-Get outside during your lunch break.
-Make your workspace more attractive.
Sixteen Tips for Feeling Happier at Work The Happiness Project
-Never say “Yes” on the phone. Say “I’ll get back to you” instead.
-Meet up with someone outside the office for lunch at least once a week.
Top Ten Ways to Be Happy at Work About.com
-Do something you love every single day.
-Assertively ask for a weekly meeting with your boss to ask questions.
-Request feedback from your boss frequently.
Happiness at Work – 12 Simple Ways to Make it Happen! LifeHack
-Remember that you are more than your work.
Most Choose Cash Over Happiness, Study Shows Live Science
-Study participants preferred a higher paying job with long hours, less sleep, and less happiness.
Find Happiness at Work Forbes
-Women are generally happier at work than men.
-Working hard on improving a skill increases happiness in the long term.
Do Happier People Work Harder? NYTimes
-Workers are more likely to have new ideas on days they feel happier.
Can happiness be a good business strategy? The Guardian
-People who are happier at work are more productive.
5 Scientifically Proven Ways to be Happier at Work AOL
-People who regularly worked overtime had greater anxiety and depression.
-Stop thinking about work when you are at home.
10 Steps to Happiness Forbes
-Having a positive frame of mind is a key to happiness at work no matter what the outcome.
Can Working Virtually Increase Happiness? CBS
-Studies show that time saved commuting is usually spent working.
Happy People Really do Work Harder The Guardian
-In a study, workers who watched a 10 minute comedy video had significantly higher productivity (happier employees were 12% more productive).
The Happiness Dividend Harvard Business Review
-Write down three things you are grateful for each day.
-Exercise for 10 minutes per day.
Advice for New Marketing Agencies: Interview with Anika Lehde from Projectline Cool Marketing Stuff
-Focusing first on employee happiness can result in strong company growth.
An excellent talk by Chade-Meng Tan about increasing happiness at work through meditation.
Flickr Creative Commons Photo by Mo Riza