30 Excellent Talks for Living a Great Life

The following video talks provide great insights and advice for living the life you want and achieving your dreams.

Neil Gaiman
Commencement Speech at the University of the Arts on Making Great Art (19:55)
Chris Sacca
Commencement Speech at the University of Minnesota (28:40)
Randy Pausch
Achieving Your Childhood Dreams (1:16:26)
Jia Jiang
Lessons from overcoming the fear of rejection during a 100 Days of Rejection challenge. (12:00)

4. Professor Deepak Malhotra from Harvard explains the value of quitting in this talk to graduating MBA students. (54:23)
5. Tony Hsieh speaks at Web 2.0 Summit and discusses what he learned when building Zappos into a billion dollar company. (16:45)
7. Danny Dover explains how he overcame major depression by starting a life list. (5:59)
8. University of Richmond Accounting Professor Joe Hoyle gives a Last Lecture talk. (1:08:52)
9. Reid Hoffman discusses managing your career and life like a startup. (1:00:09)
10. Reid Hoffman & Ben Casnocha discuss the concepts from The Startup of You. (1:23:17)
11. Dan Gilbert explains how humans can synthesize happiness. (21:20)
12. Josh Kaufman explains how to get a business education without going to school. (53:13)
13. Benjamin Wallace explores why people spend huge amounts of money on things like million dollar wine bottles and a $64,000 bed. (14:36)
14. Susan Cain shares the advantages of being an introvert. (43:49)
15. The late professor Randy Pausch gives a great lecture on time management. (1:16:22)
16. Author Chade-Meng Tan shares his ideas on mastery. (54:15)
17. Adam Leipzig explains how to find your life purpose in 5 minutes. (10:34)
18. Anthony Robbins gives a talk on achieving your goals. (35:08)
19. Humorous and touching talk about aliens by comedian John Hodgman. (18:07)
20. This list could not be complete with Steve Jobs famous commencement speech at Stanford. (15:05)
21. An interesting talk about the science of creativity by Jonah Lehrer. (1:03:37)
22. The popular and influential talk by Daniel Pink on motivation. (18:37)
23. Kelly McGonigal discusses the science of will power. (54:03)
24. Shawn Achor discusses research on happiness and work. (12:21)
25. Daniel Amen shares top takeaways about the brain from studying 63,000 brain scans over 20 years. (19:10)
26. Guy Kawasaki discusses some of his ideas on entrepreneurship from his book Art of the Start. (39:46)
27. James Altucher shares actionable tips for selling yourself. (43:34)
28. Dan Ariely discusses what makes us feel good about our work in this TEDx talk. (20:26)
29. Rick Steves gives a great talk about how world travel can open your eyes and make you a better world citizen. (21:25)
30. Susan Cain discusses the power of introverts. (19:04)
31. Graham Hill explains how having less stuff made him happy. (5:49)

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