Happiness may bring you more money, study says LA Times
-Happier teens were more likely to go to college and get promoted.
-Very happy teens earned 10% higher than average.
The Myths of Happiness Barry Schwartz, Salon
-Happier people live longer and do better work.
-Experiences do a lot more for our happiness than possessions.
-People focus too much on the goal and not on the journey.
Is happiness the secret of success? by Shawn Achor CNN
-Happiness raises sales 37% and productivity by 31%.
-Write 3 new things you are grateful for each day.
5 Reliable Findings from Happiness Research Psych Central
-People who give money away appear to be happier.
-You control about half of your happiness (the other half is genetic).
Why Are Some Cities Happier Than Others? The Atlantic
-There are 3 major decisions in life that affect happiness: where to live, what to do, and with whom to do it.
Ten simple steps to boost your happiness Scouting
-Breaking a sweat can be as effective as antidepressants at fighting depression.
-Happy people live longer and earn more money.
Five habits for creating long-term happiness Fast Company
-Meditate regularly.
-Set aside time each day for a laugh.
Scientific Proof That Happiness Is a Choice Next Avenue
-Happiness from exercise comes from the repeated patterns of believing your behavior matters.
-People who start exercising start eating healthier.
But Will It Make You Happy? New York Times
-Spending money on experiences produces longer lasting satisfaction.
-Money up to a certain point makes people happier because it helps them meet certain needs.
-Hedonic adaptation describes how we quickly adapt to changes.
Don’t Indulge. Be Happy. New York Times
-Survey data shows higher income resulted in better moods, but the impact tapered off after $75,000.
-How we spend our money is more important that how much we make.
Being Filthy Rich Doesn’t Buy Happiness, But Raises Do Wired
-A steadily growing income can increase happiness.
-The ability to purchase things we desire makes a difference.
The New Science of Happiness Time
-Once your basic needs are met, additional income does little to improve your life satisfaction.
Pursuing Happiness: What Works and Why (video)
-Circumstances don’t predict happiness very strongly.
-You need to change what you do not what you have.
There’s More to Life Than Being Happy The Atlantic
-Nearly a quarter of Americans do not have a strong sense of what makes their lives meaningful (or are nuetral).
Is Money the Secret to Happiness? Psychology Today
-Much of the pleasure of acquiring things is in getting them.
-We tend to overestimate the impact of higher income.
-One of the most common regrets is not spending more time with children when they were young.
The Pursuit of Happiness Psychology Today
-Some people are born with a more positive outlook.
-Things are never as bad or good as we expect them to be.
With Age Comes Happiness Time
-Both happiness and depression can increase with age.
-A tough economic time period can affect the well being of an entire generation.
Too much happiness can make you unhappy, studies show Washington Post
-Ed Diener found those who reported the highest life satisfaction later reported lower income and dropped out of school earlier.
-Studies show that sad people are attentive to detail and externally orientated.
Does Having Children Make You Happier (audio) NPR
-Things that people think make them happy often don’t.
-Parents are slightly happier than non-parents.
-Parenting appears to increase happiness more with men than women.
What You Need To Be Happy by Professor Ed Diener (video) Baylor University
-Having work that you love is important for long-term happiness.
-Active leisure is a key to happiness like going hiking.
-People who live in a concrete jungle are not as happy.
-Air pollution lowers life satisfaction.
Can Money Buy Happiness (video) AsapScience
-People who win the lottery often report becoming very unhappy, partly due to ruined social relationships.
-People who spend money on others feel happier.
-Giving gifts to others is positively correlated with happiness.
Happiness Inc. New York Times
-Unhappy people compare a lot and care about the results.
Using Money to Buy Happiness Scientific American
-Simply having more money doesn’t guarantee happiness.
-The greatest increase in happiness is often in the weeks leading up to a vacation, which shows the power of anticipation.
Commuting The Frontal Cortex
-People consistently underestimate the pain of a long commute
-Frey and Stutzer estimate that a person with a one-hour commute has to earn 40 percent more money to be as satisfied with life as someone who walks to the office.
Does Smiling Make You Happy? How Stuff Works
-Studies consistently show that smiling causes happy feelings but there isn’t a definitive explanation.
Shawn Achor: “Before Happiness” (video) Talks at Google
-Positivity or negativity are contagious.
Creative Commons photo by Mark Sebastian