I think podcasts are a great source of education and entertainment. One thing I love about podcasts is that there are great shows on almost any possible topic you could be interested in. Interested in science fiction books? Check out The Sword and Laser Podcast. Interested in marketing interviews? Try Brand Fast-Trackers. Here are just a few of the podcasts that I enjoy each week.
Marketing Over Coffee
John Wall and Chris Penn discuss marketing tactics, tips, and the latest developments in online marketing on this great weekly podcast.
A weekly panel of marketers discuss the latest news in the advertising and marketing field in this entertaining and insightful show.
This Week in Tech
A weekly panel of tech experts provide entertaining commentary on the past week’s tech news.
The Naked Scientists
This is an awesome science podcast from the UK. One of the hosts, Chris Smith, has an uncanny ability to answer almost any science question from callers. I emailed in a question about why spicy foods make you sweat and they answered it on the show which was really exciting (the answer has to do with capsaicin).
Freakonomics Radio
Expanding on the theme of the book, Freakonomics Radio explores fascinating topics each week like “The Economist’s Guide to Parenting” which describes research that suggests that parents don’t matter very much.
Stuff You Should Know
A fun and informative podcast that focuses on a different interesting topic each week.
Career Tools
This podcast is a like having a great mentor provide you with hours of specific advice on how to be successful in the corporate environment.
Andrew Warner conducts in-depth interviews with successful entrepreneurs. I find these so valuable that I pay for the premium membership.
This Week in Startups
Valuable interviews with entrepreneurs and discussion about startup news.
48 Days Podcast
Dan Miller hosts this inspiring weekly podcast that discusses why you should pursue work that you love.
This American Life
The wildly popular story telling podcast by Chicago Public Radio is a must-listen.
An excellent Harry Potter podcast by a team of young fans. The quality of the recordings is extremely high due to about 8 hours of post-production for each episode.
Manager Tools
An excellent weekly show that provides actionable and precise instructions for being a better manager like how to conduct an effective interview.
Rise to the Top
Great interviews by David Siteman Garland with successful business professionals, entrepreneurs, authors, and fitness experts.
APM Marketplace
Get the latest news on the markets and business every weekday morning.
Photo courtesy of John P. from onemansblog.com