 2010 
  • Apparently Ahmadinejad didn’t like Google Buzz. RT @tweetmeme: Iran Reportedly to Permanently Shut Down Gmail Feb 11, 2010 
  • Inspiring speech by JK Rowling at Harvard Commencement Feb 11, 2010 
  • Cool Session @TeachStreet Learn How to Set Up A Professional Website or Blog with WordPress In 2 Hours Feb 11, 2010 
  • Just finished one of the best books ever – The Road by Cormac McCarthy Feb 10, 2010 
  • Please RT! Best Marketing Career Advice From 10 Top Marketing Minds Feb 09, 2010 
  • Good rant against Macmillan’s $15 ebook @alleyinsider Hey, John Sargent, CEO of Macmillan Books, Screw You! Feb 08, 2010 
  • This is cool RT @ShellyKramer: Jon Stewart Talks Twitter with Bill Gates: Feb 08, 2010 
  • This would be funny to see! @benkunz: Sweet. You can turn the iPad into an Internet telephone. (Wired). Feb 08, 2010 
  • Interesting! @mitchjoel and @jaffejuice have heated debate on whether social media agencies should exist Feb 08, 2010 
  • Best Marketing Career Advice From 10 Top Marketing Minds Feb 08, 2010 
  • I’m already behind on my goals of reading a book a week and 100 push ups a day for 2010. Feb 05, 2010 
  • Great managers make changes even when they don’t have to. -Small is The New Big Feb 04, 2010 
  • Being first is worth nothing. Being first in the mind is worth everything. This is the essence of creating a brand. -Al Ries Feb 04, 2010 
  • How to create a brand like iPod Feb 04, 2010 
  • Lost solves a couple mysteries, but then adds 3 more. Funny music video of the remaining Lost mysteries: Feb 04, 2010 
  • I think I contracted ADD from the internet. Feb 02, 2010 
  • Seems like Macmillian is following in the footsteps of the big dumb record and movie industries. Feb 02, 2010 
  • Half of Americans will be obese by 2020. Obesity now a greater burden on healthcare than smoking. -NPR Science Friday Jan 30, 2010 
  • RT @PaulTravis: “Marketing is too important to be left to the marketing department” — David Packard, Chairman of Hewlett Packard Jan 29, 2010 
  • The problem with managers is that they will find things to manage to fill time. -via David Hansson 37 Signals Jan 28, 2010 
  • A lot of people have the misconception that if you do what you love, you will have to live off rice and beans. via Dan Miller Jan 28, 2010 
  • Agreed RT @ericfleming: RIP Kindle. BTW, huge missed opportunity to broadcast keynote live on Apple’s site. Jan 28, 2010 
  • David Heinemeier Hansson from 37 Signals says don’t work 80 hrs a week if you’re an entrepreneur. Great talk: Jan 28, 2010 
  • @tristawinnie What would you do differently if your finances were completely taken care of? Become a full-time student or teach! Jan 27, 2010 
  • eReader on iPad called iBooks Jan 27, 2010 
  • “iPad” -Steve Jobs Jan 27, 2010 
  • RT @HubSpot: ReTweet This to Win One of 3 Apple Tablets from @HubSpot Jan 27, 2010 
  • Following live coverage of Apple Event at Gdgt Jan 27, 2010 
  • RT @tonyrobbins: “The man who loves his job never works a day in his life.” Confucius Jan 27, 2010 
  • What would you do differently if your finances were completely taken care of? Jan 26, 2010 
  • Seth Godin’s new book Lynchpin comes out today. Can’t wait to read it. Jan 26, 2010 
  • @KevinUrie Have you checked out @Hubspot for landing page optimization software? Jan 26, 2010 
  • Just got a review copy of the new marketing book by @jaffejuice, Flip the Funnel. Excited to start reading. Jan 26, 2010 
  • RT @johncmaxwell: Never ignore a gut feeling, but never believe that it’s enough. -Robert Heller Jan 26, 2010 
  • Every CEO and business must recognize that customer service is now their primary business. -@garyvee Jan 26, 2010 
  • RT @BrianFMartin: Are Marketers really driving consumer participation?We go to NY Times Square to get some REAL answers Jan 25, 2010 
  • This is cool. The Transformative Power of Personal Projects: via @avinashkaushik Jan 25, 2010 
  • @ambermac I also found it interesting that @billgates follows @ashleytisdale but I don’t want to judge his taste of music 🙂 Jan 24, 2010 
  • @NW_Mktg_Guy Awesome! Have you seen The documentary Sonicsgate? Bennett to pay fans $1.6 mill Jan 22, 2010 
  • Just told NBA star @jalenrose how the NBA screwed the fans of Seattle at Mashable He agrees Seattle deserves a team Jan 22, 2010 
  • 80 tips for using Twitter for small business Jan 22, 2010 
  • RT @Standup4you: Sandra Bullock Donates $1 Million to Haiti Quake Victims Jan 21, 2010 
  • That’s my kind of fan. Jets Fan names son J.E.T.S. Jan 21, 2010 
  • I recommend following @DanSchawbel for great tips and links about personal branding. Jan 21, 2010 
  • RT @patrickbyers: Interns Wanted: Dead or Alive at Outsource Marketing: Jan 21, 2010 
  • 5 Ways to Get Found Online in Your Town Jan 20, 2010 
  • @blockbuster What’s up with the horrible quality headphones you sell. The store rep said they were great. #allaroundfail Jan 20, 2010 
  • RT @SMCSeattle: #SMCSea One Year Anniversary – 150 Door Tickets! We want to celebrate with all of you! Jan 20, 2010 
  • Just watched @BillGates follower count increase from 45 to 481 in about 20 minutes. Word is getting out crazy fast. Jan 19, 2010 
  • @randfish Just recommended SEOMoz Pro to a colleague and he’s planning to sign up soon. I appreciate all the awesome content at SEOMoz Jan 19, 2010 
  • Wow this really is @BillGates -it’s verified by Twitter. Followers growing crazy fast! Jan 19, 2010 
  • Is this the real @BillGates? If so, I’m the 45th follower! Who hoo. Jan 19, 2010 
  • Just added myself to the twitter directory under: #seattle_wa #marketing #seo #onlinemarketing #seahawks Jan 17, 2010 
  • Only @garyvee can go off on a tangent while recording an audiobook. Love the passion/energy #CrushIt Jan 17, 2010 
  • Don’t understand why Google would want to leave a market that has more internet users than the US. Jan 17, 2010 
  • RT @AndruEdwards: Gear Live & Friends will match your Haiti SMS donations: #haiti Jan 17, 2010 
  • Google is The Yahoo of The China search market. Baidu controls about 60 percent of The market according to Analysys International. Jan 15, 2010 
  • Get a website for your business before Jan 22nd and 90% will go to Haiti Disaster Relief ($270) Jan 15, 2010 
  • @jeffcohn I can help you with your website @Jason Love how a “vc consultant” (w/1997 website) tells me how2 run Open Angel Forum Jan 15, 2010 
  • @berkun: I’ve heard good things about The Road, by Cormac McCarthy. Can’t wait to read it. Jan 14, 2010 
  • An insightful interview by author Bob Gilbreath on marketing with meaning at my blog Please RT! Jan 13, 2010 
  • I support #TeamLeno but good luck to Conan. Jan 13, 2010 
  • Have you checked out CrowdSpring or 99designs? @kristy: I need a logo designed and have no idea where to start. Jan 13, 2010 
  • Wow! @leolaporte was offered $2000 for one tweet by Sony and He has 155,268 followers. Jan 13, 2010 
  • It’s official! Seahawks name Pete Carroll new head coach. Jan 11, 2010 
  • Love this audio interview of @JackTrout on @TheBrandShow Jan 11, 2010 
  • Now is a great time to catch up on Lost. The entire first 5 seasons are now on Hulu! Jan 11, 2010 
  • Jim Mora, the #1 trending topic on Yahoo right now. I thought it would be Pete Carroll. #Seahawks Jan 09, 2010 
  • Great presentation by Jason Fried on marketing by teaching Jan 08, 2010 
  • Building an Awesome Brand: The First Step via @themarketingguy Jan 07, 2010 
  • If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today? -Steve Jobs Jan 07, 2010 
  • No rest for the weary means you must keep persevering no matter how tired or overworked you are. Jan 07, 2010 
  • SEOMoz meetup was awesome. Got to meet @randfishkin, founder of @SEOMoz – great guy. Jan 07, 2010 
  • SEOMoz Meetup in Seattle Wednesday 5-7 at Elysian Brewery Jan 06, 2010 
  • RT @mktgwithmeaning: McDonald’s to offer free Wi-Fi at most restaurants Jan 05, 2010 
  • If Fan House’s calculations are correct the #Seahawks will have the 6th and 14th pick in the draft! Jan 04, 2010 
  • @geekgiant: I feel you. Hopefully something good will happen in the draft with 2 pretty high picks. #Seahawks Jan 04, 2010 
  • RT @dharmesh: Observe customers in action. Trust what you see, not what they articulate or verbalize. -Scott Cook (Intuit) Jan 04, 2010 
  • Just won upgraded tickets from ticketmaster to row 50 at the Seahawks game! Jan 03, 2010 
  • Can Twitter make you healthier? The Withings WiFi Body Scale can tweet your weight! Jan 03, 2010 
  • @TheMarketingGuy Yep that’s me! RE: Do you thrive at night? Night owls have different brains Jan 03, 2010 
  • RT @jaremy: 100 Best Photoshop Tutorials from 2009 Jan 02, 2010 
  • Ok were home Jan 02, 2010 
  • We made it to 2010! Can’t wait to move to the space colony I was promised in 3rd grade. Jan 01, 2010 
  • RT @chrispirillo: 5 hours to go until we begin Subservient Chris to raise money for the MDA! Dec 31, 2009 
  • Bob Gilbreath, author of The Next Evolution of Marketing just agreed to do an interview on w00t! Dec 31, 2009 
  • Watching live streaming for the first time. Great show on marketing. Very informative. Dec 31, 2009 
  • @jacobrhoades I agree! Several factors contribute to the obesity epidemic. How to Get Fat Without Really Trying Dec 31, 2009 
  • RT @searchguru Last SEO tip of the year:best site for checking to see how your website looks to the search Dec 31, 2009 
  • @chrispirillo:Coffee vs. Tea? -Go with tea. A University of Chicago study found that compounds in tea fight bad breath Dec 31, 2009 
  • I wonder what the cost of McDonald’s is to healthcare. 2/3 of Americans are overweight, 1/3 obese. Dec 31, 2009 
  • 500 Days of Summer was surprisingly good. 88% rating on Dec 31, 2009 
  • RT @DrewFromTV: NEW RULE: Follow me OR @Livestrong, when we get a million between us, LIveStrong gets a $1M, no matter the date Dec 31, 2009 
  • So many people are down on the prospects of the US I think we’re going to be pleasantly surprised -an optimist on Times Financial Podcast Dec 31, 2009 
  • @scobleizer on Twit says source says Apple definitely coming out with a tablet. Dec 30, 2009 
  • @kegill: Malcolm Gladwell audio readings are the greatest. His voice is very calming. Liked the Talent Myth chapter best. Dec 30, 2009 
  • I liked this presentation by @randfish on the similarities of raising VC and dating Dec 29, 2009 
  • Anyone need free help setting up a professional personal blog on your own domain? Email me csipe84(at) Dec 29, 2009 
  • Seahawks receivers on air @950kjr taking calls from fans. Loving it! Dec 29, 2009 
  • Via @simonmainwaring: @chrisbrogan presentation at LeWeb Dec 29, 2009 
  • RT @projectline Join us for Book Club, Jan 12 at 5:30 pm in the #Seattle office “Predictably Irrational” Wine and Beer too! Dec 28, 2009 
  • “I see you.” -Neytiri from Avatar Dec 28, 2009 
  • RT @HubSpot: Download a free sample chapter from The Social Media Marketing book from @danzarrella Dec 28, 2009 
  • If you are in marketing, you can learn a great deal about SEO from the blog. Dec 28, 2009 
  • The market for something to believe in is infinite. -Hugh MacLeod Dec 28, 2009 
  • Humans can outrun almost any animal over a long distance, even a horse -NYTimes Dec 28, 2009 
  • Avatar = Exceeded Expectations Dec 26, 2009 
  • RT @123socialmedia 50 CEOs who use Twitter – great article on BusinessWeek Dec 24, 2009 
  • Two hours left to get the Kindle delivered by Christmas (and raise $10.36 for Children’s Hospital) Dec 24, 2009 
  • RT @chrispirillo: There are two things that Jack Bauer never does: Show mercy, and go to the bathroom. Dec 23, 2009 
  • Excellent presentation by @GuyKawasaki on entrepreneurship Dec 23, 2009 
  • You can help charities by watching ads on SocialVibe. Pretty cool. Dec 22, 2009 
  • @geekgiant What are your thoughts on Holmgren to the Browns? I’m incredibly disappointed in the Seahawks organization. Dec 22, 2009 
  • IGN and Ipsos study found gamers make an average of $79K per year, non-gamers make $54K. -The Next Evolution of Marketing Dec 22, 2009 
  • More consumer companies should have a Twitter feed for deals like @delloutlet (1.5 million followers). Dec 22, 2009 
  • Free e-book from Seth Godin and friends – What Matters Now Dec 20, 2009 
  • Common Seahawks, please talk to Mike Holmgren before it’s too late. #Seahawks Dec 18, 2009 
  • @Mikewhitmore Geek Test…Code for Contra on the Super NES? – Is it UpUpDnDnLRLRBA select select start? Dec 18, 2009 
  • Are obesity, having babies, and happiness contagious? Dec 17, 2009 
  • Mike Holmgren is talking to the Browns. I really really hope he comes back to Seattle. #Seahawks Dec 17, 2009 
  • @ruthannt Good to see you on Twitter. I’m liking the @dreamdinners blog at Dec 15, 2009 
  • Free Christmas album from iTunes You can also stream Christmas music free on Pandora. Dec 15, 2009 
  • Wow, Kyle Shanahan, offensive coordinator of the Texans is just 29. Dec 15, 2009 
  • @shaunalexander Thanks for the inspirational bible quotes and making my dream come true (Seahawks in the superbowl). Dec 15, 2009 
  • Seahawks beat 49ers. 49ers beat Cardinals. Therefore, Seahawks > Cardinals. Transitive Property of Equality proves it. Dec 15, 2009 
  • @StevenMatsumoto Some notable people from Kent: Ernie Conwell, Mike Karney (NFL) Rodney Stuckey (NBA) Jeff Dye (comedian) Dec 15, 2009 
  • @TheBeanCast #1 thing for biz to b successful 2010? Create lots of remarkable content and connect with peeps through SM. Dec 11, 2009 
  • Kindle books should cost $1 -Seth Godin I agree! Dec 11, 2009 
  • Audiobooks should be a lot cheaper, no one ever says check out my collection of Audiobooks -Seth Godin Dec 11, 2009 
  • @leolaporte Why would I go to when I can get twice as many free audiobooks at ? Dec 11, 2009 
  • RT @seahawksSpin: NFL Films preview of Seahawks at Texans Dec 10, 2009 
  • RT @ShaunaCausey: What would you be so passionate about doing, that you’d do it for 10 yrs wthout making a dime? -@Zappos #leweb Dec 10, 2009 
  • RT @Teichy: Dance like the photo’s not tagged,love like you’ve never been unfriended,tweet like nobody’s following. Dec 10, 2009 
  • Crazy, my blog has over 500 to 1 ratio of traffic from Google versus Bing. Dec 09, 2009 
  • Thanks @Windowsphone for sponsoring #smcsea with @Veronica. Great to see 250 peeps! Dec 09, 2009 
  • Just met @veronica! Awesome! She is co-host of Tekzilla. Dec 09, 2009 
  • The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to Marketing Your Business on Twitter by @remarkablogger Dec 08, 2009 
  • Seattle AdClub Holiday Social Dec 15th Alexis Hotel 5:30 Free Dec 08, 2009 
  • RT @AnswersDotCom: “99% of the failures come from people who have the habit of making excuses.” -George Washington Carver Dec 07, 2009 
  • Google sends online news publishers 3 billion visitors per month, 100 K visitors per min -Twit podcast 52 min mark Dec 07, 2009 
  • You are 23 times more likely to crash your car when texting. -@moniguzman Dec 07, 2009 
  • My takeaways from reading the book Inbound Marketing by @bhalligan and @dharmesh Dec 07, 2009 
  • Get Seth Godin’s new book for free with a $30 dollar donation to charity (first 3,000 people) Dec 03, 2009 
  • Someone please fix #igniteseattle livestream at Dec 02, 2009 
  • #Igniteseattle Livestream Dec 02, 2009 
  • Now reading The Next Evolution of Marketing which I received as a review copy. Another benefit of blogging! Dec 02, 2009 
  • $158 Apple iPod touch 8 GB 2nd Generation (Previous Model) (Affiliate fees donated to charity $4.49 raised this year) Nov 30, 2009 
  • Just finished the book Inbound Marketing. Highly recommended for marketers. You can get it free at Nov 30, 2009 
  • It costs about $1 million per year per soldier in the field (Iraq & Afgan) -OMB Director Peter Orszag Nov 30, 2009 
  • Cool innovative charity site that integrates social media very well. Nov 27, 2009 
  • It’s not how much money we make that makes us happy, it’s how fulfilling and meaningful the work is. -4 Hour Work Week Nov 25, 2009 
  • Social Media Not The Answer For Weak Brands Nov 24, 2009 
  • The average Costco unit last year did $129 million in annual sales, almost 80% more than the average Walmart. Nov 24, 2009 
  • RT @lisa_dawson: The 7 Harsh Realities of Social Media Marketing (via @copyblogger) Nov 23, 2009 
  • Aviary: Free Online Graphic Design Suite alternative to Adobe CS4 Nov 21, 2009 
  • This Week in Google is a very good Podcast about Google news and discussion with @jeffjarvis, @leolaporte, @ginatrapani Nov 20, 2009 
  • Our brain makes about 10,000 new cells each day. Each cell creates about 10,000 connections to other brain cells over the next 4 months. Nov 20, 2009 
  • SMC Seattle event in December with @Veronica Tickets are going fast Nov 20, 2009 
  • It’s never a bad time to start a business unless you’re starting a mediocre business. -Crush It Nov 19, 2009 
  • Cool, I just got the invite for Kindle for PC beta, but I only have Macs so I will have to wait. Nov 19, 2009 
  • Every business is a service business and the experience is the product. -Small Is The New Big Nov 17, 2009 
  • Need a job in Seattle? Seattle Job Social on 11/19. Details here (via @Geofftucker) Nov 17, 2009 
  • Tons of free ebooks from Tom Peters. Nov 16, 2009 
  • @dtapp55 We’re still behind you. Keep fighting. Go Seahawks! Nov 16, 2009 
  • Check out the website I created for For $300. My new company is Nov 13, 2009 
  • I’m getting free food at Famous Dave’s.In Washington they are offering free meals today for veterans.Next stop Applebee’s and Krispy Kreme Nov 12, 2009 
  • Thinking of Sgt Nathan Vacho who gave his life in Iraq in 2006. He was a great guy. Nov 11, 2009 
  • RT @noahwesley Dear Twitter, got laid-off today. Anyone looking for a passionate web developer/designer or have freelance work–let me know. Nov 11, 2009 
  • Brilliant! RT @FreshPeel: Oh. No. They. Didn’t! Verizon puts the iPhone in the land of the misfit toys with latest ad Nov 09, 2009 
  • About 100 million hours have been spent building Wikipedia, about the same time Americans spend each weekend watching TV ads @evansdave Nov 08, 2009 
  • Heading to a wine party to meet with a local company that creates dinner party kits from different cultures. Nov 05, 2009 
  • Al Ries on why marketing is not about communications Nov 02, 2009 
  • People tend to report higher levels of satisfaction after spending money on experiences rather than things Oct 29, 2009 
  • RT @xebrawerx: Apple’s ad spending for 2009 surpassed $500M. Microsoft spent $1.4 billion & Dell $811M during same period Oct 29, 2009 
  • Nook lets you share certain books with others but I still like my Kindle better since it has a web browser which the Nook doesn’t have. Oct 28, 2009 
  • Guy challenged me for using my smartphone during a social event.Interestingly,Chris Pirillo was also on his device and he’s super sucessful. Oct 28, 2009 
  • RT @iQuote: When one teaches, two learn. – Robert Half Oct 28, 2009 
  • RT @unmarketing: 20% of U.S. Adults Use Twitter, Says Pew – ClickZ: Oct 25, 2009 
  • RT @johncmaxwell: Far & away the best prize that life offers is the chance to work hard at work worth doing. -Theodore Roosevelt Oct 23, 2009 
  • Inbound Marketing University 13 free lectures by experts like Rand Fishkin and David Meerman Scott Oct 23, 2009 
  • Surprised to see the wide selection of elf ears at Amazon. Oct 21, 2009 
  • RT @Weave: Next Social Media Club Seattle networking event: Tuesday, 10/27. #smcsea Oct 20, 2009 
  • RT @johncmaxwell: It is our choices that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities. -JK Rowling Oct 20, 2009 
  • 10 Best Marketing Podcasts of 2009 Oct 19, 2009 
  • There is 21 sq ft of retail space for every individual in the US. -BusinessWeek Behind the Cover podcast Oct 18, 2009 
  • Watch the powerful documentary that affects all professional sports fans. How greed can rip a sports team away from any city Oct 17, 2009 
  • RT @iQuote: I don’t measure a man’s success by how high he climbs but how high he bounces when he hits bottom. – Gen. Patton Oct 17, 2009 
  • Sonicsgate: How Seattle lost the Sonics after 41 years. Watch the full documentary #sonicsgate Oct 15, 2009 
  • RT @DrewFromTV: Follow me and LIVESTRONG gets a MILLION Cancer-Fighting DOLLARS! I’m donating $1 for each follower, up to 1M. Til end of ’09 Oct 15, 2009 
  • Ready to bring da noise at Seahawks stadium!: most opponent false starts at home since 05: Bears-64, Vikings-73, SEAHAWKS-85 Oct 11, 2009 
  • Advertisers are no longer intent with loosely engaged large audiences who may or may not be paying attention-Leo Laporte Oct 07, 2009 
  • 10 Health Care Systems From Around the World Oct 07, 2009 
  • To know and not to do is not to know. -Ancient Chinese Proverb Oct 06, 2009 
  • Did you know you can get free directions on your cell by texting- address1 to address2 -to the number 466453(Google)? Oct 04, 2009 
  • Sony’s first product was a rice cooker. -Jason Calicanis Oct 02, 2009 
  • RT @TheMarketingGuy: Also, check out this interview with @julien and @chrisbrogan from the @fgcast podcast Oct 01, 2009 
  • Brands are becoming more participatory. -Sean Moffitt #Smcseattle Sep 30, 2009 
  • Don’t have Showtime? Watch 1st Episode of Dexter Season 4 in HD on Youtube Sep 29, 2009 
  • Funny how what many called a “stupid” idea is now valued at a billion dollars. Sep 28, 2009 
  • Tom Asacker interview on Social Media, Brands, and Value Sep 28, 2009 
  • Social Media 101 conference in Bellevue is livestreaming right now at Ustream #sm101 Sep 25, 2009 
  • RT @Intand Watch Yale Psychologist Paul Bloom’s highly recommended course on Psychology online for free. A+ Sep 25, 2009 
  • Weird! Just saw a USPS driver driving a mail truck down a busy road while puffing a cigar! #brandfail Sep 21, 2009 
  • RT @SeattleChamber: does anyone know a good program for making fancy animated photo albums/slideshows? Me: Try Animoto! Sep 20, 2009 
  • The US Government subsidizes corn with over $5 billion a year. -Fat Without Really Trying Sep 18, 2009 
  • What happens in Vegas stays in Facebook. -Chris Brogan #smartandsimple Sep 16, 2009 
  • Use Twitter search to find the conversations that matter to you. -Chris Brogan #smartandsimple Sep 16, 2009 
  • Wow, @Anyclip would let you watch any clip from any movie. They just have to get content owners on board to make it work. #Techcrunch50 Sep 15, 2009 
  • Interested in entrepreneurship? Check out the live stream of Techcrunch50 Sep 15, 2009 
  • Seattle Small Business Conference with Chris Brogan Wed Sept 16 Sep 13, 2009 
  • There are 250,000 millionares in China. -Chris Anderson Sep 13, 2009 
  • @csessums How about: How can digital media make learning more fun for students? Sep 12, 2009 
  • We are often more motivated by what we could lose than what we could gain. -Yes! Sep 10, 2009 
  • Is anyone else using Kindle on The iPod. Its the most convenient way to read besides audiobooks. Sep 10, 2009 
  • Amazing Invention Could Provide the World With Fresh Drinking Water Sep 08, 2009 
  • People are often more receptive to a request when they share similarities with the requestor. -Yes! Sep 05, 2009 
  • RT @shelbilavender We’re so busy watching out for what’s just ahead of us that we don’t take time to enjoy where we are. -Calvin & Hobbes Sep 04, 2009 
  • Sad I’m missing PAX (Penny Arcade Expo) in Seattle. Completely sold out. Sep 04, 2009 
  • Arguing against your self interest can make your oranization seem more honest and trustworthy. -Yes! Sep 03, 2009 
  • Benjamin Franklin discovered that you can get an opponent to like you better if you ask for a small favor. -Yes! Sep 02, 2009 
  • Links are vastly superior to page content (in SEO). -Rand Fishkin Sep 02, 2009 
  • RT Kenji_O: 100 Ways To Live A Better Life Sep 01, 2009 
  • Too funny. Captain Obvious is a real person. Sep 01, 2009 
  • More educated subjects reported higher levels of happiness than those who were less educated. -How Stuff Works Aug 29, 2009 
  • @darrylohrt Aug 27, 2009 
  • Why is there an epidemic of obese 6 month-olds? Interesting lecture: Sugar: The Bitter Truth Aug 21, 2009 
  • Please Seattle don’t reelect Greg Nickels. Aug 20, 2009 
  • How do you show upper management the value of Twitter? #smcsea Aug 19, 2009 
  • @smcseattle How do you make your Twitter account personal when your handle is a brand name? #smcsea Aug 19, 2009 
  • Customer complaints are a potential goldmine. -@alaskaair Aug 19, 2009 
  • Companies need to strive to relate to customers. -Frank Elliason Aug 19, 2009 
  • I want to go to #Gnomedex in Seattle this weekend! Aug 19, 2009 
  • We have a natural tendency to do what most other people are doing, even when it is socially undesirable. -Yes Aug 15, 2009 
  • When everyone is panning for gold, sell pans. Aug 12, 2009 
  • Interesting, Seahawks new star receiver’s father is Iranian. Aug 09, 2009 
  • RT @Pearlydean: Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm. -Winston Churchill Aug 04, 2009 
  • RT @tonyrobbins: Let no feeling of discouragement prey upon you, and in the end you are sure to succeed. – Abraham Lincoln Aug 04, 2009 
  • SEO tip: make a list of the top websites for your target keywords and study those sites. Aug 03, 2009 
  • Google reps have stated that PageRank is for entertainment purposes only. -Truth About SEO Aug 03, 2009 
  • What are u up to? Aug 03, 2009 
  • This is cool RT @ericengleman Zappos CEO hands out bonuses, Kindles to employees after Amazon acquisition deal. Aug 02, 2009 
  • nite love Aug 01, 2009 
  • Craft marketing messages that your customers want to hear. -The New Rules of Marketing and PR Aug 01, 2009 
  • Still don’t believe global warning is real. I do. Its about 102 in Seattle. Hottest temperature ever recorded. Jul 29, 2009 
  • Try to include the most important keywords in your url. Google gives a lot of weight to this. Jul 29, 2009 
  • Link to your sites from your LinkedIn profile. LinkedIn does follow their outbound links so it will send link juice to your site. Jul 29, 2009 
  • If the earth was shrunk to the size of a billiard ball, it would be smoother! Jul 27, 2009 
  • Interesting idea: Nokia’s blog hub encourages employees to vent internally (anonymously). Jul 25, 2009 
  • There is nothing good or bad, but thinking makes it so. -Shakespeare #quotes Jul 25, 2009 
  • You can download The audiobook of Chris Anderson’s new book FREE from iTunes for free! Jul 25, 2009 
  • Cool blogger tip: You can now search for Creative Commons images on Google Image Advanced Search Jul 24, 2009 
  • About 97% of businesses have 99 employees or less. -48 Days Podcast Jul 23, 2009 
  • Google Insights for Search: a useful keyword research tool. Jul 22, 2009 
  • Tried to get my Free pastry from Starbucks at 430. If it ended at 1030, they should call it Free Pastry Morning.#StarbucksFail Jul 22, 2009 
  • The Kindle version of C. Anderson’s book FREE is, you guessed it, free on The Kindle! Jul 21, 2009 
  • To opimize for local search put your address in the footer of every page and use your city in title tags.-The Truth About SEO Jul 20, 2009 
  • 70% of new products are launched under existing brand names. -Branding Strategy Insider Jul 18, 2009 
  • Focus on only one goal at a time. -The Power of Less Jul 18, 2009 
  • The U.S. has 30 businesses for every 1,000 people versus 3 for every 1K in most developing countries. -John Byrne Jul 16, 2009 
  • We are finding sites more through social sites like Twitter and Facebook, and less with search. -SMX at Adtech SF Jul 16, 2009 
  • RT @unmarketing: 30 Free Video Editing Tools and Web Services Jul 16, 2009 
  • Buy display ads on relevant sites because this doubles as an inbound link, providing added SEO value to your site. Jul 15, 2009 
  • Search engines like frequency and originality. Check your inbox for common customer questions. -Marketing Over Coffee Jul 14, 2009 
  • Every page on your site should have a unique meta description of 160 characters or less with a good call to action. Jul 13, 2009 
  • Chris Anderson speaking in Seattle July 15 Jul 13, 2009 
  • Time is your most precious commodity. Guard it with your life. -The Power of Less Jul 13, 2009 
  • @geekgiant I’m exited for you. I think it will be a great season for The Seahawks!Are you registering for Seahawks training camp on July 16? Jul 13, 2009 
  • Aim to check email just twice a day at predetermined times. You’re reward? You’ll get a lot more done. -The Power of Less Jul 13, 2009 
  • RT @1HappyJourney: Happiness is not having what you want. It is wanting what you have. – Unknown Jul 12, 2009 
  • Most SEO specialists will probably agree that title tags are the most important factor in ranking highly. -Truth About SEO Jul 11, 2009 
  • At any given moment our five senses are taking in over 11 million pieces of information. -Buying In Jul 08, 2009 
  • The vast majority of the brain’s activity, 98% by one estimate, happens outside of conscious awareness. -Buying In Jul 08, 2009 
  • People are more likely to get angry when it is hot. -Buying In Jul 08, 2009 
  • Download a free audiobook version of Chris Anderson’s new book Free Jul 08, 2009 
  • Doing my part to stimulate the economy by buying a new MacBook. Get Chris Anderson’s new book for Free (sort of). Jul 08, 2009 
  • We often tend to overestimate how happy buying something will make us because we quickly adapt. Jul 07, 2009 
  • Internal links encourage search engines to crawl deep into a site. -Truth About SEO Jul 05, 2009 
  • The job of marketers is 2 understand how minds function so they can create persuasive forms of communication to influence-BrandFastTrackers Jul 01, 2009 
  • There’s a level of credibility inherent in appearing in organic, as opposed to paid search results. -Truth About SEO Jul 01, 2009 
  • Search engine spiders can not see Flash. -Truth About SEO Jul 01, 2009 
  • Make it easy for search engine spiders to crawl your site. -Truth About SEO Jul 01, 2009 
  • To fight negative PR on Google, create newer, fresher, more relevant, and more recent content over time. -Truth About SEO Jul 01, 2009 
  • Is attending a 4-year college obsolete? This article argues why non-grads can be better off financially. Jul 01, 2009 
  • Cool presentation by Tim Ferriss on blogging Jun 30, 2009 
  • Happiness is an attitude, not a symptom of the environment. -Charles Sipe Jun 30, 2009 
  • SE reward sites with strong, relevant, fresh, frequently updated content, well structured architecture, and intelligent link structure. Jun 29, 2009 
  • Web crawlers tend to think copy in the title of a page and near the top is more important. -Truth About SEO Jun 28, 2009 
  • 72% of Google searches result on clicks on organic results. -Truth About SEO Jun 27, 2009 
  • A Jupiter Research study found that 40% of individuals stimulated by an offline cause to search ending up making a purchase. Truth About SEO Jun 27, 2009 
  • RT @THE_REAL_SHAQ: Successful leadership is measured by influence, not authority. Jun 27, 2009 
  • It has been a bad idea to bet against the US since 1776. -Warren Buffett Jun 26, 2009 
  • For great free stock photos for your blog check out Jun 26, 2009 
  • RT @Engagingbrand: Einstein said “The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits.” Jun 24, 2009 
  • The opportunity of defeating the enemy is provided by the enemy himself. -Sun Tzu Jun 23, 2009 
  • Help Iran protestors. Change time zone to Tehran GMT 3:00 and change avatar green at Jun 22, 2009 
  • Show support for democracy in Iran add green overlay to your Twitter avatar with 1-click – Jun 22, 2009 
  • Cleveland Clinic won’t hire smokers, has a farmers market on campus, and employees have lost 75,000 pounds in six months. -CNN Jun 22, 2009 
  • Get your Facebook url before someone else does at Jun 21, 2009 
  • Five Brothers recently opened at The Landing in Renton. Best $5 burger ever. Jun 20, 2009 
  • Easy way to volunteer: answer homework questions on Yahoo Answers Jun 17, 2009 
  • Over half of individuals who self identified as environmentally conscious couldn’t name an environmentally friendly brand. -Buying In Jun 16, 2009 
  • Barcamp Seattle this weekend! Jun 11, 2009 
  • Moms spend $2.1 Trillion a year on products and services. -Ad Age Jun 08, 2009 
  • Among all brand associations, only perceived quality has been shown to drive financial performance. -Branding Strategy Insider Jun 08, 2009 
  • If you wait long enough everyone will eventually show their good side. -Randy Pausch Jun 08, 2009 
  • If you have to interrupt or annoy me to get your ad across, how valuable can what you offer really be? -Social Media Mktg an Hour a Day Jun 06, 2009 
  • The bigger the problem, the bigger the opportunity. -Tina Seelig May 30, 2009 
  • Individuals with Down Syndrome have 10% of the chance of getting cancer as the rest of the population. -Naked Scientist May 30, 2009 
  • Online marketing allows prospects to find you, rather than you having to find them. May 30, 2009 
  • Word of the day- Obduracy: resoluteness by virtue of being unyielding and inflexible Source: May 30, 2009 
  • RT @JamesRivers: “Don’t make someone a priority, who only makes you an option.” ~Author Unknown May 30, 2009 
  • Concur sends a customized basketball to CFOs and follow up with a sales call. This has been really effective. May 29, 2009 
  • Concur’s best call to action in email campaigns is downloading a whitepaper or signing up for a webinar. May 29, 2009 
  • Concur uses banner ads on targeted list of sites to build awareness. 100% of their ad budget is online. May 29, 2009 
  • Concur has 2500 paid search terms that they manage. Search is among the most cost effective lead generation tools. May 29, 2009 
  • Listening to Michael Hilton, co-founder of Concur. Search is the number one way people find out about Concur. May 29, 2009 
  • Negative titles often generate more clicks than positive ones, e.g. Top Reasons Not To Hire Me -World Wide Rave May 26, 2009 
  • To improve search rankings, create great stuff that people want to link to. -World Wide Rave May 25, 2009 
  • Napster has unlimited streaming songs and 5 downloads for $5/month. The recording industry might be starting to get a clue. May 25, 2009 
  • RT @JamesRivers: Reading: Oprah Goes From Zero To A Million Twitter Followers In Just 28 Days May 25, 2009 
  • RT @brandingexpert: On Israel’s Mem Day, a siren sounds at noon, traffic stops, ppl get out of their cars…and stand silent for one minute. May 24, 2009 
  • TripAdvisor created the Facebook app “Cities I Have Visited” in a couple days and it’s on over 5 million profiles. -World Wide Rave May 23, 2009 
  • RT @copyblogger The ROI of social media marketing: 1. Social media is about people, 2. People buy stuff, 3. Any questions? May 22, 2009 
  • 84% of Americans say online reviews influence their purchasing behavior. -Opinion Research Corp May 19, 2009 
  • RT @JamesRivers: “Don’t make someone a priority, who only makes you an option.” ~Author Unknown May 18, 2009 
  • RT @StevenMatsumoto: Thought of the day: Even if you’re on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there. -Will Rogers #quote May 17, 2009 
  • You’ve got to think in terms of spreading ideas, not generating leads. -World Wide Rave May 17, 2009 
  • Requiring personal information to get content will lose you a majority of your potential audience. -World Wide Rave May 17, 2009 
  • RT @geoperdis When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace. – Jimi Hendrix May 15, 2009 
  • @Jasonp107, Twitter guru at Parnussus Group. “If you know about your competitors customers complaints before they do,that’s a great thing” May 15, 2009 
  • After Hyundai launched the Hyundai Assurance campaign, sales in the US increased 20%. May 15, 2009 
  • Listerine was a disinfectant, then did some clever marketing to make consumers aware of a problem they didn’t know they had- halatosis. May 15, 2009 
  • RT @FreshPeel: Quote of the Day: “It is unwise to be too sure of one’s own wisdom.” – Mahatma Ghandi May 15, 2009 
  • RT @BellevueNews Attend the Social Networking for Business Conference in Bellevue May 15th ( May 12, 2009 
  • You can’t watch Lost on Hulu anymore. It redirects you to Dang you Disney. May 11, 2009 
  • Clearwire has issues. Google Clearwire and the fourth result is They want me to pay $170 to cancel my service. May 10, 2009 
  • Your brand message should be easy to transmit in as few words as possible – 1000 songs in your pocket. -World Wide Rave May 09, 2009 
  • Having your Starbucks order printed on a label on your cup seems so impersonal and inauthentic. May 08, 2009 
  • Are we connected on LinkedIn? Connect: csipe84 at gmail dot com May 08, 2009 
  • The value of the top 100 brands increased by 2% to $2 Trillion over the past year. -Millward Brown May 07, 2009 
  • If you convert Word docs to .txt you can upload them to read on the Kindle. So cool! May 06, 2009 
  • @tristawinnie The customer asked for a larger cup bc his drink was nearly overflowing but the Starbucks barista said “we’re not supposed to” May 06, 2009 
  • An executive I work with wants an example of a successful social media campaign. My example was mystarbucksidea. Anyone know others? May 06, 2009 
  • Whatever you do in life, surround yourself with smart people who’ll argue with you. -John Wooden May 06, 2009 
  • When does Twitter become mass media? @aplusk has an audience of 1.6 million. May 06, 2009 
  • @cspenn Have a Kindle 1st Gen and I rather give up my kidney than my Kindle. May 04, 2009 
  • Conventional wisdom will only get you conventional results. -Jason Jennings May 04, 2009 
  • RT @oneaccord Only 52% of Americans consider a TV set a necessity, down 12% since 2006. -Pew Research May 04, 2009 
  • Starbucks barista: “We’re not supposed to. We’ll get yelled at”. What happened to doing anything to delight the customer? Epic fail. Apr 29, 2009 
  • A resume doesn’t tell people how you think, a blog does. Apr 27, 2009 
  • Speak in the language of your buyer, not the language of your founder, CEO, product manager or PR staffer. -World Wide Rave Apr 26, 2009 
  • @berkun the book Buyology discusses mirror nuerons which explain why we feel like we are experiencing what we observe in others. Apr 25, 2009 
  • You should invest in a business that even a fool can run, because someday a fool will. -Warren Buffett Apr 25, 2009 
  • Hubspot’s website grader rocks! Discovered a client had 13,000 inbound links to a url that wasn’t 301 redirected to the main site url. Apr 25, 2009 
  • Just made a call to Movie theater from iPod Touch using Skype app. I need to buy an external mic if I want to talk, but its still cool. Apr 24, 2009 
  • @jimfisher2 welcome to twitter Apr 23, 2009 
  • Limit page titles to 64 characters. -Idiots Guide to SEO Apr 23, 2009 
  • For web copywriting, you have 2 audiences: visitors and search engines. -Idiot’s Guide to SEO Apr 23, 2009 
  • The power of word of mouth. Has anyone in America not heard of Susan Boyle? Apr 22, 2009 
  • Only 1 in 12 Americans use RSS feeds! -Groundswell Apr 22, 2009 
  • April 21st is Free Cone Day at Ben and Jerrys! Apr 21, 2009 
  • To create a new category you have to think “different” not “better”. -War in the Boardroom Apr 21, 2009 
  • RT @JamesRivers “To Be Yourself in a World That is Constantly Trying to Make You Something Else is the Great Accomplishment” -Ralph Emerson Apr 16, 2009 
  • @themarketingguy: Drupal is over complicated and doesn’t have many cool/free themes. It’s more geared toward static websites, I believe. Apr 15, 2009 
  • Why Groundswell may be one of the best marketing books of the decade. Apr 15, 2009 
  • @mvolpe: Mktg Podcast favorites: Brand Fast Trackers, Beancast, Ducttape Marketing, The Advertising Show, Podtini, Marketing Over Coffee. Apr 14, 2009 
  • You don’t make money building better products; you make money building better brands. -War in the Boardroom Apr 14, 2009 
  • I’m attending the Social Media Event event with SEOMoz in Seattle April 15th at 5pm #twtvite #smc Apr 13, 2009 
  • New Diggbar is annoying. They need to get rid of it. Apr 12, 2009 
  • It’s easy to change a reality but hard to change a perception. -War in the Boardroom Apr 12, 2009 
  • Most people are afraid to fail. If you want to be successful, build a tolerance for failure. -Jensen Huang NVidia Apr 11, 2009 
  • The Age of Conversation 2, the book I helped author is now on Amazon! Apr 11, 2009 
  • If you have a 2nd gen iPod touch with mic and WiFi, you can get unlimited calls to mobiles and landlines for $2.95 a month with Skype! Apr 07, 2009 
  • Your brand is whatever your customers say it is. -Groundswell Apr 06, 2009 
  • RT @jackiehuba: IBM has more than 1,000 employees using Twitter to share ideas and communicate on research projects Apr 04, 2009 
  • RT @tonyrobbins: Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future. John F. Kennedy Apr 04, 2009 
  • College marketing courses prepare you to be the CMO of P&G not for starting out in marketing. -paraphrasing from Marketing Over Coffee Apr 04, 2009 
  • Our brains are not built to sit in a cubicle or classroom for 8 hours. Exercise improves our brain function. -Brain Rules Apr 04, 2009 
  • RT @tonyrobbins: “The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good.” Sam Johnson Apr 01, 2009 
  • Why doesn’t the Kindle have a free book section for the Kindle store? Apr 01, 2009 
  • RT @mcuban: Life is an open book test. Learning how to learn is your most valuable skill in the online world Mar 31, 2009 
  • @coreycaitlin Let me know if you have any questions about setting up your site, have done it many times. Mar 31, 2009 
  • Can brain scans provide more accurate insights into consumer behavior? The author of Buyology thinks so. Mar 31, 2009 
  • @mcuban The NBA should be paying you, not fining you, for your contributions to the league. Go Mavs! (I’m a former Sonics fan) Mar 30, 2009 
  • When everyone is panning for Gold, sell pans. -Flip Mar 30, 2009 
  • @marketingguy You could check out the Acer netbook at Costco. 160GB, 1 GB ram, Microsoft XP, $300. Mar 29, 2009 
  • 80% of us have our best ideas outside the office -No More Mondays Mar 28, 2009 
  • My college professor said if you’re not meeting 5 new people a day, you are behind the curve. Mar 26, 2009 
  • RT@marketingfeed Nielsen report: Average American viewer watching 151 hours of TV per month up from 145 last year Mar 25, 2009 
  • @bryanotis The original was “The Fast and the Furious”, the upcoming movie is just “Fast & Furious”. It’s clearly different. Mar 25, 2009 
  • Nielsen research: consumer recommendations the most credible form of advertising among 78% of study participants Mar 25, 2009 
  • Reading Flip, Murdoch didn’t know how they would make MySpace work when he bought it for 600 million but said they would figure it out. Mar 24, 2009 
  • Follow business execs on Twitter. Hat tip @guykawasaki Mar 23, 2009 
  • Did you see Obama on ESPN last night making picks for the NCAA tournament? What a cool president. Mar 19, 2009 
  • Nervous for UW’s first round game. Became a college basketball fan since Seattle no longer has an NBA team. Mar 19, 2009 
  • I can’t update my Facebook feed from my cell because I have T-Mobile? What’s up with that T-Mobile? Mar 19, 2009 
  • RT @JamesRivers: “To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment”-R. Emerson Mar 16, 2009 
  • If there was no praise or criticism in the world, then who would I be? -It’s Not About the Coffee Mar 15, 2009 
  • The new car smell is produced by an aerosol can. -Buyology Mar 15, 2009 
  • I predict camping will become more popular in the future as people try to escape all the screens :computer, cell, tv, kindle etc. Mar 14, 2009 
  • New Post on how Twitter can be the ultimate marketing research tool Mar 14, 2009 
  • Bank of America is a horrible bank. Skittles! Mar 13, 2009 
  • RT @sernovitz: One click feeds 140 kids Mar 12, 2009 
  • RT @JOHNABYRNE: $50 trillion wiped off world financial assets Mar 12, 2009 
  • Yes, I’m going to Northwest Tweetup with Social Media Northwest on Mar 19, 2009 #twtvite Mar 12, 2009 
  • Tweetup with Social Media Northwest on Mar 19, 2009 12-2pm Mar 12, 2009 
  • @Bestbuycmo BestBuy didn’t make BW’s top 25 customer service because you never hear stories of above and beyond service ala Zappos/Nordstrom Mar 12, 2009 
  • RT @cspenn: New @dmscott book is available FREE on the Kindle, iPod Touch, and iPhone until Sunday. Get yours! Mar 11, 2009 
  • @chrispirillo On TWIT this week they were talking about how Garyvee contacted Facebook and they transferred all his friends to a fan page. Mar 10, 2009 
  • Let your employer know that it’s National Napping Day to catch up on the hour we just lost. Mar 09, 2009 
  • Apparently if your small business gets merchant services from Wells Fargo and you cancel before 3 yrs there’s a $500 fee. Arrgh. Mar 09, 2009 
  • Is it really necessary to say good night on Twitter? Mar 09, 2009 
  • RT @brandonacox: “True happiness is not attained through self-gratification, but through fidelity to a worthy purpose.” ~ Hellen Keller Mar 08, 2009 
  • How bout those Huskies! First outright men’s basketball Pac-10 Championship in 55 years. Mar 08, 2009 
  • RT @KyNamDoan: “Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again more intelligently” -Henry Ford Mar 06, 2009 
  • I hate Bank of America from the bottom of my heart. If I live to be 100, I will not do business with BofA for at least 75 more years. Mar 06, 2009 
  • Bank of America just closed my accounts because the commercial landlord’s deposit refund check bounced. BofA is now on my brand blacklist. Mar 05, 2009 
  • RT @skinny: “If you ask the wrong questions, the answer is irrelevant.” Mar 04, 2009 
  • Don’t forget internal linking to spread page rank throughout your site. Mar 03, 2009 
  • Twitterer: I suddenly feel the urge to eat Skittles! Friend: But you’re diabetic! Mar 03, 2009 
  • AIG $62 billion quarterly loss–largest in history. Mar 02, 2009 
  • Richardbrune Mar 02, 2009 
  • RT @kerobi Did you know that only 4% of job hunters who apply online actually get jobs? 33% get jobs through their own network. Mar 01, 2009 
  • @answers What is the best place to get free wordpress website templates (not blogs)? Feb 28, 2009 
  • RT @cnn: GM loses $9.6 billion in 4th quarter Feb 28, 2009 
  • RT @patrickbyers:Hey marketers: Teens send 2,272 text messages/month and spend 31 hours online/week. What do you think? Feb 28, 2009 
  • RT @roshanthomas: Did you know this? Number of children in the world:2.2 Billion. Number in poverty:1 Billion (almost half!) Feb 28, 2009 
  • Heading to a UW business alumni meetup! Go Huskies! Feb 26, 2009 
  • Follow thetvaholic bmw beanfair jshuey kevinurie Feb 25, 2009 
  • Seattle ad agency Wexley School for Girls featured in Inc. Magizine! Feb 25, 2009 
  • The Kindle 2 has a text to voice feature!? I wonder if I can trade in my old Kindle. Feb 25, 2009 
  • Twitter’s slogan should be: Twitter – More Addicting than Crack. Feb 23, 2009 
  • Always interesting consumer behavior articles at Feb 22, 2009 
  • In order to make a man or boy covet a thing, it is only necessary to make the thing difficult to attain. -The Adventures of Tom Sawyer Feb 19, 2009 
  • ESPN reporting Griffey signs with Mariners! Feb 19, 2009 
  • Excited to meet up with Darin Leonard CEO of Dream Dinners tommorow. Feb 18, 2009 
  • At the Puget Sound American Marketing Association happy hour mixer at Elysian Fields in Seattle. Feb 18, 2009 
  • RT @Cspenn Did you know 50% of Harvard Business School’s graduating class have no jobs? Crazy. Feb 18, 2009 
  • is a great online text to speech site. Feb 17, 2009 
  • I wonder what the number one reason people like going to the mall -to buy stuff, to socialize, or for the experience? Feb 15, 2009 
  • Paul Allen lost 7 billion dollar investment in Charter Communications. I hope he can still afford free agents for the Seahawks. Feb 14, 2009 
  • If you like spy action you must see Taken. Feb 14, 2009 
  • @searchguru To add youtube video to blog copy embed code on youtube page and paste in html view of blog post edit. Feb 12, 2009 
  • RT @oneaccord Free sales and marketing advice from experienced executives. Ask questions at Feb 09, 2009 
  • Sway is a brilliant Book. Lots of great marketing implications. Feb 09, 2009 
  • It’s a waste of time to think of something more than once. -Getting Things Done Feb 08, 2009 
  • @searchguru One way to put ads in the right sidebar is to add the html code into a text widget. Feb 07, 2009 
  • Folliw benmcconnell Feb 06, 2009 
  • This could significantly cut your time spent on email. Feb 06, 2009 
  • Save Our Sonics is taking a shuttle to Portland to boo the Thunder Feb 11. Anyone in the Seattle area interested? Feb 05, 2009 
  • @cpenn I like the T-Mobile Dash. It’s solid for Twitter and is easy to type on. Feb 04, 2009 
  • RT @fgossieaux: The rules for marketers in this downturn are different than before Feb 04, 2009 
  • Passed by Dennys at 11am and it was packed. Feb 03, 2009 
  • Find out how to get to a human when calling hundreds of companies Feb 03, 2009 
  • Yeah! Go Steelers! Feb 02, 2009 
  • RT @oneaccord China now has a larger internet population than the US. Jan 31, 2009 
  • Totally agree with 400k cap on salaries at companies that accept bailout money. Jan 31, 2009 
  • This is awesome Jan 30, 2009 
  • Find companies that use Twitter Jan 30, 2009 
  • Interesting Op-Ed: Where Sweatshops are a Dream Jan 29, 2009 
  • Back from Mexico! Jan 28, 2009 
  • RT @oneaccord Interesting Article in BusinessWeek on the Free Labor Market Jan 19, 2009 
  • My Xbox 360 got the red ring of death. For the second time this year! Jan 19, 2009 
  • Gladwell “Theres a chinese proverb – a man who works 360 days from dawn to dusk, does not starve”. Jan 19, 2009 
  • RT @oneaccord Study: Shoppers willing to pay more for products they can touch Jan 18, 2009 
  • Obama needs to update his Twitter. Jan 16, 2009 
  • @THE_REAL_SHAQ actually meets with twitterers. That’s so cool. Wonder when or if Labron James will Twitter. Jan 15, 2009 
  • In Japan you can hire someone to pretend to be your spouse Jan 14, 2009 
  • I’m kinda upset that 24 brought Tony Almeda back to life. He was injected with a special compound? WTH! Jan 14, 2009 
  • You should ask yourself everyday: Are you an Eyeore or a Tigger? Jan 14, 2009 
  • Our cars release about 1 pound of CO2 per mile we drive. -Hot, Flat, and Crowded Jan 13, 2009 
  • Track consumer behavior Jan 12, 2009 
  • RT @searchguru A great resource for finding and following companies on Twitter: Jan 12, 2009 
  • Chacha is a cool service that will answer your questions by text for free. Jan 11, 2009 
  • Thanks for following Governor Schwarzenegger! (@schwarzenegger) Jan 09, 2009 
  • Really excited for meeting with the CEO of Intand tomorrow. Jan 09, 2009 
  • Starbucks spent 45 million on a corporate jet and they are not matching 401k’s for employees? Terrible! Jan 09, 2009 
  • In a world of choice, no one picks good enough. -Meatball Sundae Jan 08, 2009 
  • Americans have an average of more than 100 conversations a week about products and services. -Join the Conversation Jan 08, 2009 
  • @projectline That’s great! I hope you get good value out of it. Also see Top 10 Marketing Books of 2008 at Jan 08, 2009 
  • Malcom Gladwell is coming to Seattle Jan 17 and I will be attending his talk! Jan 07, 2009 
  • Very useful Hubspot Inbound marketing webinar on SEO and blogging Jan 06, 2009 
  • @searchguru Have you tried going to the html view of the post edit page and clicking on the b icon at the top or typing <b> text here </b>? Jan 05, 2009 
  • @chrisbrogan I recommend for text to speech. Jan 04, 2009 
  • What was Pepsi thinking with their new logo? It’s hideous. Jan 04, 2009 
  • Really interesting discussion on the Across the Sound podcast about the “death” of podcasting. Jan 02, 2009 
  • Top 10 Marketing Books of 2008 Jan 02, 2009 
  • Happy new year from Seattle Jan 01, 2009 
  • Top Gear’s Tesla test faked! Jan 01, 2009 
  • Obama will not raise capital gains until later. There are no capital gains anyways. Dec 31, 2008 
  • Twitter will grow exponentially in 09. Dec 31, 2008 
  • Track bellevue Dec 31, 2008 
  • Track Seattle Dec 31, 2008 
  • Starbucks will stop matching 401k contributions. Sad. Dec 31, 2008 
  • I don’t understand why people gamble at Casinos. The house always wins. This is an example of irrational behavior. Dec 31, 2008 
  • I have 2 clients for my new SEO firm – Sype Seo Strategies Dec 31, 2008 
  • Tapscott’s new book Growing Up Digital argues that young people are not the dumbest generation, they are the smartest! Dec 26, 2008 
  • Great charity that raises money from your clicks: Dec 25, 2008 
  • RT Lifehacker: Self-Aware Daydreamers More Creative, Study Shows Dec 25, 2008 
  • If you are thinking of getting a Kindle, they no longer have the NowNow answering service. 🙁 Dec 25, 2008 
  • @chrisbrogan I think airport ads are effective because they reach a captive audience. Dec 25, 2008 
  • I’m proposed, as of 1 hour ago. Dec 24, 2008 
  • I like getting cool links via Twitter. One of its best benefits I think. Dec 24, 2008 
  • Whomever invented mortgage backed securities is not cool. Dec 23, 2008 
  • Sad: some families have been stranded at airport for three nights, and no hotels available. Dec 23, 2008 
  • @themarketingguy Sorry, Jay. I must regrettably remove my name from consideration for your VA. Dec 23, 2008 
  • Friedman advocates nation building at home in Hot, Flat, and Crowded. Dec 23, 2008 
  • Biggest snow storm in a decade in Seattle. Dec 22, 2008 
  • Listening to Time Management lecture by the late Randy Pausch. Awesome! Dec 21, 2008 
  • The brand name Exxon was generated by a computer. -The Truth About What Customers Want Dec 17, 2008 
  • Working on an SEO campaign for OneAccord, which staffs companies with interim sales and marketing executives. Dec 16, 2008 
  • @themarketingguy I would like to be considered for your VA. I am experienced with wordpress. [email protected] Dec 15, 2008 
  • Page Rank is named after its creator, Larry Page. Dec 15, 2008 
  • Congrats to Bradford for winning the Heisman. One of the best seasons ever for a quarterback and just a sophmore. Dec 14, 2008 
  • Cool, it might snow 6 inches tonight in Seattle! Dec 12, 2008 
  • Apparently Oprah has caused the Kindle to be out of stock until february. Dec 10, 2008 
  • Reading Tribes. Pretty interesting but a lot of rehashing from previous books. Dec 09, 2008 
  • @themarketingguy If need any help with implementing wordpress let me know. I used wordpress for Dec 08, 2008 
  • I have 7 days left in the military. Dec 07, 2008 
  • @projectline The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership is probably one of the best leadership books. Dec 07, 2008 
  • @projectline I agree Leadership Challenge is a great read. I also liked John C Maxwell’s books on leadership. Dec 06, 2008 
  • Just got a iPod touch, it is a killer learning tool. Dec 06, 2008 
  • @THE_REAL_SHAQ Don’t you think the Sonics should have stayed in Seattle? -from one of your fans in Seattle. Dec 05, 2008 
  • 70% of happiness is attributed to relationships. -Geography of Bliss Dec 01, 2008 
  • Predictably Irrational is one of the best books on consumer behavior/psychology. Nov 30, 2008 
  • Its football hell in Seattle, Seahawks 2-9, Huskies 0-11. Nov 24, 2008 
  • New Harry Potter 6 trailer is out. Only 6 more months until the actual movie. Nov 21, 2008 
  • A study by Unity Marketing found affluent Americans are shopping less often and more strategically. Nov 15, 2008 
  • The CIA experimented LSD on American citizens in the fifties. Nov 13, 2008 
  • At my polling location in Kent, WA, the wait was just 5 minutes at 10:30 am. Nov 04, 2008 
  • Just voted! Whohoo! I didn’t like either candidate for Governor so I voted for myself. Nov 04, 2008 
  • @Jasoncalacanis best vacation home near LA = Mazatlan Mexico. Oct 31, 2008 
  • I’m in my Startrek uniform today. Oct 31, 2008 
  • What a depressing year for Seattle sports. Oct 20, 2008 
  • Laid off yesterday. Looking for a new gig. Oct 10, 2008 
  • @Jasoncalacanis Biden will win easily. He has much more knowledge and experience to draw from. Oct 02, 2008 
  • @Veronica , i read that the giant squid could get brain damage if they eat larger pieces of food since it goes through the brain on the … Sep 01, 2008 
  • Theres a bunch of Cougar fans in Seattle. Ahhh! Aug 30, 2008 
  • I can’t see Palin as president. What a year in politics. Aug 30, 2008 
  • Debating whether to go to PAX this weekend in Seattle. Aug 29, 2008 
  • Work is a means of living, it is not life itself. -Mahatma Gandhi Aug 24, 2008 
  • Obama picks Biden. Aug 23, 2008 
  • MC Hammer is a marketing genius. Aug 20, 2008 
  • What was the Jamaican sprinter thinking in the 100 M!? He could have beat the world record by more if he wasn’t showboating. Aug 17, 2008 
  • Thats nice.. Aug 14, 2008 
  • People who are too busy tend to be more happy than those who are not busy enough. Aug 05, 2008 
  • 80% of executives think their company provides a great customer experience but customers think only 8% do. – Sean Moffitt in google video. Aug 03, 2008 
  • @Jasoncalacanis I doubt Knol will beat Mahalo. For one thing Knol is one of the worst names ever. Jul 24, 2008 
  • Finishing up Geography of Bliss: a great book. Jul 24, 2008 
  • @Jasoncalacanis re:Obama -The rich should pay more taxes because you are making the rest of society envious and therefore lowering the a … Jul 24, 2008 
  • @Jasoncalacanis However I do agree the govt should only spend on worthwhile things. Jul 24, 2008 
  • @Jasoncalacanis Barrack Obama would lower taxes for the lower and middle classes. He would only raise taxes for the rich. Jul 23, 2008 
  • Dark Knight is my new favorite movie. I’m sad its over. Jul 20, 2008 
  • People who are too busy report being happier than those who are not busy enough. -Geography of Bliss Jul 18, 2008 
  • I haven’t this excited for a movie in a long time. Jul 17, 2008 
  • Hancock was good, i dont know what the haters are smoking Jul 13, 2008 
  • People are least happy during their commute. Jul 04, 2008 
  • BofA buying Countrywide is good move. They will change the name. Jul 03, 2008 
  • I’m devastated that Seattle, my home of 22 years, has lost their only major sport championship team. Jul 03, 2008 
  • Consumer confidence plummets to lowest level since 92. -Jason Calicanis Jun 26, 2008 
  • Some truckers can spend $1000 to fill up their tank! Jun 23, 2008 
  • I think a lot of people talk a lot without actually saying much. Jun 23, 2008 
  • Cool new post on my mexico blog – Jun 23, 2008 
  • Frito Lay transmitted an 30 second ad toward a solar system 42 light years away. Jun 23, 2008